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There is no Andy Landry. This reads like the Enquirer.

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danlovestikis posted on 09/08/2006


Hi Andy, to discover tikis and love them when you are so young (Have you had your 9th birthday?) is very special. I think that most of us that write on Tiki Central are at least in high school. As for myself I've just become a senior citizen at 55 so we discovered our love of tikis at a much older age.

I'm sure that we all want to welcome you to Tiki Central. Your mom can register you so that you can write to anyone you want to. I'd love to be first on your list. I heard that your hospital room was decorated with the tikis that we sent to you and that you are wearing your necklace from Benzart. I'm so happy that you are done with chemotherapy and that you are home.

So far your tiki buddies are danlovestikis, Joanne1055, Kohalacharms, Hewey, James of Pocketiki, and today Atomic Chick said she's going to join us in decorating your room now that you are home.

I know you are having a really hard time and I want you to know that you have a lot of new friends. I'm hoping that the list will grow bigger. So I'm inviting anyone who reads this to email me so I can tell them how to become one of your tiki buddies.

We love you Andy, keep smiling for your mom, smiling makes good stuff travel though your body to help keep you well, a tiki told me that. We will talk soon, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2006-09-25 18:48 ]

POCKETIKI posted on 09/08/2006

Aloha from England Andy! Sian & I are proud to be considered your new tiki buddies. We both hope you enjoy POCKETIKI and the other tiki 'bits 'n' bobs' we sent. Has the package arrived yet? You really do have a great tiki buddy in Wendy & Dan(lovestikis), the lady, and she is a lady, has a really BIG heart! I've just been a little sick myself Andy and it made me appreciate what a brave 'young man' you really are! We admire your spirit, like Wendy says, 'Keep smiling', especially for your mom (we say mum here in England)'. We saw your picture recently, the one with you and the clowns, you looked really happy, remember that day if you are ever feeling down and also remember how their smiles made you and the people around you happy too! It seems like your tiki buddies are sharing their love of tikis with you Andy, that's pretty cool! If you would like to draw a tiki for my magazine I'd be honoured to put it in the next issue! There's a challenge for you. Maybe you could be America's answer to TIKI RACER?!

Take care Andy! Love from James & Sian x

kingstiedye posted on 09/08/2006

aloha andy. i hope you got the box of goodies i sent. get well soon!

Coco Loco posted on 09/09/2006

Aloha Andy,

Welcome to Tiki Central. There's so much information on Tiki here that I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Wendy is right, many of us are older than high school, but we're all supportive of your interest and love of Tiki. I'm glad that you're able to get home after treatment. Get well soon. We'd love to see pictures of your newly decorated Tiki room. Hang in there and give your mom a hug. She's a very nice lady. --Barbara, feel free to jump in on tiki talk as well. Welcome. :)

Basement Kahuna posted on 09/09/2006

Hi, Andy...They call me Basement Kahuna around here but the name my parents and God gave me is Dave. I'm glad to hear you are home, too. And it sounds like you do what your doctors and your mom and dad need you to do...that's important all of your life. Always know that there are people out there that care about you, love you, need you, and want you to get well soon. You have a lot of tiki carving to do when you grow up! We all look forward to hearing from you and that you're feeling 100 percent good.

procinema29 posted on 09/09/2006

Hello Andy, Welcome to Tiki Central from me and everyone. I'm sort of a beginner at studying the ways of the tiki, but I know that tikis are fun and good for you too. All the best.


danlovestikis posted on 09/09/2006

Hey There Andy, I'm going to try to post the photo of you and the clown that was at the hospital the first day you were there. I think all your tiki buddies would like to see you even if you are older now. Your mom said you were six in this photo. Did you have your 9th birthday yet? Lots of love, Wendy[image removed]_________________

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore - image removed - 2006-09-21 02:12 ]

moondog426 posted on 09/09/2006

Hi Andy,
I am glad you are home. I hope you feel better real soon. We all want you to get well so you can make one of the tiki events they talk about around here. A family outing would be fun. There are alot of talented people around here who shine in the world of ''tiki''. I think it's very cool you discovered tikis at such an early age. Hope to chat with you soon.

[ Edited by: moondog426 2006-09-09 07:11 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/09/2006

Hi Andy, one of your tiki buddies Hewey today told me he shipped a box with a surprise for you. It's surfer art that he did just for you. He is the guy who started all of us wanting to be your tiki buddies by contacting Benzart about a necklace for you. Ben contacted me and I contacted your mom. Email is wonderful because we can talk to people all over the world. You have a new tiki buddy in England who is friends with James and Sian of Pocketiki who will contact you too.

Are you going to draw a tiki for the magazine? It's ok to copy a tiki that you have and just do something to it to make it different. Since you also like surfing you could have the tiki on a surfboard or holding one. A surfing tiki! Or any other idea you have would be great. Your mom has a copy of the magazine so the address should be in there, if not let me know and I'll send it to you.

Hang in ther buddy, more good things to come your way, love, Wendy

Benzart posted on 09/09/2006

Hey Andy, Welcome to Tiki Central Tiki Buddy! I am Really glad to hear you are at home after your last treatments. I think you are an Inspiration to all of us Old Fuddy-Duddy's. I'm glad you got my package and it sounds like you got a Lot of other packages too. When you are ready to start carving, let me know and I will try to get a carving lesson to you. Feel free to email me any time if you want to talk or trasde pictures or anything else. YTour momma is a great lady, you are so lucky to have her for a mother.
Cheers for now,

GMAN posted on 09/09/2006


Welcome to TC. I go by Gman here, but you can call me Greg. I am writing to you from Florida and I hope that you are much more comfortable at home. I am sending all sorts of positive energy your way, and I hope it helps and makes you smile. Please feel free to send me PM's to talk carving or general silliness whenever you feel like it. If Danlovestikis send me a mailing address, I will send you a tiki pendant I carved to wear also.


kingstiedye posted on 09/09/2006

here's the package i put together for andy. happy birthday, surfer dude!

hiltiki posted on 09/09/2006

Hey Andy welcome to TC. I just wanted to say a quick hello to you and your mom. I hope you get well soon. Keep in touch with us here at TC, we love company. :) :) :)

danlovestikis posted on 09/10/2006

Just a note to thank everyone who has requested Andy's address and will be sending fun gifts. If you just heard about this send me a personal message and I'll tell you how to participate.

So Andy keep watching your regular mail delivery there are fun things coming your way from all your new tiki buddies. Hugs from Dan and Wendy

ps we sent another box today, one of the things you can play with in bed, you throw them in the air and it sounds like a rattle snake!

ookoo lady posted on 09/10/2006

[ Edited by: ookoo lady 2006-09-21 08:02 ]

hewey posted on 09/10/2006

Hey Andy! Happy Birthday for the other day! Yeh, I sent some surf vibes your way man - itll be late for your birthday, but I hope you like it. I made it just for you after I heard that you like surfing.

Hope you get a kick out of all the stuff you get - You're gonna have more tiki stuff than I do! - Im serious!

By the way - my names Andy too, but dont tell anyone on here - they dont know my real name :)

POCKETIKI posted on 09/10/2006

Hey Andy(s)! Ooops I mean Andy and Hewey (Hopefully I didn't blow your cover Hewey?)! Hewey is right Andy, I think your tiki collection will soon be the envy of ALL of us here in Tiki Central Land! Enjoy this time in your life Andy and it will be shared by us ALL! I meant what I said about the 'tiki drawing' so get scribbling, ha, ha! Toodle Pip! James & Sian x

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Atomicchick posted on 09/10/2006

Let me just start off by saying TCers RULE!!!

It is so nice to see everyone pulling together for such a terrific kid!

Andy, I have a box of tiki goodies for you. I hope you enjoy them! Feel free to e-mail me anytime, we can be tiki pals!

It is just awesome to see someone so young be a tiki fiend like the rest of us here!

danlovestikis posted on 09/10/2006

Hey Andy, I have really fun news for you. I was just talking with my buddy Gecko. He is a tiki artist on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. He said that he is going to send you one of his tiki mugs.

He's a very talented artist whose mugs and bowls we all love to collect. It takes a week or so to get from there to Texas but I'm sure there will be other fun boxes arrive to keep you having fun until his gets to you.

Tell your mom that her letter touched my heart and that I've shared it with some of your new tiki buddies.

James of Pocketiki said that if you have energy to draw a tiki - he really means it, he has saved a page in his magazine just for you. You will become a tiki artist published in an English tiki magazine, which is way cool. Mom can give you a hand. It doesn't have to be perfect or like a grown up would do. I have been interviewed for the magazine and you and I would be in the same issue together.

I wish I was there to give you a hug, love you, Wendy

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Stiki Tiki posted on 09/10/2006

[ Edited by: Stiki Tiki 2006-09-18 07:49 ]

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Karbora posted on 09/11/2006

Aloha Andy!

It seems like we have alot in common. I love tikis and I grew up surfing on the East Coast of Florida. I could never get enough of either one. My name is Kim, but around these parts they call me Karbora. I used to live in Australia and was a Koala Researcher. The native aboriginal word for Koalas was pronounced Karbora...so I thought it would make a good nickname. Plus it starts with a "K" which makes it easy :) I have always felt that it is good to have passion in life no matter what you do and really go after the things that you love. I am glad to hear that you are pursuing your interest in tiki. You have certainly come to the right place. I am wishing you a Happy Belated Birthday. I will contact Wendy to get your address so I can send you tiki greetings from sunny Florida.


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kingstiedye posted on 09/11/2006

i'm proud to be a part of tiki central when i see such caring and kindness from so many people. andy, i hope we can see some pics of your birthday party soon. i hope you had a good time. your tiki friend, bullet

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danlovestikis posted on 09/11/2006

Hi Andy, I am having people line up to become your next tiki buddy. I have sent your address to everyone who requests it.

Wow, now you could do a sticker as well as the tiki for the magazine.

Remember that everyone just wants you to have fun and if this doesn't feel like fun then that's ok too. You do what you want and we will support you.

Lots of Love, Wendy

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rodeotiki posted on 09/11/2006

Hey Andy , Greetings and well wishes from Canada. I have a son that is 9 years old and he says hello. Maybe the 2 of you could exchange some drawings when your feeling up to it. You take care of your mom and I cant wait to see some pictures of your party.


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TravelingJones posted on 09/11/2006

Hi Andy,

Folks call me TravelingJones. I'm a photographer in Washington,DC but I grew up in Oklahoma...so I've been to Texas alot!

I just wanted to say, "Howdy" and "Aloha" to you. Will you be my tiki pal too?!!

I've got some rowdy fellas here that wanted thier picture taken...then they jumped in a box and said they wanted to stay with you!
I hope that's o.k. with your Mom 'cause they are leaving tomorrow to be with you in Texas! You can write to me anytime, and I hope they make you feel better.

Later Pardner!


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MakeDaMug posted on 09/11/2006

Hi Andy,

My TC name is Smogbreather but my friends call me Holden. I hope the package I sent you arrived aok and that you are enjoying all of the cool Tiki stuff from everybody. I figured that Hot Wheels with Tikis were about the best things I could send to you but if you go to my website (www.tikifarm.com) and see other things that you like, just let me know.

Hey, I thought it'd be fun to share with you what some of the words are that we use here on Tiki Central. That way, if you see a word that looks kind of funny, you'll know what it means.

Aloha = Hello, Goodbye & Love (in Hawaiian)
Ohana = Family (we use that word a lot)
Pupu = No! Not what you think:) It means appetizer (we don't use that word much but it always makes me laugh when I say it)
Tikiphile = this is the actual term for us... lovers & collectors of Tiki (it's pronounced Tiki File)
Mahalo = Means thank you and that's how I'd like to end this email...
Mahalo Andy!

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2006-09-11 11:56 ]

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Chongolio posted on 09/11/2006

Aloha Andy or Anaki (which is your Hawaiian name,)
My name is Chongolio and would you believe I am part monkey? It's true! Now you can tell your freind you know a dude who is part monkey. I like to surf, paint and draw tikis, waves and surfers. I also play and listen to music. I am working on getting you some stuff to help spread some get well vibes your way. I hope it brings a smile to your face because smiles are what really will help you to feelin' good again. So keep smiling and laughing when ever you can. I am really sad and sorry to hear about the bad run of luck you have had to deal with, but you sound like a pretty strong little bucko so I know you can beat these blues. Hurry up and get well soon so you can get back to the beach and catch some surf. It's really cool to see a young little buddy like you who is into tiki and surfing.

Your pal Chongolio

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danlovestikis posted on 09/12/2006

Hey Andy, thank you so much for your note and totally cute photo. Did you get the pig that escaped the luau and the story that goes with it from Donna and Joniece Frank.

I want you to know who these ladies are. They are the daughter's of Frankoma Pottery. Joniece made one of the best tikis of all time called a War God that all we collectors fight to get one.

The little pig they sent to you was designed by their mother and only a very few were ever made. I am lucky enough to have one and now you do too. As they told you the PigLee is very special like the tikis.

I saw that Holden sent you a box. He is the owner of Tiki Farm, they make wonderful tikis. Soon they will have mugs that were designed by Benzart who made the tiki necklace for you. Since he said you could look at his web page and see if there is something else you need for your room I think it's an offer to good to past up. He's your tiki buddy too so have fun. Lot's of love, Wendy and Dan

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VonTiki posted on 09/12/2006

Aloha Andy from Ventura, California.My name is Dustin, they call me Von Tiki.
I have a son your age named Colton that loves tiki too. He plays guitar and rides a skateboard and sometimes helps me when I carve tiki's with a chainsaw. Colton and I would like very much to be your new tiki pals. I've got some cool stuff to send you too. Have your mom or dad send me an email with your address and we'll send you some Von Tiki stickers and a shrunken head and other cool stuff.
We look forward to hearing from you Andy.
Later Dude!!--- Von Tiki

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TIKIWAGON posted on 09/12/2006

Hi Andy
We are Sue and Dave from England, and we would love to be your overseas pals. We own a company over here called Hotrod Tiki, and love tiki as much as you, it's kool isn't it? Everybody on Tiki Central are wanting you to get better really soon, so you are soon back doing the things you love.
We are sending you a parcel from England with some things you hopefully will like.
Keep in touch with us, as our thoughts are with you mate!
Take care.
Sue and Dave.

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VonTiki posted on 09/13/2006

hey andy, that's a cool name. My name is Colton. I'm son of Vontiki. I'm 10 and in 5th grade.Sorry to hear that you are sick. Me and my dad are going to send you some cool tiki stuff.Do you have a dog? I do. I have a big, fat, lazy black hound dog named Daisey. She is nice. I have a love bird named squeeky tiki. We call him tick turd. he is a little trouble maker.What bands do you like? My dad sid you can email me at our family email if you want to. Later dude from Colton

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GatorRob posted on 09/13/2006

Hi Andy! My name on Tiki Central is GatorRob and the reason I put "gator" on the front of my name is because I'm a Florida Gator fan and that's where I went to college. You know what? We have several things in common. When I was your age, I lived in Texas (San Antonio to be exact) and I loved it there! Also, I have a 10 year old son (Jordan) and an 8 year old daughter (Rebecca). And my son is really starting to get into tiki! Collecting tiki stuff is a lot of fun. We like it so much, we're designing a room that will do nothing but hold tiki stuff! Sounds like you're going to need a room like that too! Do you know that we live real close to Disney World? If you come to visit here, please let me know and we'll be your personal tour guides! We go there all the time and I'd like to send you something special from there. I'll even have Jordan pick it out because boys know what other boys like! Stay strong buddy and hug your mom a lot. There's nothing better than that is there? :)

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danlovestikis posted on 09/14/2006

Hi Andy, this note is not for you so please skip on to the next one. This is only for grown ups who need some information from your mom and I. I'll talk to you later tiki buddy. Love, Wendy

Hi TC'ers. There have been those who noticed a discrepancy in the time line I presented about Andy. How could what I was saying work out right and be real. It was a time line that I had put together from a number of sources and it looked off to me as well. So today I wrote about that to Barbara and I'm going to do my best to transfer her email directly to this post. This is real, and all of you who have worked to cheer him up are his heroes. He doesn't have his dad any more but he has a poor in comparison substitute - us. I'm thankful it helps to brighten his day. We are all making a difference.

I'll go now and try to put on the email, if it doesn't work then I'll type it myself into the next post. OK it didn't work so here goes:

Hi Wendy, I just got home from work. Well, the picture I sent you with the clown is when he was going in for testing, at that time my husband was still in Iraq. Andy was having some discomfort but all tests taken by GP came back negative. Finally after several trips to the GP, he decided to put him in the hospital for more testing. This all took place from when he was almost 7 to now, he just turned 9. My husband was aware of him going to the hospital for testing, but was killed before the diagnoses, which came later. Andy was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia. It's a type of cancer that starts from white blood cells in the bone marrow. At this point it has spread to his central nervous system. I'm debating whether to go see my mother, this week, she will not fly under any circumstance and I have been at odds over what to do. Time does not seem to be on our side and i would like her to see him. i think this is something I need to do. Went to Dr's office today and all seemed so pointless, not alot of new information, left me frustrated. Thank you for everything you have done, the suggestion for Make a Wish trip to Disneyland sounds wonderful and I know Andy would love it but at this point I just want to spend what little time I have with him. This all seems like a nightmare to me, it seems it happened so fast, but I realize I have little control over that. I'll write you tomorrow, the nurse is leaving here and I need to get his meds ready for the morning, thank again, Barbara

I really trust Barbara, I hope that you all will as well and do what you can for Andy. Thank you all who already have. Tiki people are so special and I feel it every day. I will post photos of Andy as soon as I have them, Wendy

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danlovestikis posted on 09/14/2006

Hi Andy, this is another email for you to skip, it's grownup talk and I'd like you not to read it. Love you, Wendy

Hi TC, it's me again, I have a request from Barbara and Andy to thank each and every one of you for the support, the prayers, the outpouring of encouragement. Of course Andy thanks everyone for all the cool tikis, surf stuff and artwork. He say's he feels that he is really a member of a big club. He is enjoying everything and begs to read TC non-stop.

They will make the journey to see his grandmother Friday and when they return as soon as she is able she will get the photos of Andy for me to share. She also plans to post thank you's from herself and Andy. She has so much to do and so little time, we all have family and friends touched by cancer so we understand time from that perspective.

Thank you again for making Andy happy during this hard time, Wendy

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Barbara posted on 09/15/2006

I would like to thank everyone for the support and caring you have shown Andy these past few weeks. He reads these post almost daily when able and it really seems to lift his spirits to know he has tiki friends around the world that wish him well. I wish I could thank each and every one of you individually but that’s not possible for me at this time. But just know that Andy loves his get well notes, cards and letters, from all of you and it really does make a difference, thank you for everything.

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Stiki Tiki posted on 09/15/2006

[ Edited by: Stiki Tiki 2006-09-18 07:48 ]

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Ojaitimo posted on 09/15/2006

Hi Andy, my name is Tim , Ojaitimo here on TC. That is so cool that you are into tiki so young. I got into tiki when I was your age after my mother helped create the Tradewinds restaurant in California which had about 100 tikis inside and out. Vontiki and Colton now have this one,
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There was a lagoon with a boat and a dock, lots of koi fish. It would rain inside at times and they had polynesian dancers, It was pretty cool. Do you have any places like that around you that you would like to check out?
For years I forgot about tiki until I found Tiki Central and all of you. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. Take care buddy,
Tim Ojaitimo

[ Edited by: Ojaitimo 2006-09-15 08:48 ]

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Stiki Tiki posted on 09/15/2006

[ Edited by: Stiki Tiki 2006-09-18 07:49 ]

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Chongolio posted on 09/15/2006

Aloha Anaki ( did you remember your Hawaiian name?),
Hey I told all my freinds in the Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz about you and they all got together, pitched in and bought you a Ukulele!! Everyone signed it and wanted me to send it over as fast as I can so you can start strummin' away those bad feelings! I will get it, along with some other tiki goodies, in the mail for you this weekend so you should get it sometime next week. Here is a pic I took of the club all sending you all their ukulele super mana!

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All of these folks are really a bunch of fun and love to get together, play thier ukes and sing! (One of the dudes who started the club is named Andy too and is a really funny guy!) Ukes are really a lot of fun and easy to play with a little practice. I will also send you some songs for you to work on when you are feeling down. The ukulele has a magical way of putting a smile on your face even when you don't feel like smiling. I hope you enjoy it lil Braddah!

Your pal,

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Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

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danlovestikis posted on 09/16/2006

I just have to say another thank you to everyone who fills Andy's days with excitement and fun. He is seeing his grandmother today so I know he is being held tight and given lots of extra love.

All of you are incredibly special people. Wendy

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Stiki Tiki posted on 09/16/2006

[ Edited by: Stiki Tiki 2006-09-18 07:50 ]

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Benzart posted on 09/16/2006

Here you go Andy, I fell asleep the other day and some Tiki Central Pranksters decided do change the way I look. Underneath all that Ink is Benzart!
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Hope you're feeling better. When you feel up to It I'll have to teach you how to carve a tiki, would you like to do that?
Have a Nice day,

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Sam Gambino posted on 09/17/2006


Just wanting you to know that I am rooting for you. You are a brave, cool cat, and not only that, you are a tiki freak, so that puts you way off of the scale!

There's a package going out to you this week - you should get it before Friday. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and Happy Belated Birthday!

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GMAN posted on 09/17/2006

Your Gman pendant is in the air......:D


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FreddieBallsomic posted on 09/18/2006

Aloha, Andy... I am sorry I didnt catch this post sooner.. I truely admire your braveness.You are a true modern day savage.. I do alot of extreme sports and my tikis have always guided me home safely. Therefore, There is a tiki I carved enroute to you. I am confident he will guide you safely as well. I have much compassion for a youngster like you that has such a strong heart and will. Me and MANY others here on TC got your back lil'buddy...Be strong and always be positive. Positive energy will always guide you in the right direction..
And when your feelin good... You gots a skydive on me..AND
I am lookin forward to it. Holla and see you soon,, your homey, FreddieB.

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Karbora posted on 09/18/2006

Aloha Andy.....

Even though we are across the miles, I think of you often and hope that my tiki buddy is feeling better. I know this is a challenge and it stinks to not feel well! I have a tiki in my backyard who watches over me and my home, and I am going to make sure that he is also watching over you. He is 7 feet tall. I decided that I am going to name him AL (Andy Landry)because he is big and fierce and strong just like you! You will have to come and meet him some day. Until then here is a picture of what he looks like:

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I hear that you have been visiting with your Grandma. I hope you are having a wonderful time being with those who care about you so much.


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Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/18/2006

Hi Andy,

My Name is Amy. I love tiki just like you. Wendy told me all about you and How Brave you are! We are very proud of you and we need you to get better fast!Enjoy all your gifts from all your new friends and get better soon!

Talk to you soon, your new friend,


A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2609178e37b8b2c1dc95261d3ed16d98?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
aquaorama posted on 09/18/2006

Ok...not to be the BAD GUY around here.....BUT...maybe ya'll better take a look at this link...then look back at the photo on page 1......( Special thanks to the TOP SECRET Detective...)


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