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Tiki-Wedding spaces in WA,OR, or North CA?

Pages: 1 2 replies

Kim posted on 03/02/2003

Hello all! I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for tikified spaces in Washington, Oregon, or Northern California that would be suitable for hosting a wedding and reception. (Vancouver BC might be okay too...)
We live in Portland, OR, and we're trying to find someplace that's snazzy but not too terribly inconvenient to host the public ceremony and reception.

Oh, and if you suggest places in the San Francisco area, we will be around there on vacation in April, so if you could give us enough info that we can chek it out in person, that would be greatly appreciated!

[ Edited by: Kim on 2003-03-02 12:05 ]

[ Edited by: Kim on 2003-03-02 12:08 ]

mrtikibar posted on 03/02/2003

Wow! Another Portland Tiki Centralite. With Tikimaxton AWOL, I thought I was the only club member between Seattle and the bay area. The main tiki bars in Portland, as you probably know, are The Alibi on N. Interstate and The Jasmine Tree just east of Portland State. I think the Jasmine Tree is the better bet for a reception as they feature live music and the Alibi, regrettably, only features karoki.
Of course, Tikimaxton is the proprietor of Castaway Cove, Portland's fabled mega-home-tiki-bar. I don't think he rents it out but you have to mention the place when discussing the cream of the Portland tiki scene.
Good Luck,

martiki posted on 03/03/2003

You can get married at the Tonga Room in SF, but it is horribly expensive.

Almost did it myself, but then I came to my senses.


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