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The Mcf7777 Sell Off and the Shag Munktiki Outre Mug

Pages: 1 6 replies

jtiki posted on 03/03/2003

I know some of the folks on this board know the mysterious MCF7777. Having bid against him and watched his sales, I get the impression he has (or had) one of the largest well funded collections out there.

Does anyone have a sense of hw large this collection was before the sell off? His listings have been a constant source of discovering new and interesting items for me.




[ Edited by: jtiki on 2003-03-03 07:00 ]

Turbogod posted on 03/03/2003

The Outre mugs weren't widely announced, I think they got a mention in one of Outre's newsletters. I think the mugs were released to coincide with Shag's show in Australia last summer. I had the luck of preordering 2 last August, when I wanted to get a Woman on Tiki print from them. The print was gone before I could get back to them, but they told me about the mugs and that I could order them if I wanted. Well it's been a few months and I finally got the word that they are on their way. Outre had Munktiki make them. I feel lucky to have gotten a set. They will not be leaving my bar anytime soon. Here is a pic of Martin from Outre and Shag christening the set in Australia.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/03/2003

Wow, that Mai Kai mug/decanter set is coo-elle! Have no idea who this guy is, must have fallen on hard times...

Turbogod posted on 03/03/2003

Well I'm sure that with all the page references to the BOT, BigBro, you should be seeing a healthy royalty check.

Cultjam posted on 03/03/2003

They were $30 each! What a killing.

I was so excited when I finally got mine, now I don't dare touch them. Not sure if they are sold out, but probably.....

Turbogod posted on 03/03/2003

On 2003-03-03 11:36, Cultjam wrote:
Not sure if they are sold out, but probably.....

Yep they sure are.

fatuhiva posted on 03/03/2003

"I get the impression he has (or had) one of the largest well funded collections out there. "

He has been posting some interesting stuff lately, but nothing super wild or rare that I've seen- believe me, there are a few very big collections out there that make his recent postings seem tame- I myself havent really found anything on his seller list that I could use.. i get the feeling that he is doing more of a housecleaning than a liquidation, but who knows.

When I get our tikiroom done and fill all the shelving, I am going to start selling our doubles and extras- there will be some really good stuff in those lots..

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