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Target Tiki Bird Feeder - On Sale

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tikipedia posted on 08/04/2006

I noticed Target has marked down their Tiki bird feeders. They are discounted down to $9.99 in the stores (at least stores in San Diego), although their website has them still at full price.
Hurry, before they are all gone!!! :)

bigbrotiki posted on 08/04/2006

I must speak up with a warning here, folks, the concept of this toy is quite nice, but it does not work one bit, be it the voice activation or just simple bird attracting and feeding. I thought it would make a funny gift and gave it to some friends, but it turned out to be just a piece of expensive plastic crap. :(

This is just my personal experience, maybe others have spent hours of family fun watching happy feathered friends feed away on this colorful novelty item! :P

TikiKini posted on 08/04/2006

I second that -- got one as a gift two weeks ago and have yet to see any bird try it, even though we have a nesting dove family less than three feet away. And the motion detector doesn't seem to work either...

The Granite Tiki posted on 08/04/2006

I have it. I love the idea of it. But I can't figure out why the birds won't touch it!

I'm still hoping that maybe next season, a new batch of birds will warm up to it.

The motion sensor seemed to work the first day. Of course, it was my hand waving by it that triggered it, not any birds. Birds won't go near it.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/04/2006

See, even the birds know how cheesy this is, because of the power of the BOT>

Tikiwahine posted on 08/04/2006

Mine was up for several months before a flock of hungry starlings discovered it and ate all the seed. Weird that the birds hate it so much!

MachTiki posted on 08/04/2006
Unga Bunga posted on 08/05/2006

On 2006-08-04 16:19, MachTiki wrote:
Here's more about the feeder

Oh, so i finaly caught that smart ass remark.
I'll get you for that!

Tom Slick posted on 08/07/2006

You bought a "Tiki Birdfeeder" from Target...What did you expect? LOL

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/07/2006

On 2006-08-04 07:10, bigbrotiki wrote:
I must speak up with a warning here, folks, the concept of this toy is quite nice, but it does not work one bit, be it the voice activation or just simple bird attracting and feeding. I thought it would make a funny gift and gave it to some friends, but it turned out to be just a piece of expensive plastic crap. :(

..try putting in the batteries bro..........LOL

Rev. Griz posted on 08/07/2006

I wonder a couple things about this bird feeder. First, wouldn't the face with eyes and teeth gives birds pause? And second, might whatever it does to alert you when birds light be audible or visible to the birds as well, reinforcing their first impression?

Just as well, I don't think we have any Tiki Birds around here.

RevBambooBen posted on 08/07/2006

Wait til' Target' starts selling my Tiki Toilets!

Your all gonna love em!!!

Unga Bunga posted on 08/07/2006

On 2006-08-06 23:50, RevBambooBen wrote:
Wait til' Target' starts selling my Tiki Toilets!

Your all gonna love em!!!

Does it have a remote to let me know when someone is takin' a dump?

Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/07/2006

On 2006-08-07 00:55, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2006-08-06 23:50, RevBambooBen wrote:
Wait til' Target' starts selling my Tiki Toilets!

Your all gonna love em!!!

Does it have a remote to let me know when someone is takin' a dump?

..yeah- it's the pu-pu alert......

MachTiki posted on 08/10/2006

On 2006-08-05 12:54, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2006-08-04 16:19, MachTiki wrote:
Here's more about the feeder

Oh, so i finaly caught that smart ass remark.
I'll get you for that!

Hahahaha... So you missed my comment from January? Man, you are slipping.

Chongolio posted on 08/11/2006

How funny, I was given one of these things a few months ago and never saw a bird go near it. That is until the other day when a Blue Jay was hitting the seed pretty hard. The next morning the feeder was laying on the ground and all the food gone. I guess the suction cups were not meant to hold the load of a larger bird. The oogity boogity bird alert worked sometimes when I waved my hand in front of it, but for the most part the feeder was worthless. I say save your money and get an old fashioned Coconut Feeder. They look way better than orange plastic and hold up better when larger birds visit.

Happy bird watching,


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Erika posted on 08/11/2006

Mine stopped working the first day. (The motion-detector aspect, I mean.) The tops of both torches got broken off really quickly (I think by squirrels), it's hard to clean, and the worst thing is, the feeder holds only a small amount of birdseed.

So don't buy one as a birdfeeder.

To answer one of Rev. Griz's queations: the alert sound comes out of a little remote tiki head that you keep indoors with you; the birds don't hear it.

hala_kahiki posted on 12/05/2006

i got one of these for my mom on mother's day. it didn't work, the alert guy never said ooga booga..and the squirrels tore it apart..sad.

reedalong posted on 12/05/2006

Our motion sensor worked once at the very beginning and once the squirrels reached the feeder they literally chewed the face off of it leaving a huge hole.

vscantu posted on 01/28/2007

I just got one of these Tiki Birdfeeders on HUGE sale at Toys R Us. Anyone know the best way to make it stick to the window without falling down? As soon as I stuck it up, 2 of the suction cups came right off. So now I've wet the suctions with water. It sounds like it won't get any easier once I weigh it down with the birdfeed.

Any better suggestions on making it stick or keeping squirrels off of it?



aloha.taboo posted on 01/28/2007

I got one for Xmas and a friend's 5-yr old was desperate to play with it. We could barely get it to detect motion.

I'm hoping to set it up this summer just to videotape the squirrels beating the tar out of it!

vscantu posted on 01/29/2007

Aloha.taboo: Tip- when I opened mine I also couldn't hardly get it to detect motion. Reason: I was testing it indoors at night with artificial light. Sounds like you also opened it up & tried it out indoors. Once I set it up outside, the 'motion alarm' worked fine.

Still waiting for any tips on making it stick to the window better or keep the squirrels off it.

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