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New Hawai'ian Themed Coffee House in Sunland

Pages: 1 15 replies

tikiyaki posted on 08/02/2006

In the least likely of places Sunland, CA (it's just north and east of Burbank) there is a new Coffee Haus with a Hawai'ian theme called Turtle Bay Cafe. Nice place, nice people. A little light on the tikis, ut the owners said they want to get more tikified. Nice couches and such, and they even sell Hawaiian goodies like Kona Coffee Candy. They also bake their own scones and muffins.
If you're in the area, check it out. It's behind the Blockbuster in the Ralph's / Rite Aid / Coco's shopping center at the intersection of Foothill and Sunland Blvd. Right next to Sun Thrift. It's kinda hidden, back there, so it may tec a second to find.

Good Stuff !

Tangaroa posted on 08/02/2006

Whaaaaaaa????????? That's like, a 5 minute walk from my house!!!! How did I not notice this...?

tikiyaki posted on 08/02/2006

On 2006-08-02 14:11, Tangaroa wrote:
Whaaaaaaa????????? That's like, a 5 minute walk from my house!!!! How did I not notice this...?

REALLY ? You live up here ? Yes, it's right next to Sun Thrift...I'm sure you know where THAT is. It's pretty discreet, you have to look close for it. Good Coffee, and they Love the whole Hawai'in thing. I told them they need more tikis, and even gave them a few tips on where to get stuff for a good price.

Check it out.

kirby posted on 08/02/2006

I live in sunland also and ive seen the palce but its not very tiki.. mabey i should hop over there and try and sell them sum stuff...mabey tiki it out a bit more...
by the way why dont us sunland tujunga lacresenta lacanada tiki croud hang out more often, mabey we should ask the owners of the turtle bay cafe if we can have a lil tiki coffee get togeter once a month or so.. and mabey we could help them tiki it out more to our liking...kirby
Also I know grog lives in sunland too... who else is over here...

Kirby's Island.com
The Tiki Adventure
Kirby's Gallery

[ Edited by: kirby 2006-08-02 15:06 ]

Tangaroa posted on 08/04/2006

Wow - 3 TC members in Sunland - what are the chances?

GROG posted on 08/04/2006

4 counting GROG.

spy-tiki posted on 08/04/2006

Hey, I'm just down the hill in Glendale!

Tangaroa posted on 08/04/2006

On 2006-08-04 08:08, GROG wrote:
4 counting GROG.

I think Tujunga counts!

tikiyaki posted on 08/05/2006

On 2006-08-02 15:05, kirby wrote:
I live in sunland also and ive seen the palce but its not very tiki.. mabey i should hop over there and try and sell them sum stuff...mabey tiki it out a bit more...
by the way why dont us sunland tujunga lacresenta lacanada tiki croud hang out more often, mabey we should ask the owners of the turtle bay cafe if we can have a lil tiki coffee get togeter once a month or so.. and mabey we could help them tiki it out more to our liking...kirby
Also I know grog lives in sunland too... who else is over here...

Kirby's Island.com
The Tiki Adventure
Kirby's Gallery

[ Edited by: kirby 2006-08-02 15:06 ]

I know they want to do the place up more than it is now. I told them they need more tikis. You SHOULD try and sell them stuff.
I can't believe there are 4 or more Tiki Centralites in the area. I bet I've seen some of you on line at Vons or Starbucks.

GROG posted on 09/04/2006

Since you bastards are all nearby, how come Kirby is the only one that is coming to my luau on Saturday?

kirby posted on 09/04/2006

Grog...probly becouse your payin me to attend....

By the way i have been in contact with the owners of the turtle bay and I will be adding some of my art and tikis to the decor. They wiil have it on consignment so you can pic up a cup of jo and a tiki befor work ..sweet...I post more info soon...kirby

GROG posted on 09/04/2006

Payin' you to attend!? That's the first I've heard of it. Besides, if I was paying you, I'd only be giving you some of the money back you lost Friday night playing poker.

91040tikiroom posted on 09/29/2006


Tangaroa posted on 10/02/2006

Who knew there were so many of us in Sunland? Ahhhh... meth labs and the "homeless corridor" down Oro Vista to the Tujunga wash....

Grog - I didn't find out about your luau until today! That'll teach me not to call ya!

bruno posted on 05/05/2007

Hey, I just happened to find this forum from a Google search. I recently moved from West LA to Tujunga. I'm looking for a good coffee place to hang out late at night. Does anyone know the hours of this place? In West LA I used to hang out at a little place called Cacao, which I highly recommend. I haven't found a local equivalent yet. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


tikiyaki posted on 05/05/2007

On 2007-05-04 22:44, bruno wrote:
Hey, I just happened to find this forum from a Google search. I recently moved from West LA to Tujunga. I'm looking for a good coffee place to hang out late at night. Does anyone know the hours of this place? In West LA I used to hang out at a little place called Cacao, which I highly recommend. I haven't found a local equivalent yet. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


I Love Cacao....The place in Sunland is NO cacao, but they bake their own scones, and they're damn good.

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