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Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Benzart posted on 08/05/2006

Wow, a New "Bay Park Buzzy Hour" show. Lookit the man Go, from head to toe, and he don't go slow, with his wood burner aglow.
I can see right now, any blank piece of wood is fair game, Fun fun fun. During your burning sessions, you will see a carbon deposit build up on the pen tip. First instinct is to sand it off---DON'T. Use a leather strop with polishing rouge to polish it off. Something like the Flexcut strop works well. If you use any abrasive on the tip, it will get a rough surface and pretty soon it will be sanded away and unusible.
Watch your electric bill now, call the fire department, get burn first aid ready, and advise anyone close to hide their "Open Surface" wood becuz the Buzz has a burner.
btw, your first pix are great

hewey posted on 08/05/2006

wow man that looks great. Looking forward to seeing this one done :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/05/2006

Benzart, Hewey, Hiltiki, AA, DT, and all my other "regulars" and other irregulars: Thank you very much for your continued and constant support. You guys make this much more fun for me and I consider you guys to be my TC "family." With that, I'd like to share my vacation pictures in tropical Mexico that I took on my cruise earlier this week. After all, we're family, right?:
Here is the small town of San Miguelito.Like most small mexican towns, the most prominent feature is the local saloon, or "Cantina."

Here is a surf spot in Mexico called "Secret Spot." I read about it online and just had to go. When we were there, it was crowded and there were a lot of locals:

The thatch on that roof is Mexican thatch. It varies slightly from tropical thatch. It's hard to tell the two types of them apart, but since I'm a professional thatch guy, I'll tell you: That's Mexican thatch.

This is the finest eating establishment in San Miguelito(the second best, and only other place, had dirt floors):

No matter how far away I am, I always see something that reminds me of home. In this case, it's my house...

Oh Mexico!

I had a great time on my cruise, but it sure is good to be home after roughing it in a third world country. I missed you guys. Hope you enjoyed my vacation snapshots.
Former Expatriate Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-08-05 11:05 ]

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/05/2006

Little more work:

Lot's more to do...

hewey posted on 08/06/2006

I find the easiest way to distinguish between Mexican Thatch and Tropical Thatch:
1 - Mexican thatch smells like tequila, tropical thatch smells like rum
2 - The accent

Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/06/2006

Buzzy, thenew wood burning on your statues are great, you are an amazing talent!!!


ps, love the stories and all the day to day posts :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/06/2006

Bad free wireless day:here's a little update

This has been a lot of work, but I do not mind a bit...
No Signal Buzzy Out!

4WDtiki posted on 08/06/2006

WOW, Buzzy! Love it!

Did you plan out your pattern at all, or are you just doodling off the top of yer head?

I looked at the link where (I think) you bought that woodburner. How many tips did you get? I'm wanting to get one, and there's almost too many tips to choose from!

How tall is that tiki, by the way?

kingstiedye posted on 08/07/2006

that's looking awesome buzzy! i guess this is benzart's influence showing again. everybody is steppin' up their game.

Benzart posted on 08/07/2006

Buzzy, you are doing an Excellent job filling in all the empty spots. Isn't it So Much funn letting all those little monotanous lins flow around? It's a bitch when you start a pattern and it looks so Cool and then you realize you only have 72 more inches of the Samr pattern to do on the %^&*&#$& thing! It IS Amazing how much the wood burning adds to the piece. Keep it coming!

Savage Daddy posted on 08/07/2006

Beautiful! You are really taking your work to a whole new level. I can't wait to see it finished. :drink:

tiki5-0 posted on 08/07/2006

lookin' good buzzy! man, you get a new toy and put it to use right away and work it like crazy. GOOD JOB!! your tikis look great already and now you're going to be able to do more to make them look cool. keep on posting them pics as you make progress.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/07/2006

Everyone: Thank you so much for your many kind words. I'm in the middle of several projects concurrently today, and I'm going to do some more burning later tonight(I sound like those white rasta surfer dudes from Del Mar right there...)
There are several of you(4wd,ben, etc) who I will answer specifically later on. I just dropped in to post a couple pics...

I guess that I heard wrong: I thought that we were setting up a party for Bob Crane'S Service. I knew he was dead, but maybe there was some kind of foundation that was throwing a party. Sometimes the bigger parties give you free stuff, like at the playboy party a couple weeks back.
Here's the swag I got this time:
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Oh! It was Bob'S Crane Service...At least I got a free water.

Working on:
doodles of next set of tatts
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a prototype bar stool
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And I'm trying to carve out of a piece of eucalyptus
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If you're one of those people who asked me to do something for you, i'm working on all those projects too. In my head. That's where all the real work takes place anyway. I'll start each of those when I'm done, if that makes sense. I work fast and all of the time so everything I do will be done soon. Probably manana... "Manana"-such a beautiful word-it must mean "heaven"
Bilingual Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/08/2006

Did one arm tonight:
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I'm so tired my eyes are blurry. Manual focus? What's that? Lower arm detail:
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Upper arm detail:
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Benzart: I didn't burn my hand yet but it got hot once or twice while I was working on the back. I like those things that fly off the tip, pop, and land on you. Those are real eye openers.
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If you can draw an isosceles triangle: this stuff is cake
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Benzart: Yes. It does happen. I was one thirty second of an inch off a couple of times. I'm going to scrap this piece. It's ruined.
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I suck.
I'm really having fun with this Euc log tiki though. Little more progress
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If it isn't a triangle right now, I don't know what day it is.
Buzzy Out

hewey posted on 08/08/2006

Looking great buddy!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/09/2006

Did the eyes:
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and sanded the whole thing
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I've designed all the rest of the tattoos and will put them on later today.
I know I posted these pictures last night, but when I got up they were gone. I think i posted smewhere else accidently. If you guys see my post, can you tell me where it is?

kingstiedye posted on 08/09/2006

outstanding, buzzy! i love this guy!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/10/2006

Thanks Kingstiedye. Hope you like this progress too:
Buttocks and backs of arms:
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As much of the arm as I could get into one picture
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Upper arm
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Lower arm
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Legs next.
Still Burnin' Buzzy out!

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hiltiki posted on 08/10/2006

Great piece Buzzy so nice.A true winner.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/10/2006

Ran out of today before I could finish.
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There is always another tomorrow to come...
BFF Buzzy Out!

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congatiki posted on 08/10/2006

Buzzy this tatted tiki is a great piece...really like what you are doing with the burner....
this is one of my favorites of your carvings....don't get discouraged by a little irregularity
in the design...and keep going!

Benzart posted on 08/10/2006

BAyPark, I agree that this is your best yet. Simply HOT Looking tiki. Wait 'til you try burning the Eucalyptus, as it burns quite differently from the palm.I see that you have met those flying tiki hot kisses, it means he loves you and what you are doing for him!

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/366adf4c3b665463da36c9e8e98bfee9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Tiki Duddy posted on 08/11/2006

man does that ever look good. really like his mouth and the markings all over. good job really unique.

AA Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/761a5068cd9a570a774203ed6e2c5531?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Aaron's Akua posted on 08/11/2006

That tiki is smokin'!

One word: WOW.

I gotta get me one of them burners. And some time.

hewey posted on 08/11/2006

Sweet man!

Benzart posted on 08/14/2006

BAyPark, where you been? Missin my daily shot of da Buzzzz

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Zaya posted on 08/14/2006

Benzart, I was so tired of Buzzy's mouth this weekend I had to take the computer away! :) Actually we've been having a bad wireless signal and haven't been able to get online. I brought the computer home to make sure everything was ok with it. I'll get this back to Buzzy as soon as possible!


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Howland posted on 08/14/2006

REALLY diggin' those burned in tatts, looks excellent!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/15/2006

The computer doesn't work...
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but I do.
Be Back Soon Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 08/15/2006

I know what happened, you probably tried the burner on it and Broke it,,,
AAAAADMIT IT!! What else have you burned recently?

Sincerely, I hope you get the computer fixed and get back on line, We're All hurting here. Thanx Zaya

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/16/2006

I have a signal-So far so good. Missed all you guys. Here's what I did since my last update post:
I was tired of burning on that one piece, so I took a little break from it. All I felt like doing was carving-the result was that I made these two chainsaw pieces yesterday afternoon. I spent a little less than two hours on one, and just over an hour on the other. I had no plan for either, I just took the saw to them.
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Spent the whole weekend setting up party, after party, after party...
Right after I made this hut, a pelican landed on it
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Nice sign...
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This was at some La Jolla Hotel right on the beach. Some rich dude on vacation wanted a beach party, so he rented a piece of the beach, and then rented a bunch of props to make the environment look more like the beach, and had a beach themed party, on the beach.
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That palm tree has real palm fronds stuck into it to make it look real. Look how well I blended it in with the real ones in the background
I think I nailed the beach look on this one...
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That is a beach bar, not a tiki bar
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Another job was for the CVPD. They were all drunk and kept trying to give me beers while I was working. I guess cops do not have to worry about DUIs...
Here's where the cops got drunk all day before they drove home:
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One drunk cop drove his truck on the lawn and played Billy Idol and Oingo Boingo real loud later on this day...
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This was a tiki party. See the tiki.(The tiki was real, the palms were fake)
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I made Zaya go with me to a couple of jobs. She set this up:
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She did this one too:
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I think I was in the truck, eating pizza, while she did this too:
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This was a kids candy/tiki party. Here are some balloons that some TC people freak out about:
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Candy? Colored balloons? That is so NOT tiki. Pop those balloons and give them kids some Mai Tais. That's a tiki party! Who cares about age appropriateness?
Last party was at an Indian Casino. No set up. they just rented 12 tikis. The party was going to be huge
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Here are some rental tikis:
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I rented out four of mine, but I'm not showing pictures of those because some people here might recognize them as tikis that they are waiting for delivery of right now. Don't be mad,that's why they're so cheap...

Hoping to Have a WiFi Signal Buzzy Out!

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cab30b3f6f4b6dca436aebb5613c2393?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Paipo posted on 08/16/2006

On 2006-08-16 00:30, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

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Nice sign...

Words can't describe how cool this is - almost as cool as your job. Is that your fulltime gig, setting up parties and carving tikis? Also, what sort of chainsaw do you use to get such clean looking roughouts in such a quick time? Those guys are looking really nice already.

Benzart posted on 08/16/2006

BAy Park, I Love the Pelican shot. What a Cool gesture for the Royal Pelican to recognize your hut and land there and spend a bit of time with you. That makes it Special.. Glad to see you HAVE been Busy. Looks great as usual.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/17/2006

Paipo: I will answer the chainsaw question in another post, when I can get some pictures of the whole process. For those two, the composition of each log dictated the design that I could apply to each one. They were both the same type of Mexi fan palm, but both were markedly different in their respective compositions. I'll post pictures of what I mean later. It will make more sense and others may gather some insight from seeing the particulars of this type of log. As for the job: yes, that's basically what I do now.

Benzart: Good Morning!
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Right now, I'm standing at the edge of the cliff on my property, trying to get a good signal. The computer is resting on a tiki. Here's my view right now:
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This is how I see it after three or four hours of peeling benzart stickers and burning my doodles on my tikis:
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It's almost as good a view as that Girls Gone Wild infomercial that they play this time of night, which is my customary background viewing choice. The sacrifices I make because I'm too much of a miser to pay for internet service...

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/17/2006

Late night update:
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Running out of room...

hewey posted on 08/17/2006

On 2006-08-17 00:52, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
This is how I see it after three or four hours of peeling benzart stickers and burning my doodles on my tikis:

Burning your what...? ouch! Why are the tikis so hot? What are doing rubbing it on the tikis?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/19/2006

On 2006-08-17 06:05, hewey wrote:
Burning your what...? ouch! Why are the tikis so hot? What are doing rubbing it on the tikis?

My doodles? I think it's a regional dialect misunderstanding...
Anyway, check out my sucker:
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Don't ask me what I have under my "hood."

hewey posted on 08/19/2006

Thats kool man! :) wow...

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/20/2006

Just so the world knows: That pinstriping job on my vaccuum was done by TC legend Hewey of Down Under. I reckon I got the tikiest vaccuum around.

Made a new sticker for my fake company too:
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This is part of my new Back to School line:
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I'm waiting to break down a party later tonight. Earlier today, i did a longboard tournament and scored a pile of clothes. An interesting item was this Shag shirt:
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It has a custom logo for the Luau and tournament on the front:
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Earier in the week, when the surf was real bad, I told my friend it was a great week for a contest. In the spirit of the old PSAA venues, the no wave pattern held.
There's the judges' booth and such down on the beach. The waves will look bigger if they use binoculars. All that the contest needs now is some wind...
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New Wardrobe Wearin' Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 08/20/2006

Buzzy, I'm really enjouing the work you are doing. That last Late nite update tiki is excellent.. I really love how you have taken thet burner and learned to use it so well so quickly. Keep up the great work!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/21/2006

Benzart: I'm spending WAY too much time on taht guy, but so far, the results seem to be worth the effort. Right now, I'm working on adding some more dark toned areas to balance out a three shade value scale without just firing up the torch and covering it all black. I plan to coat this one with a clear stain, so I want some darker areas too.
Some day poor Zaya will get to try her burner out...

Meanwhile, I just cannot shake the urge to hack, hack hack away at logs of all shapes(round) and sizes(not too big to move). My next project is the second two six footers for the miniature golf course. Started first one today after I got my beauty sleep(i"m still tired, and ugly, though.)
I used a split log because they need to sit flush with the surf shack wall.
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That single speaker cassette tape player is my work tunes provider. While I was carving this today, I was listening to a tape I bought at the swap meet for 25 cents earler this morning. Man that Hewey Lewis guys absolutely ROCKS! That "Sports" album kicks @$$!
I'm taking what they're giving, cause I'm working for a living!!! You guys should feel sorry for me because I have to work on Sundays.
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I saved some money for a Marantz Quad receiver that I saw at the swap meet for a month. I got there, cash in hand, it was gone. It's a swap meet given...
I'm glad I got all those new shirts this weekend, now I do not have to do laundry for two more weeks. Leaves me time to doodle on my tiki(Shut up Hewey! It's not what you vulgar Aussies think.)
Working on 6 tikis concurrently: I just ant to finish ONE!
Back to Work On Too Much Stuff At Once BUzzy Out!

hewey posted on 08/21/2006

That logo looks tops :)

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Tiki Duddy posted on 08/21/2006

lookin gooood

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Paipo posted on 08/21/2006

On 2006-08-20 19:49, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

Meanwhile, I just cannot shake the urge to hack, hack hack away at logs of all shapes(round) and sizes(not too big to move).
While I was carving this today, I was listening to a tape I bought at the swap meet for 25 cents earler this morning. Man that Hewey Lewis guys absolutely ROCKS! That "Sports" album kicks @$$!
I'm taking what they're giving, cause I'm working for a living!!!

don't worry Buzzy, your secret's safe with me :wink:
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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/22/2006

Greetings all!
I've been having all these tiki related ideas swarming through my head the last few days. The day before yesterday, I got an idea and finally ran with it today.
I know I always complain about those indonesian carvers working for pennies a day, producing quality carvings and stealing the livelyhoods of we, the american carvers and makers of tiki related objects; however, like Crazy AL said about his curious OA tiki, he wouldn't carve a small $40 tiki. Well, there's no way I'm going to try to compete with them by making a smaller tiki that retails for $14 either. I'm totally against buying my foreign competitors products, so after work #1 today, I worked for someone else in exchange for a bounty of imported items. I traded my spoiled lazy indolent American work hours for the products of the underpaid slave wage carvers of Indonesia. I came out better than they did because my country is richer than theirs and we get rich of the exploitation of their peoples. Here is the stuff I received for my valuable American time:
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Today was already profitable, in that I worked and got all this loot. I felt really greedy and wanted to make more money to feed my American consumptive ways. I added value to the pre carved statues by enhancing them with a wood burner and adding a coat of clear shellac, thus increasing my profit margin slightly.
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Feeling the need to purchase more wasteful products that advertisers convince me I need, it is necessary to increase the profit margin even higher. A little bamboo goes a long way in the marketing and sale of tropical products
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Hey look, it's my first tiki bar sign:
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I'd like to thank those Indo boys for making this happen
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Now how to double, or even triple your profits:
Make another one, similar, but different and better. Hopefully, the same guy will buy both both and not haggle you down
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It's my second sign from my favorite angle:
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Look-Tikis, bamboo, rope-how many more tiki essentials do you need? Fancy stuff makes it cost more. I need more money to pay taxes to help the schools and fix our roads. Nice details and cheap, overseas products and labor helps the economy. Buying tiki stuff is good for the country. Call a tiki producer today! Or are you a traitor?
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My product line is HUGE now...(Hewey-that means I have a lot of stuff that I make-not the other...)

Recession Proof Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 08/22/2006

Nice signs BayPark, and it looks like a great deal for thise carvings. Even tho they were "Mass Produced" by a family of Indo carvers, stydy them well because they were carved by Master carvers who have sold their soul to the almighty dollar. Those guys are capable of carving the most beautiful, intricate designs ever and they produce this stuff for pennies. There are som good chops in these pieces. Look at how they are done,,Learn well from them.
Keep the fire burning!

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hiltiki posted on 08/22/2006

Happy Birthday to you..:music:..Happy Birthday to you.....:music:...Happy Happy Happy Happy....:music:....Happy Buzzy to you...:music:.....

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2006-08-22 06:12 ]

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Tiki Duddy posted on 08/23/2006

WOW! those small ones there are awsome. really like those ones. and that tiki bar sign just tops the post off. good job all together. REALLY good job.

what wood did you use on the small guys?

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