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Heading to Chicago - Searching for the Cool Breezes?

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Swamp Tiki posted on 08/15/2006

I'm planning on flying up to Chicago on Friday to do a little work then head over to Hala Kahiki for a some R & R on Saturday. Anybody else in the area planning on heading that way? Let me know. I've never been on the weekends but understand that it can get a little crowded. Took my wife on the last trip and introduced her to a "store-bought" volcano bowl. The flames, the decor, the pretzels, and the wahine wearing a moomoo and converse sneakers set the stage for a great night out.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 08/15/2006

the cocktail preachers are playing at the sand bar in brookfield saturday night at about 9.....if you haven't been, it's worth a look...food is real good and the drinks a good too.....

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