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[ Edited by: audreyadler 2006-09-07 06:49 ]


Hmmmm. Website doesn't seem to be working properly... But from what I saw, I thought I was on Shagmart.


On 2006-09-05 10:28, MachTiki wrote:
Hmmmm. Website doesn't seem to be working properly... But from what I saw, I thought I was on Shagmart.

audreyadler ~ Ya Audrey, thanks for you're valid info.


One post and out? That's a surprise.

Did you think we wouldn't notice the Shag similarities?


I'm thinking of making a hand pulled print of this image, anyone interested?

[ Edited by: nitropic 2006-09-05 18:38 ]

I am the husband of Audrey who has gotten several insensitive if not downright cruel messages, especially the one from nitropic. Now I know nothing of TIKI art and little of art in general, but I know my wife, and married her because of her compassion and integrity.

Audrey is an artist who has worked for major publishers in a large metropolitan city and has no need to take from another’s work. Indeed, she has multiple sclerosis but courageously has spent hours and hours of time on the computer trying to bring us some income by designing art she hoped to sell.

If her designs happened to resemble SHAG’s art--whatever the quality or originality of his work--it was under no circumstances done deliberately. She never heard of him previously, let alone saw his website. In fact, she is the first to agree that there is some resemblence, but the idea she was ripping off another artist is both ludicrous and unfounded. It is possible however, the answer to some extent lies in the “clip art” she used, which I am told is in the public domain and available to anyone. For example she used two clip art figurines from Adobe Illustrator {which she paid for] which one might make a case resembles that of SHAG.

But what to me is tragic is that many of you out there are so cynical that without any factual or confirming evidence you automatically take the least generous assumption and treat it as fact. (The email from nitronic is excluded as he is a sick individual who is no doubt emeshed in the very material he wishes to portray as value.) Even the member who wrote a personal note in part stating "we'd love to have you work on your own style, we already have Shag," while his/her intention was good, nonetheless should have realized the arrogance and presumption of that statement.

Given the above, Audrey has rightly decided it is best to move on and find another arena to sell her work, if not to move out of TIKI design altogether.

As for those honorable and extremely talented artists who simply desire to express their passion by the use of this website, I mean no disrespect.

This message will be on for the following 48 hours at which time Audrey's ad will be removed.

[ Edited by: needstocreate 2006-09-05 21:59 ]

[ Edited by: needstocreate 2006-09-06 03:29 ]

On 2006-09-05 21:51, needstocreate wrote:

I am the husband of Audrey who has gotten several insensitive if not downright cruel messages, especially the one from nitropic. Now I know nothing of TIKI art and little of art in general, but I know my wife, and married her because of her compassion and integrity.

Audrey is an artist who has worked for major publishers in a large metropolitan city and has no need to take from another’s work. Indeed, she has multiple sclerosis but courageously has spent hours and hours of time on the computer trying to bring us some income by designing art she hoped to sell.

If her designs happened to resemble SHAG’s art--whatever the quality or originality of his work--it was under no circumstances done deliberately. She never heard of him previously, let alone saw his website. In fact, she is the first to agree that there is some resemblence, but the idea she was ripping off another artist is both ludicrous and unfounded. It is possible however, the answer to some extent lies in the “clip art” she used, which I am told is in the public domain and available to anyone. For example she used two clip art figurines from Adobe Illustrator {which she paid for] which one might make a case resembles that of SHAG.

But what to me is tragic is that many of you out there are so cynical that without any factual or confirming evidence you automatically take the least generous assumption and treat it as fact. (The email from nitronic is excluded as he is a sick individual who is no doubt emeshed in the very material he wishes to portray as value.) I wonder whether the member who wrote a personal note in part stating "we'd love to have you work on your own style, we already have Shag," has any idea of the arrogance and presumption of that statement.

Given the above, Audrey has rightly decided it is best to move on and find another arena to sell her work, if not to move out of TIKI design altogether.

This will be on for the following 48 hours at which time her ad will be deleted.

[ Edited by: needstocreate 2006-09-05 21:59 ]

I miss all the fun now-a-days. Humph!!!

p.s. I kinda like the tiki dog in pink. Would blow Svens mind at the Hukilau!!!

p.s.s Hubby and Wife Artists. Don't leave yet!!!! Almost every newbie gets this treatment. Be strong and stick around! If your stuff is a "Knock Off", I'm sure Shags Lawfirm will be in touch with you. If you stick around, before you know it, you'll be doing shirtz with glowing fish floats on them and they'll be all the rage!!

Who did your wife work for????

Check out Benzart's posts...he's a happy Happy HaPPY dude!!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2006-09-05 22:22 ]

p.s.s.s.s. Us Tiki Social-ites have to stick together!!! We're a dying breed around these partz!!!

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2006-09-05 22:31 ]


Most of the artists who post on this site spend laborious hours creating their art and they deserve the respect they have earned. A majority of the members of this site spend sometime feeling it out before they start posting and offering up their work. They know they may just as easily be met with criticism as with praise, they also become familiar with what is already out there. I find it hard to buy that you've never seen Shag's art, and if you have not what lead you to make "Tiki" art? Anyone in the Tiki scene that has not been living in a cave has
seen Shag's work. I find it disrespectful to other true artist on this site when you charge $20 for a shirt with "clip art" on it, when others have charged less
for work they actually came up with on their own. The majority of the member of this site have a deep love of things tiki, you just seem to have dropped in here
to make a quick buck and you'd have to spend some time here to make me ever think
otherwise. I'm also glad you don't like my Pu anymore than I like yours! "Mr. Cruel Mofo"

[ Edited by: nitropic 2006-09-06 06:53 ]

[ Edited by: nitropic 2006-09-06 06:54 ]

On 2006-09-05 13:02, Unga Bunga wrote:
audreyadler ~ Ya Audrey, thanks for you're valid info.

Regarding, that there was no link to see her art when I read it.


Us Tiki Social-ites have to stick together!!! We're a dying breed around these partz!!!

I aint dying. Least I won't be as long as I continue my virgin sheep stem cell injections/pilates work-outs. Dr. Wang at the Wong Institute in Genenva (Ohio) has done wonders for my Tourette's, as well as the issue with my, you know, down there. All systems go, so to speak. Houston, we have NO problem! Although, I still got that Mann Act violation beef back in Wisconsin.

Speaking of art, I could go with more skin on "Love Boat". Lauren Tewes, baby!

Shag sucks anyway, totally overrated. Dikembe Mutombo, now there's an artist.
Half past midnite

ps Fuckin ayy, Bubba.

Paipo posted on Wed, Sep 6, 2006 1:40 PM

Any chance of a link to see what the excitement (or lack of it) was all about?


On 2006-09-05 22:10, RevBambooBen wrote:
p.s.s Hubby and Wife Artists. Don't leave yet!!!! Almost every newbie gets this treatment. Be strong and stick around!

Ben's right. Give it another chance.


On 2006-09-05 21:51, needstocreate wrote:

I am the husband of Audrey who has gotten several insensitive if not downright cruel messages, especially the one from nitropic.

(The email from nitronic is excluded as he is a sick individual who is no doubt emeshed in the very material he wishes to portray as value.)

I'm with Ben! What's the point of being nasty? Most of what we call 'original Tiki art' is inspired or even somewhat copied from public domain art ESPECIALLY Shag. Not to slag Shag, but seriously I don't see it as completely original, though it is KINDA cool (but alas very popular which = overpriced & overratted IMO). MEANWHILE who appointed you newbie 'nitropic' (joined in April 2006 with your less than 20 posts) as TC bulldog?! I'm sure the rest of us can make our own decisions! mashnashmashingofteeth :evil:

[ Edited by: Rattiki 2006-09-06 14:13 ]

..there's no point in sticking around somewhere you clearly have no interest in being, other than financially....these folk don't strike me as tiki enthusiasts...lurkers or otherwise....i say let them go if they want, or, if they are honestly interested and want to find out more, then that's cool...but i'd bet you'd be hard pressed to find anything remotely tiki in that household, aside from the clip art.....


Tipsy has reiterated my original point, thanks. Rattiki, I wasn't trying to sway anyone's opion,just expressing my own. I've only been posting for a few months,
but I've been on and off this site for a couple of years now and seen a lot. I have been making my own "art" since I was 4 years old, went to school for art for 4 years, and spent my entire life surrounded by artists. I have met artists who talent was poor but expressed themselves wonderfully, I know artists who have talent but hardly express it, and those with no talent or expression that just want to be artists. I get annoyed by the later, and I got annoyed by this particular one. I doubt they will, but let them stay and prove me wrong. Audrey, please stay and prove me wrong, make me eat my words.

[ Edited by: nitropic 2006-09-06 15:37 ]


On 2006-09-06 15:36, nitropic wrote:
Rattiki, I wasn't trying to sway anyone's opion,just expressing my own. I've only been posting for a few months,
but I've been on and off this site for a couple of years now and seen a lot. I have been making my own "art" since I was 4 years old, went to school for art for 4 years, and spent my entire life surrounded by artists. I have met artists who talent was poor but expressed themselves wonderfully, I know artists who have talent but hardly express it, and those with no talent or expression that just want to be artists. I get annoyed by the later, and I got annoyed by this particular one. I doubt they will, but let them stay and prove me wrong. Audrey, please stay and prove me wrong, make me eat my words.

That was a well spoken and respectable response and I will say that having had a look at the work it is awfully similar to Shag's and not very interesting, at least not to me.

Having said that I still don't think it behooves anyone alone in a case like this (except maybe Shag or his legal reps) to go to the apparent level that you allegedly did just because they don't live up to your standards and/or annoy you. This is a web community of collectors, artists, purveyors, enthusiasts, innovators and lunatics and we can make our own judgments. :wink: It's sort of like picking a fight in a corner bar that you just started hang out in, not in good form, and that is just 'expressing my own opinion'.

On 2006-09-06 13:57, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2006-09-05 22:10, RevBambooBen wrote:
p.s.s Hubby and Wife Artists. Don't leave yet!!!! Almost every newbie gets this treatment. Be strong and stick around!

Ben's right. Give it another chance.

This was before I noticed that I'm no longer a "Grand Member". Being that my ( have to be nice ) time has run up...............

Everybody F*#!K OFF !!!

Arrrrrrrrrr!!! Arrrrrrrr. ARRRRRRRRR!!!! ARRRRRRRR!!!

( just a blast from the past. I'll be nice again soon)

p.s. on with the Show!!!!


Everybody F*#!K OFF !!!

That reminds me, I was hoping to get one of these shirts and take it to Bong. Well, place it on his grave at least. I think he would have liked that, yes. I miss that little Edison Charger, but I know he's in a better place now. It seems like only yesterday we were just a couple of wild HB kids without a care in the world, hanging out, listening to the first Go-Go's album...sniff, sob. Oh Gawhd, I promised myself I wouldn't cry.

"It doesn't matter what they say, In the jealous games people pl.." BWAHHH, SOB!

Billy Joel was right, only the good die young, only the good. So true.

Crap, now the link is gone, no shirt!?! Screw it, Bong never paid me back for that Belinda Carlisle concert ticket anyway.

Good times,
Marina midnite


Long Live Bong! He is Arrrrrrsome!


Everybody F*#!K OFF !!!

Ben, you're my hero, the wind beneath my wings!
Who is this Shag character everyone's so hot & bothered about? Get over yourselves and be nice, it was once said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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