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King Kukulele
Friday August 25th, 2006 10PM No Cover Back by popular demand! An "encore" presentation of "Tiki Tiki Tiki". The film “Tiki Tiki Tiki” was filmed at the really. If you've heard the song Otto's Odyssey then you've heard the line: “Halifax is filming for the BBC”. This is what he was filming and now you have the ultra rare opportunity to see "Tiki Tiki Tiki" for the first time. It includes an All Star Cast: Sven Kerstin! Otto Von Stroheim! Shag! Joe Bob Briggs? Brother Cleve! Jeff Chenault! Don Tiki! Jack Fetterman! Thank you to Jonny Halifax of London, England for making this great film at the KAHIKI!! AND The Polynesian Paradise Dancers return to Tiki Taix! Keep Your Eyes on the Hands as they grace us with their enchanting hula. The Polynesian Paradise Dancers have travelled the world and have finally returned home and we're honored to have them. Once more we'll play the Polynesian Paradise Dancers Song and you can see the latest dances of the original Hula Maidens! PLUS The Friki Tikis return with King Kukulele at the helm from the 1st Annual Catalina Tiki Fest with some fun and friki music to dine by. Entertaining Tiki Fans, Tiki Phobes, and the Tiki Fresh with Hapa Haole, Hawaiian, Exotica, and Tiki Swingin' Loungy Rarities! And in keeping with tradition, you can expect some musical improvisation as well so watch what you say. ALSO News From King's Highway! Take a look at the month in Tiki! August always seems to be the busiest month of the year for us. This year two of the big events were caught on film and now you can take a look at what all the Hub-bub was about. Featuring August 5th at the Mission Tiki Drive-in's Tiki Invasion and August 18, 19, 20th at the Catalina Tiki Fest. AND A Death Defying Poi Ball demonstration by a 7 year old 2nd Grader! The Poi Balls spin at incredible speed and there can be no guarantee that she'll survive. A trained professional nurse practitioner will be on hand in case of a disaster. If all goes well, this should be a spectacular sight to see! If all DOES NOT go well... this should be a spectacular sight to see! Join us for this one night only event. We'll be at Tiki Taix 1911 Sunset Blvd. in Echo Park, Los Angeles 90026 One block north of the lagoon. |
Can't wait. I'll be there!! |
SoccerTiki and I will be there :) that's if he survives his Soccer Game tonight?? [ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-08-25 21:06 ] |
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