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Carving Post

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tikifille posted on 02/19/2003

[ Edited by: tikifille on 2003-02-19 07:16 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 02/19/2003

Here is my latest redwood carving. Still needs some fine tuning. I was thinking since the eyes and the nose are angular that maybe I should convert the mouth to same, (hopefully without ruining it). Kinda strange looking eh? Comments?

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/19/2003

I love it, man....I'm so glad things are 'gettin different again instead of the same old!

PolynesianPop posted on 02/19/2003

Very cool looking tiki! I love the creativity of the angles.

Chongolio posted on 03/04/2003

Here are some shots of the tiki I made using the kiln dried construction grade wrong kinda of carvin wood. I found great pleasure applying the torch to this guy. I am actually kind of happy with the way he came out. I am calling him Po'opa'akiki.
Here is also a shot of the my other tiki with a stain and the torch applied. Still a few touch ups left but he is now considered part of the decor and no longer a project. He gets the name Makani.
Now I need to find me another log!

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-03-03 19:37 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/04/2003

That guy on the bottom really did turn out nice after all....like a bit of old Tahiti. The top reminds me of a Kahiki coffee mug style.

Lake Surfer posted on 03/04/2003

Construction grade lumber, driftwood, palm, top of the line oak... whatever wood you use... a tiki is a tiki and its a great little work of art and culture... beautiful work with what you have Chongolio...
Mahalo for sharing!

KAHAKA posted on 03/04/2003

Unfortunately I can't take credit for creating this monster... It was created by a hot rodder buddy of mine named Nacho (yeah, Nacho). It's presently sitting in my backyard and towers above my house. It's almost as tall as our next door neighbor's two story house. No, it's not exactly 'traditional' in the sense that it was created out of chicken wire, foam, and paint, but it's still a carving none the less.

[ Edited by: KAHAKA on 2003-03-03 23:50 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/04/2003

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna on 2003-03-03 23:35 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/04/2003

Is that the picture?

KAHAKA posted on 03/04/2003

yeah....... thanks

Kentiki posted on 03/04/2003

Holy Crabby Patties! That could be Squidward's house! Man that Moai's huge!

Chongolio posted on 03/05/2003

Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Dang Kahaka! that buddy is whoppin'
If I had that in my backyard, the property owners would have an equally sizable mound in the back of thier britches.

KAHAKA posted on 03/05/2003

hehehehe.... yeah, the neighbors haven't said a word about it yet (though i can't remember the last word they said to us... hmmmmm). the tiki is one of those was-once-temporary-but-since-has-become-permanent-until-otherwise-notfied fixtures to our backyard/fence/neighbors' view.

PolynesianPop posted on 03/05/2003


Has anybody here carved Pine? I have a friend who is cutting down a LARGE Pine tree as I write this and I wan't to take logs from it however, I want to make sure it will be worth the trouble.

The tree is over 40 years old and the branches alone have diameters of about 16" and straight lengths up to 10 feet long. The main trunk is about 3 feet in diameter!

I've heard Pine can be harsh on the chisels. Is this true?

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-03-05 14:09 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 03/05/2003

Leroy Schmaltz has used it often apparently.

tikifille posted on 03/06/2003

I've used it. It's not hard on chisels. It's just harder than palm. It's considered a soft wood (as, I think, most lumber coming from evergreen/conifer trees are) so it's easier to cut than, say oak, maple, or walnut. It's free. It's a big diameter. Try it. Oh yeah- all those sort of scary grizzly bear, cougers, and what nots that are carved with chainsaws outside of most national parks are usually pine, too.

tikifille posted on 03/06/2003

Uuuhhh...pine is terrible. Don't touch it under any circumstance. Call a professional to rid you of this dangerous medium. That would be me. Or, more directly put, if you don't want it, I might. Thanks.

PolynesianPop posted on 03/06/2003

Tikifille, there's plenty for everyone. There's literally a mountain of pine logs in my buddys front yard now. He had a 40 year old tree cut down and it was HUGE. I'm going by there tonight to pick up as many logs as I can fit in my truck. And believe me, it won't even look like I touched the pile at all...

Lake Surfer posted on 03/06/2003

This little guy was carved from a 7 foot pine driftwood log I found on the beach...

I found it quite easy to carve and my chisels are fine...I usually carve basswood for the ease of carving but I like the pine better for detail work...

I think if you carve... take the time to work with many types of wood if you can, you may discover some new things... I've been working with ash for my tiki lamps... a wonderful wood for detail work...
good score Polynesian Pop!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2003-03-06 11:32 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 03/06/2003

Thanks LS. I talked to Chiki last night and he told me the biggest factor I'd need to worry about is splitting. Looks like you had that unfortunate experience first hand!

One more question -- Should I be concerned about the sap? Per Chiki, I can try carving it now and seal it as much as possible afterwards. However, I'm afraid that the logs might be full of sticky sap and I don't want to gum-up my chainsaw.

Chongolio posted on 03/06/2003

I have wondered about the sap factor also. I had a friend who's truck was crushed by a big cypress during one of the storms a few months back. Needless to say he has lots of cypress logs lying around his property now. But they look like they would be a sticky mess to carve.
He tells me it would be no problem, but I think he just wants me to help him clean up his property. P-pop since you have so many you could do some experimenting with them. (pruning seal, tung oil etc.) Hey Basement, impart upon us some more of that wisdom you have so much of.
I am going to go down to the beach now to check out a driftwood log my Wahine spotted a few days ago.


Basement Kahuna posted on 03/07/2003

You got me as far as cypress goes. I've carved some things in pine. I have four huge 19" diameter 7 1/2-foot logs in my carving pile right now.

Kentiki posted on 03/07/2003

There is a guy who does tikis out of cypress in the Fla. Keys (Islamorada). I couldn't tell what kind of detail you could get out of cypress. They were all carved pretty roughly with a chainsaw, etc. Didn't look too sappy, but then again, they were coated in some kind of stain & sealer.

I wanted to offer to buy a log to carve, but didn't. It looked like a fairly promising carving wood.

Doctor Z posted on 03/07/2003

There's a guy in Gulf Breeze, FL (eBay seller name: "tigrman") who does some nice carvings out of cypress planks; I don't know if he does full poles or not. I picked up an excellent 6 1/2' plank from him a few years ago, but I haven't seen anything else by him recently. Maybe the same guy?

Jungle Trader posted on 03/08/2003

Here I give you..........."The Bastard" in leiu of the thread on the bastardization of tiki. As you can see, it's an amalgam. What the hell is an amalgam you ask? ..........Nay seriously brethen, it's name is Lanakila. I am considering cutting it's nostrils off..........but once I do that, they're gone, can't get 'em back.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-03-07 19:41 ]

GECKO posted on 03/10/2003

great job jungle trader and lake surfer! keep dem comin! hey poly wen you gon finish your tiki? I herd you talk story about it plenty. so? you neva start em yet? Hula Hula, you still carving?


PolynesianPop posted on 03/10/2003

Gecko, the tiki is finished. I'm pretty happy with the result considering its my first one. Maybe I'll post pics sometime (when I find the courage...)

GECKO posted on 03/10/2003

PP, F courage! jus post em.....well, I still have my very first tiki to this day that i carved and i wouldn't post it so i guess i know what ya mean. so, post it! hehe

wassup with your boy Hula? he must be marinating.

Jungle Trader posted on 03/10/2003

PP, it's cool. The first 2 I carved were so bad I threw one away and the other I gave to a friend, I couldn't believe he even wanted it. Of course, I'm not saying yours will be that bad, it's just interesting to see all the different styles and the evolution of a carver.

mrtikibar posted on 03/10/2003

My first tiki is to the point where it's pretty much done. A photo will be posted soon. What the heck.

Tiki Diablo posted on 03/11/2003

You guys post away. The first tiki I carved looked like a chewed-up no.2 pencil. PolyPop post bro, post!

Lake Surfer posted on 03/11/2003

Just finished up another one of my tiki lamps for a customer outside of Detroit... here's a little peek...

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PolynesianPop posted on 03/11/2003

OK guys, I'll drink some of that Pumpkin Beer tonight to see if I can grow some balls. So far, only those that have visited me and my 3 tiki mug collection have seen it.

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hula hula posted on 03/12/2003

double post,oops

[ Edited by: hula hula on 2003-03-11 20:47 ]

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hula hula posted on 03/12/2003

ok here's a work in progress, i think im getting the hang of it. I just got this fresh log from polypop (thanks bro) and it carve nicely, just gotta remember to seal it once im done.One question how do you cut open and carve out the mouth, thats some serious diggin!

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PolynesianPop posted on 03/12/2003

Damn Hula, that was quick! I just gave you that log yesterday. Looking pretty good there. Regarding the mouth, you can probably use a power tool (like a chainsaw) to make easier and save you time.

As previously stated, I'm drinking that pumpkin beer to help me grow some balls and post pics of my first carving. So far it's not working.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-03-11 20:52 ]

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hula hula posted on 03/12/2003

I just started today, but i should have the rest fleshed out tommarow, but the detail stuff will take me forever.......
Carving is a great stress relive!!!!

[ Edited by: hula hula on 2003-03-11 20:59 ]

GECKO posted on 03/12/2003

Hula, wot da hell is dat hammer doing on da left side of da tiki? eh, whateva works dude!

I can't wait to see these virgin tikis by PP,Mr.Tiki bar, and so on! I like dem chewed up no. 2 pencil pix!

oh, wot da hell is pumkin beer PP? I'll take ya to get some Kava wen you get here, some ting gooood!....it taste like pumkin...ya, da dirt that da pumpkin grows in!!!

"3 tiki mugs" whateva mo like 300 ya?

Lake Surfer, eh nice lamp cuz! I hate carvin small tikis...don't know why? I guess cus they're small. I got a 6footer on order and can't wait to get down an dirty in da ring wit em.


Jungle Trader posted on 03/12/2003

Lake Surfer, THAT is a very nicely carved lamp. Good job.

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tikifreak posted on 03/12/2003

Ok. I have been away from this site for a while now chiseling away getting ready for an art show here in Jacksonville Beach FL that's coming up. Have managed to carve 11 tiki's so far....even (2) 6ft rootballers. Will get pics on soon........ And yes they are "FLORIDA STYLE". I do live in Florida, so if you have to make a comment about it go ahead. I think the whole "style saga" is a funny, but rather insignificant issue anyway........it's all about "art", so who cares. Longboard, shortboard?????? The saga's never end, we just deal with it. They are only created by the people who have nothing else to worry about and that are insecure about their own abilities.....I like ALL styles.

I also have a question for some of you carvers, although I think I might have a solution to the problem already....."MOLD" on wet logs appearing after you finish carving.....How do YOU deal with it. Have ran across a few really wet ones that seem to creep mold, but I zap it with mixture of bleach and a fungacide, then Thompsonize the hell out of it. Seems to be working so far. Any other suggestions besides "not to carve wet logs anymore"????? Also "debarking a log. Came across a cool little tool called a "Log Wizard". Anybody tried one of these contraptions that fit on the end of a chainsaw bar and acts as a planer yet??? Have been using a "Lancelot" on an angle grinder, but it's still hard work. Info on how the "Log Wizard" perfoms if you have would be cool......Easiest logs to debark?????

Enough for now....."Freak"

GECKO posted on 03/12/2003

yes wet logs suck! i usually spray em with a bleach/water mixture. As far as peeling a log...I haven't found a easy way yet. I do it all by hand, no power tools. When I would carve mexican fan palm I woud use a blade and thats it. It's done by hand at Ocianic Arts too. No real trick. good luck


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tikifreak posted on 03/12/2003

Thanks Gecko. Was sure to hear from you. Yeah I have been doing it by hand, but they are so freakin stringy, those mexican palms. Pain in da but.......

Have seen your post on carvin a tiki. Very cool to share with others. Your work is pretty awesome.....

How have the waves been on the North Shore lately????? Gettin' any?????? Check out my surf clubs website at http://www.wavemasters.org if you get a chance. Have an upcoming contest in May we put on every year. Have pics posted in member photos. It'a an o.k. site, nothin' special......

Thanks, "Freak"

mrtikibar posted on 03/14/2003

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b3dd32b3127cce9513733962f40000001610
Here is first tiki.

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2003-03-13 20:00 ]
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[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2003-03-13 20:04 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 03/14/2003

Hey MrTikiBar, what's up with your web site? Gotta click on the files to see the images. Dat tiki look betta den de wun I fust cahvd. Hey braddah my pigin sucks.

[ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-03-13 22:00 ]

mrtikibar posted on 03/14/2003

The website is messed up. I don't know what the heck happened. How weird. I will check with my friend, Lou, who understands these things, (sometimes).

Tiki Diablo posted on 03/14/2003

Hey JT, that's pigin(sp)? Thought you were typing drunk from the crawl?Just messin.

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Turbogod posted on 03/14/2003

MrTikibar, the website isn't pointing to your main page. http://home.europa.com/~forsythe/welcome.htm
That's about all I could figure. BTW that party looked like a really good time!

Just trying to help!

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Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-03-14 01:39 ]

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