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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

another subculture

Pages: 1 7 replies

kahukini posted on 03/06/2003

tiki freaks, meet pyrate freaks

We have lounge-a-rific tiki crawls & tropical drinks, they have swashbuckling pyrate festivals at port towns where they fire fake canons on sailboats & mix gunpowder in their rum. We have the Tiki News zine, they have the No Quarter Given zine. To each his own!

For non tiki-talk:

[ Edited by: kahukini on 2003-03-27 11:49 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 03/06/2003


About 5 years ago, the Mrs and I spent a day at Catalina Island. Sometime in the afternoon, a group of pirate costumed folks entered the bar we were drinking at. They were particitpating in some kind of scavenger hunt. As a matter of fact, every 10 minutes or so a group of these folks would come in doing the same thing.

We were puzzled about the whole thing of course. Nevertheless-- it looked like they were having loads of fun! They arrived in a large pirate ship and were loud and boisterous (similar to us TC'ers when on one of our barcrawls).

Could they have been part of this group?

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-03-06 08:16 ]

bamboo ben posted on 03/06/2003


PoP, it was probably during "Pirate Days". The entire city of Two Harbors" or the "Isthmus goes off for a week in the summer. 10,ooo pirates drunk, in a very small area! (I re-did the oldest bar there a while back and learned of this while I was there. It's in the last Tiki News.)

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/06/2003

Ahhhhhhhhh.....the wenches!

I mean....ARRRRGG matey! I recall me ol' days of Renaissance Fair participatin'. I'd always join in on the wet sponge catapult where if ye hit a wench with yur wet sponge ye had yur moment to kiss the wench!

Ahhhh...the wet wenches! Ahhh...the rum 'n ale! Ahhh...the after-party! I best be jumpin' in the cold waters now to cool down me sword....ARRGGH!

PolynesianPop posted on 03/06/2003

On 2003-03-06 08:44, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
Ahhhhhhhhh.....the wenches!

I mean....ARRRRGG matey! I recall me ol' days of Renaissance Fair participatin'. I'd always join in on the wet sponge catapult where if ye hit a wench with yur wet sponge ye had yur moment to kiss the wench!

Ahhhh...the wet wenches! Ahhh...the rum 'n ale! Ahhh...the after-party! I best be jumpin' in the cold waters now to cool down me sword....ARRGGH!

SCD -- What,no signature? PirateCaddyDaddy or something?

Did you guys check out the link? Their message board is similar to ours but everyone talks like Pirates (ala SCD's post above)...

Swanky posted on 03/06/2003

Sounds like old school Klingons.

kahukini posted on 03/06/2003

PolynesianPop, you may have encountered the Port Royal Privateers, who are a particularly active group in so cal:

The main pirate party every year is held in winter in Key West, it's amazing:

[ Edited by: kahukini on 2003-03-06 12:03 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 03/06/2003

On 2003-03-06 12:00, kahukini wrote:
PolynesianPop, you may have encountered the Port Royal Privateers, who are a particularly active group in so cal:

Yup, that looks like them. Not that I recognize their faces or anything but their website fits the description of something we witnessed. It did look like they were having a blast!

So, these guys & gals imbibe in rum drinks and nautical bars/restaurants? Hmmm...sounds very familiar...

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