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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace

Wholesale Tiki Items

Pages: 1 6 replies

Tiki Kev posted on 02/18/2006

Does anyone here sell wholesale Tiki items or know of anyone selling wholesale items? I'm looking to start offering a new line of tiki items to my customers at http://www.tikikev.com , Thanks in advance for any info
Tiki Kev

FreddieBallsomic posted on 02/18/2006

You might want to try contacting dynasty wholesale. Mahalo.

Tiki Kev posted on 02/18/2006

Ok, Thanks.....Checked them out.....any others? anything more authentic?

Tipsy McStagger posted on 02/18/2006

how about luau lanterns?? you can see them on my site at:


Tiki Kev posted on 02/18/2006

I like those lanterns Tipsy....Wholesale?

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 02/19/2006

on a side note: I was watching the 40 Year Old Virgin on dvd the other day & noticed a few of your lanterns in the background during one of the bar scenes.
Did you know about that?

Kana posted on 09/14/2006

I'm looking for whole sale items too. I have a site http://www.mythichawaii.com (ancient hawaiian weapons, warriors, tiki gods and polynesion society information) and would like to sell some unique items on it. Any ideas would be great. Is there a deal on your laterns?


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