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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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Howland posted on 07/22/2006

Shikes! just catching up on things around here and what do I find?--a hole in the G-head! Hope no good ideas escaped before you got zipped back up. Heal well friend--you'll have a pretty head in no time.

Raffertiki posted on 07/22/2006

Kick it, GMan! It's good to hear from you, regardless.

GMAN posted on 07/23/2006

Hey folks,

Here's a little update on the boar hog pendant. I am using some little chisels with iddy biddy working edges. I know it's hard to see, but I've removed a fair amount of wood here already. I also have another Taniwha pendant going, but I'll post pics of it later.


TravelingJones posted on 07/23/2006

Suuuueeeey SsweeetT Hog Gman!...let the chips fly!!! Glad to see your headz back into the woodworkz!


GMAN posted on 07/23/2006

Flippity-floppity Jones - Thanks :) I'm glad you approve.

All - Here is a Maori Taniwha pendant I've been working on for another TCer....it's getting closer. It still needs some cleaning up. Oh, yeah, and eyes....

Here he is sanded and ready for stain/inlays


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-07-23 14:02 ]

Benzart posted on 07/23/2006

Lookin good Gman, How do ya likecarvin that Zebra wood?. He's gonna be a cutie when he's done.

Benzart posted on 07/23/2006

You must have posted that the Same time I was posting my last entry because I didn't see this last carving, WHich is really going to be one of your best . I Likee!

GMAN posted on 07/23/2006

Thanks Benz!

Here are a few pics of the Taniwha with the first coat of stain. I'll get to cutting the abalone as soon as the rain stops. Or maybe tomorrow....


Paipo posted on 07/23/2006

Good to see the pain has subsided enough for you to start carving again GMAN. these guys are coming along nicely. How do you guys cut your shell inlays for the eyes?

hewey posted on 07/24/2006

Looks good mate. Obviosuly that clout to the head wasnt too bad if you can still put out quality like that :)

congatiki posted on 07/24/2006

good looking work GMan...I admire you pendant guys who can work in such small places and
get such nice detail...nice style...I dig the hog too...snort snort.

JohnnyP posted on 07/24/2006

Whooohoooo- you're back to carving. The wack on the head didn't hurt the talent part of the brain. How are the new chisels to work with?

The boar looks good, I've been waiting to see how you are going to approach the details. Nice job on the the Taniwha. Are you going to get the eyes in this week?


beautiful keep up the good work

GMAN posted on 07/25/2006

Thanks guys.

I got my staples out today :) They were bugging the crap out of me. Man I hate hospitals. Door to door it took one hour to get checked in and have the hardware put in, but today, it three and a half hours of waiting to have them taken out - which actually only took about one minute). Man there are some creepy people waiting in hospitals. Eeek!


Benzart posted on 07/26/2006

GMAN< I see the stapled head has not effected your artistic ability. This guy is finishing out Sweetly!
C'mon, lets pick up the pace.. Whats next, and then??

GMAN posted on 07/29/2006

Hey all,

Here is the finished Taniwha, Marakihau, and Hei-tiki pendants I've been working on. The Taniwha is the tallest and it measures 6".

I must add that Benz did the inlays on the white Hei-tiki. He used a red ebony and they are beautiful! Thank you BenZart!

And here is the Taniwha being modeled by one of my Maori warriors.

I ran outta steam today, but I plan on working on the big Maori warrior tomorrow. Please check back tomorrow evening for some progress pictures. Thanks for stopping by.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-07-30 02:45 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 07/29/2006

Looking great GMAN!!!!

finkdaddy posted on 07/29/2006

Wow, he turned out nice! The stain looks great. Do you use a Dremel or something else?

Paipo posted on 07/29/2006

Great work GMAN. What's the hei-tiki got for eyes? Looks a little different to the other two...

hewey posted on 07/29/2006

They look great man! Very cool

Note for future - leopard print material not the best backdrop for pics :)

JohnnyP posted on 07/30/2006

Oh yeah, that's the stuff. The moari looks pleased as punch to model that. I was hoping to see that done this weekend.

Sam Gambino posted on 07/30/2006

Hey GMAN- That's a beautiful piece - inlays and all. I'm not sure that I've seen much of your small scale stuff before, but it's some fine work! Keep up the good work!

Benzart posted on 07/30/2006

Gman, It's nice seeing all that stuff together, very inspiring.I Love your Maori stuff, we need MORE!

GMAN posted on 07/30/2006

Spermy - Aloha! Thanks for the compliment!

Finkdaddy - Thanks! I'm using a set of small chisels from Warren Cutlery and my Foredom with my Felxcuts and some rotary burrs.

Paipo - The red eyes in the white Hei-tiki are red ebony. Big Benzart laid those babies in there for me.

Hewey - Rockit....yeah! Def Leopard (print) baby!

JohnnyP - Thanks for stopping by. The Maori warrior finally let me take those pictures, but getting him to put the pendant on was like trying to dress a two-year old!!

Sam - You can always tell when we have bad weather down here....I post small stuff! Momma gets mad when I work outside in the storms. Something about me, accidents, and injuries???.........go figure????

Benzo - Thanks for your words. There is some more Maori stuff below....


Here are a few shots of some progress I made today on my big Maori Tekoteko. I focused my work on his arms, belly, and legs. He's coming along. Still lots to do!

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This last one is for JohnnyP. JP, when are you moving to paradise?????

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I hope you all had productive weekends....


Paipo posted on 07/30/2006

Oh man, look at that pool - don't show me pics like that now!
Your new Maori is looking magnificent. I really like how you've done the shoulder, arm and hand. It makes or breaks this style of carving, as the posture and hand placement give the piece a lot of its attitude. Now all he needs are some big paua eyes.... :wink:

JohnnyP posted on 07/31/2006

Hey, that is some kick-ass chisel carving on the maori. Not bad for a chainsaw guy!

Paradise is calling. If things go well, maybe around Thanksgiving!!??!?!

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McTiki posted on 08/01/2006

GMAN is in the house!!! Your definately refining your skills my man. Keep up the great work.



TravelingJones posted on 08/01/2006

Sharp chizzlin on Mo' Woodie, Gman...nice glutes! TeeHee Central :lol:
Keep up the SsweeetT workz...chop-chop-chip-chip!!


Benzart posted on 08/01/2006

Nice bunch of stuff GMAN, what are you doing with all those tikis, and that SHARK???

hewey posted on 08/01/2006

Nice maori man! This one seems smoother and more rounded than the others, or am I just imagining it?

Looking at that pool I want to go for a swim - and its Winter here!

congatiki posted on 08/01/2006

deffa-nitly refining the style GMan...love the "cut out" arm.....fingers look great....
getting better all the time!

Benzart posted on 08/02/2006

GMAN the Teko Maori, is really filling out in all the right places. I really love the arch of his back and his arms. You are getting into this Maori design skill and doing an excellent job of it.

GMAN posted on 08/02/2006

Thanks everyone. I'm enjoying this big Maori. It's late and I need to get to bed, so I will answer each of you tomorrow. I just wanted to post a pic of a few pieces I started today. Here are a few pendants I drew today and cut out tonight. These are in oak, but I'll probably also be working in bone in the fall. I'll cut out a few more that I got out on paper tomorrow and then work on them a bit here and there. I hopee you likee!

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"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-08-02 05:06 ]

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haikai posted on 08/02/2006

Hey GMAN, every time I see great stuff here! I always admire your big Maori carvigs and your small pendants. Your design and accuracy constantly getting better and better. I´m looking forward to see some progress pics of your new pendants. Keep up the beautiful work! Greetings, Kai

GMAN posted on 08/03/2006

Paipo - Yep, still waiting on the Paua Fairy. I hear he's got a buncha pieces for me :D I'm gonna need every piece of it now.

JohnnyP - Yep, not bad for a chainsaw guy, only this chainsaw guy used to carve decoys with chisels before he got bored (20 years ago) - I never said I couldn't use them, I just really love carving with my saw! Oh, and if you are in town for Thanksgiving, you need to come by. Just one thing, make sure you bring safety glasses, because when I carve a turkey, I let 'er rip! Brrrrrrrrp!

McTiki - thanks for the compliment!

Flippity Floppity Jones - Yeah, he does have a nice butt. I think I'll lift it a bit and make it a bit more round....that way the ladies will really dig him!

Benz - The shark is still sitting on the kitchen table; right where he was when you came over. I'll get back to him one day. I could probably finish him in one weekend and then do his moko in another few days. As for all the Maori tekos, I'm just enjoying having them around. All the others are gone.

Hewey - Thanks dude, I try.

Haikai - Thanks man. If I ever get to Germany, we'll have to get together and let the saws rip!

I appreciate all the comments and support, you guys are great. I cut out another pendant tonight, a small hei-tiki. Here he is below, and in another pic with the others I cut last night. Now I'll get cracking on these buggers and wait for the Paua Fairy.....

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And another pic with a few other pendants in there....

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/03/2006

I'm sorry sir but...
Bas Rutten would have finished the shark...bam bam bam...done!
Wrong Move!!!

GMAN posted on 08/03/2006

I dunno who he is. As for the shark, $$ come first, and I have expensive hobbies. The shark can wait. I know where he is, and he's not going anywhere.


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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/03/2006

On 2006-08-02 20:40, GMAN wrote:
I dunno who he is. The -Gman

He's the guy I sent you the video and quotes from back when you were stapled together. It was the painkillers! Check your PM the day you got slammed. It might seem familiar...
and then all this will make sense.
Dude, I cannot believe you can't remember Bas Rutten. Don't they have Pride on Fox Sports TV out there in Florida? He was the host before Frank Trigg. Ask ED...

GMAN posted on 08/03/2006

Tank Abbott!!! :D

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/05/2006

I totally love this picture...
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Cannot wait to see the "after" version when they're done.

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pdrake posted on 08/05/2006

nice work Gman. what kind of scroll saw do you have? i'm looking to purchase.

where are you getting the designs?

GMAN posted on 08/05/2006

Hey all, I've been working on a pendant tonight. I'm only about an hour in, but he's coming along.

Buzzy - Thanks, I enjoy working on the buggers. I posted a pic of one further along below.

pdrake - I have a Delta saw. I don't recommend it. As for the designs, they come from inside of me. I view hundreds of Maori pendants each week, including online museum pieces. In time I just started drawing them and as i drew more, I like what I was making.

Here's one partially done. I still have a ton to do, but you can see some of what is done. He is carved on both sides, to allow for the 3D of his arms and legs being forward or back.

This is my first attempt at the new photo upload gig, so we'll see how it goes.

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"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-08-04 18:27 ]

hewey posted on 08/05/2006

This is looking like one kool relaxed tiki:
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Sam Gambino posted on 08/05/2006

Hey GMAN- Your stuff is looking cool as ever! I also like the shade of the stain you're using.

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Tiki Duddy posted on 08/05/2006

GOOD WORK! gman those are quite the awsome bunch there. keep em rolling.

Benzart posted on 08/05/2006

Hey GMAN, I Love this whole herd of Gman stuff. This last one you posted Really looks the best. You have him nice and rounded and sculpted, He looks alive with Realistic body fullness. if the rest are going to be like this I think youhave really hit the right note. EXCELLENT, Well done and ALll those things piled high

GMAN posted on 08/05/2006

Hewey - Yeah man, he's laid-back fo sho (the way I wish I could be).

Sam - Thanks. I'm not sure how these will wind up stained - But I have a few cool ideas :wink:

T. Duddy - Yep, I'm rollin'....like a flat tire......

Benz - Thanks! I changed things up a bit to better match what I can do with my limited amount of tools.

Here is another pendant in progress. Neither of these are final sanded or have any detailing on them. That's all planned, but I want to have a few more at this stage before I move on to the finer work.

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GMAN posted on 08/06/2006

My pictures load much larger with the new feature Hanford added....so I'm posting a few shots of some of my favorites again...

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"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-08-05 23:32 ]

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