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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Been a Loooonnnngggg Time.

Pages: 1 4 replies

TiKiMaN77 posted on 09/15/2006

What Up TiKi Lover's???
Ok, so no one looking at this will remember me. Didn't post here much, and haven't really been back on here much in over a year. So to re-introduce myself...Name's Billy Crooks, and I'm a comic book artist here in Burbank, CA. Mostly work as a freelance Inker, but working on some stuff right now for an ongoing project of mine that Fits right into this little space of heaven called TiKiLAND.
I don't carve, don't really paint (anymore), can't sculpt cuz I'm too busy working 2 jobs, so I just draw when I have some time, and these are the fruits of my Tiki loving labor. Only pencils right now. The inks are soon to come....when I have time.
Finished this one last week.

This one didn't take very long.

This was a remake of...

Some issues with this one, but I did it in my sketchbook and have yet to transfer it to my bristol.

THis one has been finished, but I haven't scanned it in yet, and I still need to do some tweaking to it, so this is just an earlier scan before the corrections.

Have more coming when there's time. May take a while, but I'll keep this going as long as I can. Enjoy guys.

[ Edited by: TiKiMaN77 2006-09-14 23:17 ]

McTiki posted on 09/15/2006

TikiMan, Your art rocks! Keep posting what you do. It's quality work for sure.



Heath posted on 09/15/2006

Those would definately get me to start buying comics again!

Keep posting!

[ Edited by: Heath 2006-09-15 07:27 ]

hiltiki posted on 09/15/2006

Nicely done, great artwork.

KimoTiki posted on 09/19/2006

The artwork is amazing. It seems like a bit of a fresh look being that most of the tiki art I see is very cartoon-ish, over exaggerated, or low brow. Not that there is anything wrong with those styles, but your stuff is new to me. Keep it up.

Pages: 1 4 replies