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makutiki, 2nd log...

Pages: 1 41 replies

makutiki posted on 08/14/2006

Finally got som tikis done. The first one is the lono I started on in december. It was resting half done for a few months, and I got back working on it this summer.

I wanted it to look old so I bought some paint (light brown) but the store gave me the wrong paint (dark grey), which was good couse now it looks superold!

Here is a samll one I did recently, burned it whit a food-burner.

[ Edited by: makutiki 2006-09-06 06:59 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 08/14/2006

Man-You got chops, my friend. Very, very nice work!

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/14/2006

nice work there man. i really like them.

good job

kingstiedye posted on 08/14/2006

great looking tikis! keep carvin' and postin'!

Howland posted on 08/14/2006

WOW! Man, you are a natural. I especially like the big Lono. Looks like he's hundreds of years old. What kind of stain/finish did you use on him? Looks very nice.

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/14/2006

Wow, nice work. Now what did you burn it with? You gotta explain that one!

Paipo posted on 08/14/2006

Those are some nice carvings. That Lono looks like he's been in your garden forever!

Matt Reese posted on 08/14/2006

Very impressive. Keep it coming.

makutiki posted on 08/14/2006

Tanx all! It sure is good being at TC! Here in sweden most people ask me why im interested in troll´s, ore why I spend time playing whit those indians....! :( :D

S-n-t: Im not realy sure what kind of paint it was...as I mentiond earlier it was a lucky misstake, but It was grey and water based. We call it "Lasyr" in swe. but I dont know how to translate that.

Here is a closer pic.
I painted it once, and sanded it just a bit.

A-akua: What I realy ment was a cooking-torch, like this...
Its used for burning sugar and such, works super on wood!

Benzart posted on 08/14/2006

Makutiki, Ditto what everyone else said! Glad to see you Finally finish this Lono, he turned out FanTastic, Very Well done. You need to spend MORE Time Carving so it seems to me!

Heath posted on 08/15/2006

Those are some great carvings! What type of wood do you use?

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finkdaddy posted on 08/15/2006

These are really, really good! I especially line the cracks in the lono, they add a ton of personality.

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congatiki posted on 08/15/2006

ok ok...let me jump on the happy happy bandwagon too...very cool carvings...the big lono is
great....welcome aboard and show us some more! Whittle some more of those trolls.

makutiki posted on 08/15/2006

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makutiki posted on 08/15/2006

thanx everyone!
I have two more un-carved logs like the one I made the lono out off,and I will start on one today. Your suport gives me lots of extra energy, thanks!

Some more trolls I did....
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tikidreams posted on 08/17/2006

Gillade sprickorna också!
Vart är det du jobbar, i veboa?

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/17/2006

ive just got to say that your work is amazing. im going to try for one of those kinda guys next.

great job

makutiki posted on 08/18/2006


Some progress on my 2.nd log.

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Here is me yesterday, in the garage.
Keeping this one as simple as possible, to cut down on carving time.

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T.D: carvar ute el inne, beror på väder o vind å storleken på tikin förståss :)
Tiki Duddy: Go Go Go !!! :D

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congatiki posted on 08/18/2006

nice start Makutiki...boy i really like big tikis! and all of your creations are
right on target...classic style. sugar coated comments "over and out."

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/18/2006

lookin good there man. keep it commin along with pictures.
im looking forward to seeing it done. gonna be good for sure

Tiki Duddy posted on 08/19/2006

hey man i was going to try to draw it out and carve one similar to your small guy but right from the beginning it took a wrong turn. i think it was the wood that i was using because it was just not working. that or its me and im not too sure how to fix that.

makutiki posted on 09/06/2006

congatiki:Tanx! I like big tikis too! It´s the nice slow process I like the most. And that you get to use your whole body, almost like a gym-workout :D

TikiDuddy:Dont give up yet, try it with smaller tools and better wood! To make the small tiki, I only used "small" tools, so the picture lies a bit with them big tools in front.
Also be careful when drawing the outlines, its not easy to fix later. If that dosnt work, get som better tools, it worked for me. :)

Some progress on my 2nd.

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McTiki posted on 09/06/2006

Wow! (wipes drool from chin) this is your 2nd? You have carved pelicans or bears or something besides Tiki before this, yes? Awesome work.


Benzart posted on 09/06/2006

More Excellent Stuff!. How did you learn to carve tikis so Well and so Fast. These are Dynamite traditional pieces.

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Tamapoutini posted on 09/08/2006

Wow! Another amazing artist Im going to have to watch! You have an incredible grasp of 3-D form, Im so jealous! Kia ora from New Zealand! Tama :)

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tikigap posted on 09/08/2006

2nd carve huh. Really nice! What's his back look like?


kingstiedye posted on 09/08/2006

lookin' really good! keep us updated on your progress.

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KAHAKA posted on 09/09/2006

SWEDEN!!!!! Schol! MAN, the Swedes have got it nailed in the tradition of old timey Americana as far as old Rock n Roll, art, hot rodding, and tiki... completely kicking some good old fashioned USA ass. LOOKIN' GOOD!

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IsleConch posted on 09/09/2006

I don't know whether your tools are right or not ..all I can say is....Amazing work !!! love them tikis

makutiki posted on 09/09/2006

Tack så mycket! :) Tanks everyone for your comments, you people are the best!!

Mctiki: perhaps I was carving pelicans in an earlier life ore something, but not in this one, sofar.... :)
Also tanx for your answer on the "tikifind thread" about my mask.
If anyone else have any clues on this mask, here is the thread:http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=1099&forum=5&start=2280&2294

Here are todays progress.

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Raffertiki posted on 09/09/2006

Damn Maku, but you can carve. I learned something in your progress pics.

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tikidreams posted on 09/10/2006

Makutiki is a true natural!

Vad är det för trä du jobbar i den här gången? Är det ett bildhuggarjärn från Jula du har föresten? Tyckte dom såg ut sådär när jag fingrade på dom igår.

Benzart posted on 09/10/2006

Nice job of hollowing out the back. This is gonna be a Killer Tiki.

Tiki Duddy posted on 09/13/2006

i think i can safely say that i am jealous. i really hope that i get that good in the next while. i cant ask for too much. im happy that im as far as i am at the moment.

great stuff. keep us posted

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tikigap posted on 09/14/2006

On 2006-08-17 15:16, Tiki Duddy wrote:
ive just got to say that your work is amazing. im going to try for one of those kinda guys next.

great job

What TD said! Very nice! I wanna try something like that someday. What kind of wood did you use?

makutiki posted on 09/14/2006

Tanks everyone! Today has been good and bad for my tiki. Did carve the finnal tuch´s and sand it and all...was happy to have it done, so I went to the paint-store an bought som stain, went back home ,painted....ops, Bad choise....dosnt look good anymore...but its not dry yet, so hopfully it will look better tomorrow. I will put some clearcoat on and I hope that will do the trick.
If not, I´ll just paint it all brown.

Almost done.....
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TD: Nej, jag köpte dom av en snubbe som la ner sin möbelfirma. Fina prylar, har kostat multum nya! Tur ska man ha :)

Tikigap: Not sure what kind...Have ben asking people hwo "knows" wood, and they all give different answers...(!?) But I think its ash. But I know the small one was pear-wood. Here is a pic on my next log with bark still on.

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Paipo posted on 09/14/2006

On 2006-08-18 04:42, makutiki wrote:

Keeping this one as simple as possible, to cut down on carving time.

If this is simple, I can't wait to see you tackle a complex tiki. Hurry up and start prepping that next log!

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JohnnyP posted on 09/14/2006

Great job. The progres shots were great, I learned something too. More. Looking forward to the next one.


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McTiki posted on 09/14/2006


Wow! You are extremely talented sir.

Once again, I remain humble.



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tikidreams posted on 09/15/2006

Man måste ju prova färgen innan! Hoppas det ser bättre ut när det torkat.
Beställde kvalitétsjärn från slöjddetaljer i förrgår.

Folks! Always try the paint on a scrap piece of wood from the log that you have carved.

Heath posted on 09/15/2006

Let's see how it looks!
I bet I know what's wrong. You're afraid to show us because then we'll all want one, that's it, isnt't it?
Well, I personally don't want one.

I want two.

[ Edited by: Heath 2006-09-15 08:20 ]

makutiki posted on 09/15/2006

Before dry.
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Dry but matt.
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Clearcoat on.
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I decided to burn it, even though I had alredy put clearcoat on.

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Once again, tanx so much everyone for your support!! :) :)

[ Edited by: makutiki 2006-09-28 10:52 ]

Pages: 1 41 replies