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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

attention south florida tiki carvers and tikiphiles!!!!

Pages: 1 5 replies

micky tiki posted on 09/04/2006

oct 9th the monday after hukilau i will be putting on a after luau
at my house in lake worth with a roasted pig , rum , good music and plenty of logs for carving so if your interested just let me know and i'll give you directions to my place .....

micky tiki

TikiLaLe posted on 09/08/2006

Nice invite !!!!

Wednesday before the Hulikau would be nice !!!!

Rainy Days and Mondays get me down !!!!

Benzart posted on 09/08/2006

Sounds like Fun, I'll try to be there!

tikigap posted on 09/08/2006

Sure does sound like fun... but I have to head up north on the 8th

Thanks for the invite anyway though! Have a blast!

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-09-08 15:10 ]

I dream of tiki posted on 09/11/2006

Sounds lovely! You are one swell fellow for extending such a kind invitation.
If I am not called in to work, I would love to attend.

Loki posted on 09/11/2006

You know i'll be there. Thanks for the invite brah.

Pages: 1 5 replies