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I'm back, with some sad news

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Humuhumu posted on 03/04/2003

Hi there all -- it's been a looong time. I've missed TC.

Sadly, Mr. Humuhumu and I are parting ways. It's about as amicable as it could be, but it's still very hard, feelings are hurt, and it's sad.

Here's the part you all aren't going to like -- he's keeping the house, and thus, The Humuhumu Room.

The Humuhumu Room will stay intact for the time being. I'm working out how to recreate a miniature version in my new apartment (Inky Louise, you're my inspiration on this front).

With my new found freedom, I can now venture happily (although brokely) to the TC Crawl this weekend! I've just purchased my plane tickets.

Since it's been so long, I have a lot of reading to catch up on here (and no computer at home to do it! it's going to take forever). If some kind soul would be willing to give me the full scoop via email on the Crawl (where, when, transport, etc.), I would be eternally grateful.

Also, my reservations in June for the Hukilau were for two double beds, if someone would like to room with me & save some $$, email me and let me know.

When my computer gets up & running again, I'll post some of the tiki pics I've been taking over the past few weeks.

inkylouise posted on 03/04/2003

oh my gosh! I wuz wondering were you went?!?

I'm so sorry for your situation and I;m bummed about the humuhumu room....

but i think I might take you up on the Mai Kai trip!!! I'll check the air fare and let you know. ink

tikivixen posted on 03/04/2003

Humuhumu, I'm very glad you're coming to the Crawl--I'm sure we will all do our best to cheer you up REALLY THOROUGHLY 8)

Sounds like if you've already contacted Martin, you're well on your way to having all the info you need.

I'm so sorry about your breakup--I've only been single since last summer myself, for the first time in almost six years. But perhaps creating a new Humuhumu Room for yourself will be a wonderful, healing experience--I don't doubt it, personally. Can't wait to see what you put together!

And I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Crawl!


hula hula posted on 03/04/2003

very sorry to hear about your break up. Coming from a yo yo relationship I know this is just a horrible time but it always nice to have a support group and if TC is anything its just that. glad that your back though. best wishes :)

Tiki Diablo posted on 03/04/2003

Sorry to here about the split, hang in there kiddo.

Alnshely posted on 03/04/2003

Good to have you back. I can't wait to see what you come up with for your new Tiki bar. Good luck to you.

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/04/2003

Sorry Humu....I know how it hurts. You are a beautiful woman- there's nothing as refreshing as a blank canvas, and us guys are a dime a dozen. Hang in there...And you always have a bar you can hang out at when you're in our neck of the woods.

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-03-03 21:42 ]

martiki posted on 03/04/2003

We'll see to it that you forget all about ol' what's-his-name. No, I really mean forget. I mean permanent alcohol-induced brain damage.

Our pleasure.


fartsatune posted on 03/04/2003

With a Tiki beside you, you will never be alone.

the75stingray posted on 03/04/2003

Ms. Humu- Always sorry to hear news like this. But, atleast you have a large family network here at TC.
Not knowing the situation, I say, "Whoo-hoo! A fresh start! Good for you!"

Since I will not make it to the crawl from my frozen tundra, someone please buy Humu a drink for me and put it on my tab.

Glad you're back. Best of luck.

tikifish posted on 03/04/2003


I found this fabric on Ebay - I promised myself I'd stop buying stuff (otherwise I ouwld) but maybe you could find somme use for it in the new Humuhumu room?

manic cat posted on 03/04/2003

I'm sorry to hear about the split. I wish you the best during this tough time. But things always happen for a reason--and that reason is for Inky and me to be your roommates at Hukilau! You would be our savior with a room. And we would be great company for each other! What do you ladies think? We are already TC friends. Three of us would make it cheaper. Inky--we gotta go now!!! I'm already planning on having a frequent flyer ticket on Northwest to use.
Humu. have a blast at the crawl!!!

PS that's a great fabric, tikifish. Humu. if you want it for the new and improved Humu. Room, I not going to bet--but if you're not interested, let me know. mahalo. Tiki in a small apartment is a challenge--but you are so creative!
PSS are your kitties living with you in the new pad?

[ Edited by: manic cat on 2003-03-04 09:21 ]

purple jade posted on 03/04/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:17 ]

Humuhumu posted on 03/04/2003

Thank you all so, so much. It feels so good to have a support network right now.

Inky & Manic Cat, you're on! The Hukilau will be a blast, and we will be big trouble.

Tikifish, thanks for the fabric find! I'm having to save my dough right now, and I don't know what I'm going to do for the new bar yet, so I'll take a pass, even though it's great fabric. Have at it Manic! I'm so glad I bought those tiki magnets, tikifish -- it's the only tiki in my new place so far.

mrsmiley posted on 03/05/2003

"Humuhumu, I'm very glad you're coming to the Crawl--I'm sure we will
all do our best to cheer you up REALLY THOROUGHLY 8)

Sounds like if you've already contacted Martin, you're well on your way
to having all the info you need.

I'm so sorry about your breakup--I've only been single since last
summer myself, for the first time in almost six years. But perhaps creating
a new Humuhumu Room for yourself will be a wonderful, healing
experience--I don't doubt it, personally. Can't wait to see what you put

And I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Crawl!


---MR smiley adds: I hope you can make it to The Smiley Ugh House pre party after Trader Vic's this Friday at 9:15pm. Email me at for more info.---bruce

stentiki posted on 03/05/2003


Don't know you well but I wish you all the best in your new phase in life.

You'll be in good hands with Inky & Manic at the Hukilau. Who knows, maybe T and I will see you out there!

Sending you "good vibes and better tribes."

Shipwreckjoey posted on 03/05/2003

I know we've never met socially (I'm an agoraphobic & rarely leave the bar) but I wish you well & know you're a strong woman who can get through this. So let's raise our mai tais high and drink to a better tomorrow filled with new freinds, old freinds, and tiki bars! and most importantly...DON'T LOSE YOUR ALOHA!!!

inkylouise posted on 03/05/2003


We are sooo there! Russell is freaking out, cause he can't figure out what he's gonna wear. We'll have a bunch of trouble!

Sten, Doesn't T need to cover the events for the magazine? HEE HEE!


vintagegirl posted on 03/05/2003

As I always like to say during a difficult time such as this.........NEXT!!!!!!

But seriously, my heart and good wishes go out to you. It's not really the end, it's a whole new beginning.........and time for a new tiki lover.


stentiki posted on 03/05/2003

On 2003-03-04 20:14, inkylouise wrote:

Sten, Doesn't T need to cover the events for the magazine? HEE HEE!


You reading my mind, Inky!

We're tryin' to work something out. Any suggestions for luxury resorts in the area?
Shoot me a private email.


manic cat posted on 03/05/2003

Don't worry Russell!
I'll pick up some nice little aloha shirts for you from Oahu! I know that I will be doing LOTS of hawaiiana clothing shopping there for the Hukilau.

stunrut posted on 03/05/2003

Well gee, I can't imagine losing a Tiki Bar this way. I did lose my dog and my best cowboy hat in my divorce. (Not to mention most of the people whom I thought were my friends. Guess we learn.) Not the same though.

I'm sure you'll win out in this and be better off than ever before. If nothing else drink a few Zombies!


bongofury posted on 03/05/2003

Humuhumu....don't worry....I'm Mrs. Fury's 2nd and she's my 3rd.....it always gets better....

Stentiki....my favorite mid-century motel in Palm Springs is The Orbit Inn as seen here....



[ Edited by: bongofury on 2003-03-05 15:20 ]

[ Edited by: bongofury on 2003-03-05 15:22 ]

dogbytes posted on 04/09/2003

oh cripes, Michelle!!

i didnt see this post, until i saw that you mentioned it on the NW TikiHeads thread.

i must have missed it while on vacation (in which i landed in the hospital for 2 days with pancreatitis and gallbladder-itis) ~ then i arrived home to seattle, and had to have surgery.. so i've not caught up on all the latest news.

please let me know if i can help in some way, a shoulder to lean on.. a crazy car ride in either of our miatas (with the heaters on full blast).. shopping therapy.. im here for you!!!


GECKO posted on 04/09/2003

i didn't see this post too. I jus went threw one of those about a year ago. she took evrything. oh well, no worries yo get plenny support here. because i went threw the same thing not so long ago and slept in my car 'fo 2 dam weeks!! I gon send you a free panel for the new Humu room. just email me your new address. no worries just spredin' a little aloha sista! ..........ey, you 3 ladys get space fo one mo in da room at da huki! jus talkin funny! smile!

don't 'fo get 'fo email me.


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