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Hooked at the Hukilau

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ikitnrev posted on 08/28/2006

Most of us are likely very familiar with the Hukilau Song (Yes, I'm going ... to a Hukilau ... a Huki-huki-huki-huki-hukilau)

But many of you may not have heard of a followup song, one whose song title today has a rather suggestive connotation. That song is 'Hooked at the Hukilau'

During the recent Columbus Hot Rod Hula Hop weekend, I had the pleasure of playing 'show and tell' with a big box of my Hawaiian LPs with fellow exotica-music fan Jeff Chenault (our own Jeff Central, who will be giving a presentation on exotica music at Hukialu.)

One of the records in my collection was titled 'At the Luau' recorded by Prince Kawohi and the Luau Boys, with a great coconut shell treat cover

(there is a ton of other great Hawaiian LP eye candy at the above http://www.hakushouse.com site)

It was Jeff that noticed that one of the songs on the LP was titled 'Hooked at the Hukilau' ... and we placed the LP on the turntable to listen. It is a lively, uplifting song, with the first line "I got hooked at the Hukilau at the beach the other day."

This song was written in 1953, for the Oscar winning movie 'From Here to Eternity' I have not seen this film, so do not know whether it appears there with lyric or as an instrumental.

There are several short snippets of this song available for a quick free listen. My favorite so far is a version recorded by the Brothers Cazimero on their 'Destination Paradise' CD .... a pairing of three Hukilau themed songs in one track (#7)

Another good version is this one, performed by Alvin Kaleolani and his Waikiki Boys, which appears on their 'Happy Hulas for Your Luau' (#8)

So now I have visions of many people, decked out in aloha wear, heading to Fort Lauderdale in early October, singing 'Yes I'm going, to a Hukilau.....' and then 3-4 days later, singing 'I got hooked at the Hukilau.....'

See you all at Hukialu!


ikitnrev posted on 08/28/2006

Doing a search for the above song, I came across this fascinating set of photographs from a May Day 1998 celebration at the Nuuanu Elementray School located in Honolulu, Hawaii. This seemed to be as good a place to share as any other.

For best effect, select the following links, in order ..

  1. First Grade

  2. Second Grade

  3. Third Grade

  4. Fourth Grade

  5. Fifth Grade


bb moondog posted on 08/28/2006

I HAVE THIS LP..wow. Now I KNOW why I kept it..sometimes these are kinda generic but something about that one...

Jeff Central posted on 08/28/2006

Thanks for posting this great discovery Vern!! I hope to include this track for a CD giveaway during my seminar at the Hukilau!!!

I know Tiki Kiliki is going to love it!!


See everyone soon!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

rupe33 posted on 08/29/2006

Many thanks for this excellent find! Checked out the iTunes store tonight and was astonished at the number of versions of both "The Hukilau Song" and "I Got Hooked At Hukilau" is on there... for those of us who have a hard time finding the vinyl!


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