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The Whale Rider Carves Tiki #1 (who would of thunk)

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I came home from work yesterday and found and freshly carved tiki started in our backyard. I woke up this morning a heard music and hammering in the back yard and this is what I saw. My beautiful wife doing what I consider the coolest hobbie ever....

Thanks for Looking.


[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2006-08-26 11:53 ]


WOW, What a Great first tiki and what a Super Surprize. WHam Bam! Heres your tiki Sir!

ah, you're a lucky man in so many ways, spermy!

Heath posted on Sat, Aug 26, 2006 8:36 PM

I would love it if my wife started carving. But then she would probably be better at it than me, so scratch that, she's already better at alot of stuff!

hewey posted on Sun, Aug 27, 2006 6:09 AM

Heya Spermy! Kool man - keep postin pics of that tiki :)

By the way, your wife is a hottie :)

Hello All,

Here are a few more pics of some progress I made today.

All criticisms, praise or random comments are welcome :)

Heath posted on Sun, Aug 27, 2006 9:55 PM

Looking good! I haven't done anything that deep, well, never mind.

GROG posted on Sun, Aug 27, 2006 9:59 PM

Forget Radiology, you're a carver now.

Excellent stuff.


Yo Broha,
I always knew that Laura married you for your never ending supply of wood.

The tiki is looking awesome. I think Spermy needs to be the one to get a real job, so you can stay home and carve. I can't wait to see it finished and in my backyard

Ah ha!!

That's why you two were so quiet yesterday!!

I'm guessing Laura wanted to get back to carving!!


Cool!! and, right on!!!

edited for a 5:54 am no coffee yet typo

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2006-08-28 05:54 ]

Very nice. How much time do you figure you've got on that so far? It looks great.

Whale Rider, That is so awesome and lookin' very very cool. It is rad to see you getting in there and givin' it the Whalerider umpf! Did you use nothing but chisels? Are you getting warmed up for Benzart visit to SD? You go girl oowa-oowa. ( I didn't really just say that.)

Spermy... you must of saved a village from mauraders or did something pretty dang nice in your previous life to find such a cool girl in this one. She mixes delicious libations, she carves, she has a great sense of humor and personality. Your karma is rockin'. You did good my boy... Can I have her? It doesn't hurt to ask right! :D Just kidddin', You guys are like two trippy peas in a far out pod man.

I would like to quote the great philosopher and imbiber of drink Spemicus Whalopolis

"Cool girlfriends are hard to find"

looks good! good job really like it.

Hello All,

To answer some of your Questions; I have about 6 hours into in as of yesterday, however that's mostly carving out the mouth. I,m told that the wood is Ficus (I guess that's a tree) It's really hard wood. Thanks to Aaron's Akua for the log. I have been using mostly a 1 1/2" chisel, however I did try a dremmel (too slow, the wood is too hard - this would take months) and I tried a hatchet (too big, this log isn't large enough to take out big chunks). I finally settled for making a few cuts with a chain saw for the depth in the mouth and then chiseling out the rest. I worked at the hospital all day today so I haven't made any more progress. I'll post more pics when I do. Thanks to everyone for the encouraging words.

hewey posted on Tue, Aug 29, 2006 4:00 AM

Coming along nicely, especially for a 1st tiki :)

Hello All,

Here are a few more pics. I think it's pretty close to being done. I have some more sanding and burning to do and I'll probably try some stain, but this is basically it. There are some things I wish I would have done differently, but I guess I'm pretty happy with tiki #1.

WoooHooooo Whalerider!! Your Tiki looks awesome. Better watch out, Soccer Tiki might hit you up to carve him a Soccertiki :)


WhaleRider, you Should be Very happy with this tiki, He turned out SO Good I can't believe it. Excellent job and I'm sure the next one will be even Better! Way to GO.


Whalerider.....tiki #1 is very cool....nice design...plenty of little touches to make it
stand out. Impressive debut!

Took off to North Carolina for a week and look what I missed! Damn, Laura, that is a righteous Tiki No. 1. Tell Spermy he's slacking!

Heath posted on Mon, Sep 4, 2006 10:10 PM

Lookin' good!!

McTiki posted on Tue, Sep 5, 2006 5:13 AM

Nice first Tiki Whalerider!!! Very nice.


that's a great lookin' tiki for #1! it looks a lot better than my 1st one did. great job!!

Very cool Whalerider!!!!(I hope Spermy doesn't try to put a chain on it and wear it around his neck!) From interior decorating to carving...You do it all!!!! Is your next project gonna be a 6 foot palm???????


I wish my first tiki looked that good!

McTiki posted on Wed, Sep 6, 2006 2:04 PM

My first one was Queen Palm...Needless to say, He's gone now...Whithered away like straw.

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