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Mai Tai's birthday Saturday night - at Forbidden Island

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Coco Loco posted on 09/14/2006

Okay, lets try this again, under my login! Reminder to self, when sharing a computer...

Well it's amazing that it's nearly September 21st ALREADY. That's the day that our fez lovin, rum swilling, cocktail connoisseur Mai Tai is celebrating his ahem mm 29th birthday, *add a decade onto that plus 1 *. Fitting with the birthday month theme, we will be at Forbidden Island **Saturday night, the 23rd ** celebrating his birthday. Since we'll most likely have many TCers in town for the Forbidden Island Super sale, please join us in imbibing in our favorite place and celebrating THE MAI TAI. More details to follow.

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-09-14 00:52 ]

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-09-26 14:04 ]

the drunken hat posted on 09/19/2006

well we'll try to make this. if not perhaps one of the mixologists there at FI will allow me to purchase a "quicksand" on sunday for him! :wink:

coco remember it is an orange gretsch that he wants!

Coco Loco posted on 09/19/2006

On 2006-09-18 22:48, the drunken hat wrote:

coco remember it is an orange gretsch that he wants!

Yep. It's so generous of you!! :wink:

tikiwinebear posted on 09/19/2006

I actually have the opportunity to be at Forbidden Island on Wed (11/20) and Thurs (11/21) this week, as well as Sunday (11/25) for the Big Event. I will have to catch up with the Birthday celebration on one of the nights I will be there! Darn... sounds like great fun happening on Saturday night!!

  • Myke
Coco Loco posted on 09/19/2006

On 2006-09-19 08:33, tikiwinebear wrote:
I actually have the opportunity to be at Forbidden Island on Wed (11/20) and Thurs (11/21) this week, as well as Sunday (11/25) for the Big Event. I will have to catch up with the Birthday celebration on one of the nights I will be there! Darn... sounds like great fun happening on Saturday night!!

  • Myke

You'll make the Weds event then. Remember it's birthday month! :)

On 2006-09-18 21:12, Coco Loco wrote:
It's a PARTY at FI Weds night...well it's always a party at FI. But Weds nite is No CA Septemberites birthday gathering. Birthdays this month, that I know of are, Mai Tai (21), Conga Mike (22), and Humuhumu (25). If I missed anyone please let me know. So ya'll know what we'll be toastin to. See ya then.

dangergirl299 posted on 09/19/2006

On 2006-09-19 08:33, tikiwinebear wrote:
I actually have the opportunity to be at Forbidden Island on Wed (11/20) and Thurs (11/21) this week, as well as Sunday (11/25) for the Big Event. I will have to catch up with the Birthday celebration on one of the nights I will be there! Darn... sounds like great fun happening on Saturday night!!

  • Myke

are we in November already?
don't pull a dangergirl and show up in the wrong month!


tikiwinebear posted on 09/19/2006

OOOPS! I am thinking about my Maui vacation toooo much!!! You are right dangergirl!!! Its still September... month "9" not "11"!!! So to override my first posting, I WILL be there THIS Wed and Thurs (9/20 & 21) and again on Sunday (9/24).

Phew!!! :D

  • Myke

How old are you if you didn't know how old you are??

[ Edited by: tikiwinebear 2006-09-19 09:23 ]

Coco Loco posted on 09/19/2006

God, I have to stop posting when I'm tired and severe allergies...It's the medicine I say! Ya' know, I just realized that I didn't put 11's, it was Tikiwinebear. ;-D

Whew, thank goodness.

IT'S me meds I say!!! Talkin like a pirate!! Arrggg Mayte.

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-09-19 09:43 ]

JenTiki posted on 09/19/2006

I'll definitely be there for the Septemberites party on Wednesday (and probably won't leave so early this time), and will probably also drop in on Saturday night to raise a Mai Tai to Mai Tai.

Happy Birthday to all the Septemberites!!!

TikiHula posted on 09/20/2006

Hi guys. I accepted a new job in Sacramento yesterday - woohoo! - and we are going to be moving in a month. The tiki room comes down on the 30th, :cry: so we are going to have one last night of drinks in there on Saturday. Sorry we won't be able to make Mai Tai's birthday party at FI, but we'll see you guys there again in a few weeks.

Happy B-day dude - you're the best!

"But why is the rum gone?!" -Capt. Jack Sparrow

The Tiki Gallery has over 1,400 photos!

[ Edited by: TikiHula 2006-09-20 08:20 ]

tikivixen posted on 09/20/2006


Odds are we'll be there, matey!

Coco Loco posted on 09/20/2006

Whohoo! Yea!

mrsmiley posted on 09/21/2006

Buy Mai taI A "quicksand" for me!

Coco Loco posted on 09/23/2006

Hi everyone,

We'll be rolling into FI around 8:30/9:00ish tomorrow (Sat.) night for birthday cocktails. Look forward to meeting up with whomever can make it. See ya'll tomorrow.


TofuJoe posted on 09/24/2006

For anyone heading out to the Island tonight...

I'm told that the place has been packed since 7pm and there is a sizeable line out the door. You may want to hustle on down or plan to wait a bit longer before getting in.

I'll be there sometime closer to 10.

If we have to we'll just have Mai Tai's shindig waiting behind the velvet ropes!

Haole'akamai posted on 09/24/2006

On 2006-09-20 23:06, mrsmiley wrote:
Buy Mai taI A "quicksand" for me!


...but of course, they'll never be another Quicksand made in here again.....

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