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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Building a Tiki hut or what we call here a Chickee.

Pages: 1 3 replies

hacksaw44 posted on 08/23/2006

Hey guys,I am new to the group and live in the town of Clewiston Florida.Bottom of the lake.I want to build a tiki hut for my back yard .I have access to cypress logs (fresh cut)but can't seem to find like a diagram or pictures of an underside of a tiki hut.I want to build the top out of cypress and palm fron tops.Any help,diagrams,plans or pics would be great.This site is very helpfull and I have been reading and looking around for a few days now.Thanks in advance,Hacksaw.

Benzart posted on 08/23/2006

Hey Hacksaw, I have had a few Cheekee Huts and I may have some pix, I'm lookin.

Not much, but I hope it helps

hacksaw44 posted on 08/23/2006

That looks cool! That is what I need some photos of the underside.All of the builders around here seem to be hush hush on the projects or they just don't have time to show me.

TikiLaLe posted on 08/25/2006

Google Florida Chickee ^^^^^ plenty of sites for pics !!!!

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