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Did anyone ride in the rickshaw at The Islander?

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christiki295 posted on 08/18/2006

This current Los Angeles Magazine (8/06, 148) states that at the Islander, formerly on LaCienega in LA, "staff dressed as rickshaw drivers trotted guests from the valet stand through a kitschy lagoon to the restaurant."

Does anyone recall this?

The Islander:


Murph posted on 09/10/2009

Here are a couple photos of the rickshaws from the Islander 1960

Dustycajun posted on 09/10/2009

I always thought the rickshaws were a cool and unique feature at The Islander. Here are a couple more shots.

Here what Mo Eye posted on the rickshaws:

I'll have to look for my source, but I remember reading somewhere, that yes, the rickshaws were used to transport guests from the valet parking underneath, around the lagoon in the front, to the front door of the restaurant.


kahalakruzer posted on 09/12/2009

That is awesome. Service just isn't the same as it used to be...

TikiG posted on 09/14/2009

I bet the rickshaw ride was always good for a giggle after an evening of tropical eatin' & drinkin'

That rickshaw crew no doubt were sturdy mofos to give rides up and down all evening. I can see the rickshaw crews' hidden break area in my imagination right now..heavy cigarette smoke and dice games! Gotta spend those tips somehow :wink:

L.A. - what happened?

JOHN-O posted on 09/15/2009

So what Polynesian island were rickshaws used as daily transportation ?? !!

What a joke. Just another reminder that Tiki is not a "culture" but rather a mid-century pop culture fad (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Sorry for being mean, I'm on my 3rd bourbon.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2009-09-14 20:23 ]

bigtikidude posted on 09/15/2009

how did that one rickshaw guy get on the roof?
wow he must be real strong, and agile.


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