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New member looking for TIBURON TOMMIES info and stuff!!

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Tiki Ham posted on 08/30/2006

Decided to combine 2 posts into one!!

a member here.. I LOVE the tiki feel, but am not a seasoned .. Aside from a pile of Coconut mugs from my parents love of Mai Thais..haha

I am 29, and live in the Bay Area, California.. Have been going to Trader all my life.. pretty sure it is the reason for my love of the tiki...

I ALSO am on a quest to create a tribute web page for TIBURON .. But am having a heck of a time finding info about the place, and from it.. All I have is a postcard from the 70s!! I would LOVE to add some more to my collection if any of you have stuff to sell.. OR. . I would love scans / photos of stuff you have, in hopes I have enough to one day make a site.. I used to eat there with my dad as a kid.. even back when the upstairs was still open... (which.. if any of you know.. was a LONG time ago..haha)

So i wanted to say HI, and if anyone can help me out, would love the info or ideally, stuff :wink:



[ Edited by: Tiki Ham 2006-08-29 18:05 ]

GatorRob posted on 08/30/2006

Try the search feature. There's lots of info there. Here ya go:


[ Edited by: GatorRob 2006-08-29 19:09 ]

bifcozz posted on 08/30/2006

[ Edited by: bifcozz 2007-02-09 21:52 ]

squinne posted on 11/21/2006

I grew up in Marin , I visited Tiburon Tommys many times. I loved that place and never thought it would ever close. Then I moved away and when I first met my future wife , I started taking her to my spots over in Marin , one of the top spots was Tiburon Tommys... We would go 2 or 2 times a year , the Mai tais were the main reason along with their fabulous dinners . We talked to the owner several times and never got the impression that it would close. The top floor was only open when I was younger, im not sure when the top floor was closed... We would go in Janurary and they were closed for the chinese new year ...for a few weeks every year , so we would go later in the year... We visited between 1990 and 1995. I was looking for his recipe of the Mai Tai because it was best and was mind numbing... I did find the ingredients on an old menu posted... but if someone knows the exact recipe that would be great , it is not like any other Mai Tai that Ive seen... I have postcards and match books , once I dig them up I will post stuff Ive found. I am suprised there are people who are so into this , I always thought these kinds of bars were the coolest ever, especially Tommys . We were devastated when we went there and it was dark and closed.. around 1994 or 1995 I dont remember exactly.. Anyway we didnt take it for granted and enjoyed every minute of it... The view out the window was fantastic and the bar was a locals hangout for the rich people that didnt have anything to do . we would sit and listen to the people taking about their boats and such and rambling on.... One of the best things was the large wood bowls for the zombies and mai tais that 4 or 5 people could draw on at once .... Also Johnnie had a 3 mai tai limit , they were strong and would put your head on the table .... we learned a hard lesson , dont drink those on an empty stomach... !!!!! We took the kids there , but they didnt appreciate it until one of the girls asked for a Mai Tai recipe .. Thats what brought me here !!

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 11/21/2006

Well, first let me welcome you new Tiki Central members -Tiki Ham and squinne :D
and fellow Marinites!

I also grew up in Marin and had almost forgotten poor Tiburon Tommies until I saw this post! :(
My memories of it also date back to when I was a kid, we went a few times, then when I was in college and I would go out to Tiburon to bar hop and meet girls :blush: Later, probably mid-1990's I had gone there with a friend. It had all the scaffolding in front of it and the front doors were open so we went in for a drink. Problem was there was no one inside.....I mean NO ONE! We were screwin' around and yelling for a drink and nobody showed. We shot a couple of photos and I think one of them was me standing behind the bar! I have no freakin idea what box those photos are in.....but if I find them I will post them here!
After that my wife and I Honeymooned at the Tiburon Lodge, (we had a HUGE wedding and I had to be back to work the day after our ONE DAY mini-moon), we walked down to where Tiburon Tommies once stood only to find white concrete & glass, ugly ass condos.

I need to plan another "day trip" to Marin to all the Tiki Locations Past!

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cynfulcynner posted on 11/21/2006

It's a trendy sushi place now......ugh. The only reason to go to Tiburon anymore is the ferry terminal. I think that's still the only way to get to Angel Island.....

mrsmiley posted on 11/24/2006

A few years back, Otto and I made a visit to the Tiburon Tommies location. We were sad to see that it was actually torn down! We walked on the beach where it was and I picked up a chard of restaurant pottery. I bought a couple of doors from the interior at an auction about 5 years ago.

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