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Tiki Central / California Events

SF Tiki Crawl III (official release)

Pages: 1 5 replies

mig posted on Mon, Feb 17, 2003 5:55 PM

Here it is kids-- you've known about it for a while, but the official press release has taken a while as all the pieces needed to fall into place. Here it is:


Come join the biggest tiki bar takeover ever! Tiki
Central-- the largest gathering of tiki bar fanatics
on the web-- is at it again. We're proud to present
the 3rd annual San Francisco Tiki Bar Crawl! San
Francisco is arguably the capital of tiki bars-- and
with a weekend's worth of events, centered around the
Crawl itself on Saturday March 8, 2003, you won't be

We're taking you on an enchanted tour of three
classic tiki locations in San Francisco. Last year's
Crawl drew over 100 attendees, from as far away as
Canada. (It was a blast-- read a review of it at
http://www.tikifish.com/tikicrawl.html.) Join us this
year and stumble through three incredible tiki bars:
Trad'r Sam's, the legendary Tonga Room, and the Bamboo

In the past, we've had dinners, parties, shows, and
other exciting things happening. Friday night, Tiki
Crawlers and non-crawlers alike can join us for dinner
at Trader Vic's flagship restaurant, or an east-bay
show by Petty Booka-- Polynesian music all the way
from Japan! (http://www.petty-booka.com)

Plans are still underway for a Thursday night opener,
as well as more surprises. So join us on the Crawl!
For the latest information, see
http://www.tikibarcrawl.com. Use the "RSVP" link on
that page to be added to the announcement list.

-Hanford Lemoore & Mig P.
Proprietors of Tiki Central-- http://www.tikicentral.org

So Cal Centralites, I've posted this elsewhere but thought I'd mention it again in case anybody was interested.

I will be road-tripping it along with Hula Hula and SugarCaddyDaddy to the SF Tiki Crawl on Friday, March 7th. For those who are interested in caravaning with us, please email me at xxxxxxxx so we can make meeting arrangements.

I have a couple of fun things planned on the trip up. We plan on leaving at approximately 6am to make it in time for a secret get together with a very prominent No Cal Centralite. Of course, we plan to be in town with enough time to check into our respective hotels and meet the rest of the group for dinner at Trader Vic's.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-02-17 20:18 ]

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop 2007-11-29 07:02 ]


oops did i forget to tell you im not going...

just kidding :P

Just a reminder --

Any So Cal Hoity Toity's wishing to join our caravan this Friday for the SF Tiki Crawl weekend, please email me at [email protected] for details. There's a super-secret Friday event for our group that I think you will all enjoy!


Does anyone know what time this thingy starts, yet?! Inquiring minds want to know....

Hey, yeah, when are we supposed to BE at Trad'r Sam's, and could someone please give me directions from Chinatown? I'm driving.

TikiCutie Laura

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