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eBay Auctions! Pizz Martin Tiki & Trader Vic's Kava Bowl!

Pages: 1 4 replies

5950King posted on 09/15/2006

Hello everyone! I just posted these two items on ebay.

The Pizz Martin Tiki by Tiki Farm

Trader Vic's Kava Bowl by Tiki Farm

: D

[ Edited by: 5950King 2006-09-15 13:02 ]

tikigreg posted on 09/16/2006

I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met. I'm tikigreg, welcome to Tiki Central!

5950King posted on 09/16/2006

Hello Tikigreg! I don't know anything about tiki's. I found these 2 items at a garage sale and bought them since someone had told me some Tikifarm items can be expensive. I researched them online for my ebay descriptions. How much do you think these items are worth? Thanks!

tikigreg posted on 09/16/2006

Hello 5950King! Those are nice mugs. you'll get a good price for them. More importantly, tell us a little more about yourself. You can do that by going to the General forum and posting in the "Introductions...New Members Post Here" thread. Mahalo!

5950King posted on 09/20/2006

Auction ends in 3hours!

Pages: 1 4 replies