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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

My dream has finally been realized!

Pages: 1 3 replies

Turbogod posted on 03/03/2003

Only in Hong Kong. http://www.local6.com/orlpn/news/stories/news-201510320030303-110310.html

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-03-03 14:28 ]

emspace posted on 03/03/2003

"What I mean is, wouldn't it be better if the toilet was open and each person could shut the door and use it...?"



DaneTiki posted on 03/04/2003

This is just so typical of the decadent Chinese bourgeoisie! A gold-plated terlet in a country where the average monthly salary is less than $100! Well, I can tell you one thing comrades, when the revolution comes, the streets of Chinese cities will be awash in the blood of the capitalist exploiters!

Oh, wait...

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/04/2003

I wannah whaat Chaiman Mao shink?

Pages: 1 3 replies