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Tiki Central / California Events

Doug Horne aka Swamp Fire Lounge in Old Town San Diego

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Swamp Fire posted on 09/12/2006

Hey all, if you're looking for something to do this weekend I'll have a booth at Art Fest in Old Town San Diego, free admission (link to info below).
I'll be represent'n tiki at my booth so stop by and say hey. I've got some new stuff never seen before, so fresh it's not even on my web site.

Link to info:

Jungle Trader posted on 09/12/2006

Aloha Swamp Fire. Your art is superbly superb. If you find my heart in San Diego, put it in a jar for safe keeping.
:music: I left my heart
in San Dee eggo. :music:

See Doug's banner here http://www.tikijungle.com

Matt Reese posted on 09/13/2006

All right! Swampfire and Old Town tacos.

Swamp Fire posted on 09/13/2006

On 2006-09-12 12:09, Jungle Trader wrote:
If you find my heart in San Diego, put it in a jar for safe keeping.
:music: I left my heart
in San Dee eggo. :music:

Jungle, I'm sure If I find your heart at the art fair someone will have turned it into an art project. Titled "Heart on Canvas". Sounds like something David Lynch would do.

Hey Matt, hope to see you during our visit.

kick_the_reverb posted on 09/14/2006

Will you be there on Sunday?

FlatEarthTrading posted on 09/14/2006

I picked up a print from Doug at the Mission Tiki drive-in, and sure enjoy looking at it everyday!! I can't wait to see your new designs.


Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/15/2006

Wish I could go! I am barely 5 miles from there. I will be racing the mountain bike this weekend.:)

Cammo posted on 09/15/2006

Thanks for the head's up on this. Why oh why is Old Town having an art show after all the tourists have gone home??? It would have been a great Labor Day weekend event.

Anyway, we'll come Saturday. Looking forward to your Coco-Nutty imagery...

Swamp Fire posted on 09/19/2006

Thanks Cammo and all the other TCer's who came by. Thanks for dropping in, you guys hleped make it a fun
event for me. Mahlo!

Digitiki posted on 09/20/2006

It was good to meet you Doug in S.D.! I love my "Grog List" & "Drink Menu" prints!!! Keep up the great work!

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