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Ohana Hut Sale Announcement

Pages: 1 42 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/15/2006

Thanks everyone for participating in the Ohana Hut sale.

The Ohana Hut was designed to be for Tiki Central members. Not Grand Members, not Long-time members, and not members with a high post count. It's for all Tiki Central members. We knew that unfortunately the demand outweighed supply. This is why the sale happened using what essentially amounts to a "line". We all know how lines work -- First come, first serve.

However, before Stuckie launched the sale, we had a discussion and we both agreed that we wanted these mugs to go to Tiki Central members only. This is why we didn't just put it up on Munktiki and sell them until they sold out.

But some new accounts popped up around the time of the sale. Regardless of whether these new accounts are "legit" (I am sure that some if not all of them are), these are not the members that this mug was designed for. Anyone who is new to Tiki Central as of September 9th simply cannot comprehend what this mug means, and what it's about.

So I have asked Stuckie to limit the sale of mugs to Tiki Central accounts that had posted at least one time on or before September 8th, 2006 -- which is the day Stuckie announced the sale. Stuckie has agreed.

I know this will be a disappointment to a few, but it really impacts only people who are brand spanking new to Tiki Central. And If by chance there was a long-time lurker who finally signed up just for the mug -- well, now they're all signed up and it won't happen again.

I want to thanks Stuckie and Munktiki for putting so much effort into doing this for Tiki Central. It's been a lot more work for them than we anticipated, and they have been great.

Sorry for the confusion on all this. We live and learn.

Thanks for reading.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-09-15 16:58 ]

tikigreg posted on 09/15/2006

I think I made the cut.

[Edited for sarcasm]

[ Edited by: tikigreg 2006-09-15 18:09 ]

[Edited for the fact that it wan't sarcam but wry humor]

[ Edited by: tikigreg 2006-09-15 18:13 ]

JenTiki posted on 09/15/2006

Bravo Hanford!

I believe you've made a fair decision.

tikichic posted on 09/15/2006

You would not have had this whole post-sale controversy if the "terms" of the sale had been posted well in advance. In theory you should have made the sign-up cut off date be right after you started the "head count" thread many months ago to avoid this dilemma.

Just my .02 cents worth.

tikigreg posted on 09/15/2006

And the beat goes on.

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/15/2006


Thanks for the advice, but having the rules announced well in advance didn't stop you from trying to order a second set of Shag Prints from a shell TC account.

I try to antisipate problems before they happen. But when do happen, I try to take care of them. That's what's happening here.


On 2006-09-15 16:35, tikichic wrote:
You would not have had this whole post-sale controversy if the "terms" of the sale had been posted well in advance. In theory you should have made the sign-up cut off date be right after you started the "head count" thread many months ago to avoid this dilemma.

Just my .02 cents worth.

kingstiedye posted on 09/15/2006

zing! this is absolutely the right thing to do. bravo!

TikiTrevor posted on 09/16/2006

Good Call Hanford!

tikiexpy posted on 09/16/2006

Are new codes going to be sent out to those that are eligible?

[ Edited by: tikiexpy 2006-09-15 18:03 ]

Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/16/2006

cool,hopefully I made the cut


pablus posted on 09/16/2006

King Solomon (Islands) would be proud.

Well done and Mahalo.

Now, where's Al-ii in all of this?

ookoo lady posted on 09/16/2006

I agree that this was a reasonable decision, but people on the "waiting list" shouldn't expect that this is going to free up a huge number of mugs.

I looked back through the list, and by my count there will be 5 people who will now be excluded:

Jinjav - (who signed up on May 27, 2006, but didn't post until this thread)

Mrs. Tikipug - (I assume this is wife of Tikipug, a longtime TC member)




I hope they understand the reasons for this, and stick around so we get to know them.

kingstiedye posted on 09/16/2006

tikisass and jmndc , too.

hewey posted on 09/16/2006

As fair a way as any to deal with it

MikeyTiki posted on 09/16/2006

On 2006-09-15 16:06, hanford_lemoore wrote:
But some new accounts popped up around the time of the sale. Regardless of whether these new accounts are "legit" (I am sure that some if not all of them are), these are not the members that this mug was designed for. Anyone who is new to Tiki Central as of September 9th simply cannot comprehend what this mug means, and what it's about.

So I have asked Stuckie to limit the sale of mugs to Tiki Central accounts that had posted at least one time on or before September 8th, 2006 -- which is the day Stuckie announced the sale. Stuckie has agreed.

I don't agree with this, I would be one of the ones excluded, but I had been reading TC way before Sept. 8th, but never had anything to say so I hadn't signed up for an account. Once I read Stuckie's post that a TC account was required for the Ohana Hut, I signed up for one. The person I learned about TC from has been reading it for years, but didn't have an account until today. (Go ahead check the logs and see how long our IP address has been hitting your site.) I followed the threads, read the rules, followed the rules, made time to be available to post when Stuckie setup the 'line', and then you changed the rules.

My opinion and situation probably doesn't change anything, after all you and Stuckie make the rules, even if they are after the fact. So this time because people complained, you ruled that people without an account and a post before 9/9 aren't Ohana. Next time, if there is a next time, after people complain, which they will, you will probably change the rules after the fact again to say that anyone without 100, or some other arbitray number of posts isn't Ohana.

If that is how you define and treat Ohana, that's fine, it's nice to know, but that isn't how treat my Ohana.

On the other hand if existing TC memebers were setting up shell accounts to try to get more than one Ohana Hut that is a totally different story.

Monkeyman posted on 09/16/2006

Come on now....

This really about participation and contribution. If you dont participate and contribute then you are really NOT part of the "alleged" Tiki Central Ohana. I agree that the number of posts doesnt indicate actual contribution but generally folks who post are trying to participate somehow.

Joining TC for the sake of greedy material aquisition totally defies the concept of what this mug is all about. Participate and contribute and reap the TRUE benefits of Tiki Central.

Reading and lurking is fine and a great way to stay informed but it takes EFFORT to contribute and participate.

If EVERYONE did nothing but read.... then there would be NO Content and NO Tiki Central.

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/16/2006

MikeyTiki: Why is this mug important to you?

MikeyTiki posted on 09/16/2006

On 2006-09-16 13:02, hanford_lemoore wrote:
MikeyTiki: Why is this mug important to you?

There are a number of reasons, the most obvious one being that it is more than just a mug, Chongolio's design is very cool, making it more like a meeting place for your friends and family as you share a cool concoction, rum based of course, with them. It would make a great addition to the Tiki bar we are trying to put together in our basement, as time permits, and would be a great conversation piece. But more than that, I was thinking about donating my Ohana Hut to RoberTiki to use in his new Tiki bar Thatch in Portland, OR so that it could be used in his "Ohana Hut", I don't know if that is what he is going to call the area, but he is building a hut in the back of the bar for VIPs (TCers, etc.) I am sure he would have gotten one himself for it, but he is currently on a cross country tour, on a Vespa no less, so he wasn't available to post and get a code to get an Ohana Hut of his own. I was thinking that it could be shared with even more people, and I could visit it almost anytime I wanted since Thatch is on my way home from work. (I suspect I will be there quite often.) I can't wait to see how the sunken bar turns out, I think it will be very cool.

If it hadn't been for the TC Ohana I wouldn't have know about Thatch, at least not yet, and wouldn't have met Robert.

If you disqualify me, can I ask that you count my post as a proxy post for RoberTiki like Stuckie had suggested in his heads up announcement? (I would still like to pay for it for him.) (You can see that I was thinking about him and how he wouldn't be able to get an Ohana Hut on the 'line' day in my post here.)

[ Edited by: MikeyTiki 2006-09-16 14:03 ]

Mai Tai Matty posted on 09/17/2006

is there going to be a fallback list of people that still would like but didn't get one ? if so how will the list be numbered? will it go off the original thread just started on us saying we wanted one if anyone dropped out? Because I still would like one!!!!!!!!

MikeyTiki posted on 09/17/2006

On 2006-09-16 13:02, hanford_lemoore wrote:
MikeyTiki: Why is this mug important to you?

Why is it important to everyone else?

Maybe everybody that wants an Ohana Hut should have to write an essay of why they should get one, and you can have a panel of judges pick the 99 people that deserve to get one. (Of course knowing UPS I would probably only pick 95 to start with, and then if they all make it intact you could pick 4 more. How much do you insure a 1 of 100 item for that can't be replaced?)

I do think it is interesting that I am the only 'newbie' that has said anything besides "I want one." I, also, think it is interesting that no email or PM has been sent to the disqualified people. (At least I haven't gotten anything.) Of course if they were just 'mug grabbing' they probably won't notice until the 20th when they come back to place their order. On the other hand if they were just 'mug grabbing', and not actively reading TC, how did they know to come to TC @ 8:00 am on the 13th. (Unless of course the 'newbies' are actually established TC members just trying to score a second, or third mug. (Which I assume you could probably track down from log information unless they were good at covering their tracks, which wouldn't be entirely difficult.)

Thomas posted on 09/17/2006

MikeyTiki, I agree with your point of view and disagree with the latest decision by Hanford on this matter.

That being said, Hanford is the proprietor of Tikicentral and, quasi-mystical groupspeak about an "Ohana" notwithstanding, he has authority here. I say, respectfully, that he has made a mistake in this case, but generally he uses a great deal of prudence in administering this site, as I think you will see over time if you stick with it. Your treatment regarding this mug isn't typical I think I can assure you.

Unga Bunga posted on 09/17/2006

Damn! And I'm still tryin to buy a Sheckie.

pablus posted on 09/17/2006

lineage / lalani 'ohana
clan / 'Ohana nui
kin / 'Ohana, pili koko
kinship / Pili 'ohana
related / Pili 'ohana
relative / 'Ohana, pili koko
family / 'Ohana

It's anything but quasi-mystical, friend.
It's as simple as a brother or sister or cousin or weird uncle.

And... appropriately enough... the name of the coveted drinking vessel.

[ Edited by: pablus 2006-09-17 04:43 ]

woofmutt posted on 09/17/2006

For the record: I never even wanted an Ohana Hut (there's a lot of swell stuff I actually don't want to own) nor do I know anyone who got one that may lose one under this retro fitting of the rules. But I've been following the Hut thread and I agree entirely with Thomas' post above. And I have to yack on for a bit...

Everyone who likes to scream and holler "Unfair!" better start figuring out how long they feel a person should own their Ohana Hut before they can resell it and won't be considered a "traitor" by the "ohana". I'm pretty sure that due to the various lil black clouds that come our way in life a few of these Huts will eventually end up changing hands. And most likely not in a special Ohana Hut Friendship Ceremony.

pablus posted on 09/17/2006

By my calculations, that time is 1 year 8 months and 11 days.
Anytime before that and you must endure the incomparable torture of 2 weeks of constant out-of-tune uke music.

Guarantee you'll see at least 1 on ebay within 3 days of delivery.
Prolly midnite's... re-funding for more club sammiches.

smgleason47 posted on 09/17/2006

On 2006-09-16 12:39, Monkeyman wrote:
.....Reading and lurking is fine and a great way to stay informed but it takes EFFORT to contribute and participate.

If EVERYONE did nothing but read.... then there would be NO Content and NO Tiki Central.

You are ABSOLUTELY right Monkeyman. I USED to consider myself more of a lurker. My posts are definitely not a fair representation of how much time i spend on TC (daily). Thank you for pushing me to not be such a fly on the wall in the Tiki community. I am going to try and involeve myself more than the past.

michael g

p.s. I was on your site recently - when will your Monkeyman mugs be available? I wanna get one!

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/17/2006

I want to clarify a few things. There's really two issues here: 0. I limited the sale of the mugs for people who had one post before Stuckie's heads-up.

  1. My announcement of #1 was made after all the mugs were assigned, which meant that some were going to have their mugs reassigned.

As for the first issue: It's the right thing to do, regardless of when it was announced. It stops fake profiles. It gets mugs into the hands of people who have been participating on Tiki Central. It's also in the same spirit as the last special sale I did, which was Shag's Grand Member prints. When I launched that sale they were available only to TCers who were Grand Members the day before the announcement. I didn't do it this way because of complaints. I did it this way because it was in keeping with the spirit of who the product was intended for.

As for the second: was announcing a qualification after the fact the right thing to do? I believe so. I was not about to sit on my hands and say "oh well, what's done is done" simply to save myself some embarrassment when clearly the wrong thing had taken place. I don't believe in "stick to your guns, even when you know you're wrong". I had a chance to correct it, so I did. I understand the disappointment, and I take full responsibility for it. To those who didn't get mugs: I'm very sorry. Like I said before, we live and learn, and I'll do my best in the future to make sure things like this don't happen again.



midnite posted on 09/17/2006

*Prolly midnite's... re-funding for more club sammiches.


I've ignored many of your asinine comments. This one I won't.

You have much to learn.


[ Edited by: midnite_tiki 2006-09-17 16:11 ]

pablus posted on 09/18/2006

Totally kidding, midnite.
I even deleted the :wink: out of that post.
Guess I should have ridden with the first instinct.

But please don't ignore my assinine comments.
It's all I got.

P.S. Is that guy in the camo with the matching camo i-pod walking around outside my window your guy?

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Formikahini posted on 09/18/2006

On 2006-09-17 16:01, hanford_lemoore wrote:
I was not about to sit on my hands and say "oh well, what's done is done" simply to save myself some embarrassment when clearly the wrong thing had taken place. I don't believe in "stick to your guns, even when you know you're wrong". I had a chance to correct it, so I did. I understand the disappointment, and I take full responsibility for it.
As always, you're a class act, Hanford.
Thank you.
Perfect, we are not on Tiki Central.
Trying to do the right thing - a big yes.

Thomas posted on 09/18/2006

On 2006-09-17 17:30, Formikahini wrote:
As always, you're a class act, Hanford.
Thank you.
Perfect, we are not on Tiki Central.
Trying to do the right thing - a big yes.

Well put and I second that.

I'm also glad the minority, dissenting opinion got voiced. Thank goodness "Ohana" doesn't imply unanimity of thought and sentiment. "Celebrate diversity" and all that...

Unrelatedly, I like pablus's asinine comments. Well, usually...

[ Edited by: Thomas 2006-09-17 18:11 ]

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aloha.taboo posted on 09/18/2006

I haven't posted all that much since joining Tiki Central, mainly because there is a tremendous lack of tiki in Western Michigan, and I don't travel that much. I have been able to learn quite a bit about tiki culture, past and present.

As a relative newbie, I'm glad that I had the chance to get a Ohana Hut. It's a beautiful work of art and will be prominently displayed in my collection (and in my basement tiki bar, once its built).

I think that Hanford and Stuckie have done a fine job of making this sale fair to everyone. For that, I am grateful.

Congrats to all that will receive a Hut, and to those that weren't fortunate enough to get one, perhaps the Tiki Gods have something more wonderful in store for you!

tikiexpy posted on 09/18/2006

On 2006-09-17 18:01, aloha.taboo wrote:

I think that Hanford and Stuckie have done a fine job of making this sale fair to everyone. For that, I am grateful.

Second that.

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Basement Kahuna posted on 09/18/2006

I had put my name in initially in the "Who's down for an Ohana Hut" or whatever thread. I thought that locked me in...but no sweat. I don't even have a Shecky, either.... -Basement Kahuna, Tiki Central Member Number 492.

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Tiki-Kate posted on 09/19/2006

On 2006-09-15 20:00, pablus wrote:
King Solomon (Islands) would be proud.

Well done and Mahalo.

Now, where's Al-ii in all of this?

Al has decided just to drink out of the hut at Forbidden Island.
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Dr.TikiMojo posted on 09/19/2006

It is kinda sad to see the backlash and anger that a Tiki Mug has produced!
I've read through all the posts, probably more than I normally do on TC.
When I hear the comments of "how many posts" people should have made to qualify I think to myself...."some people actually have jobs and aren't sitting around reading computer "BLOG", (still don't even know for sure what Blog is?), all day!
HELL, I've been outa work for the past year and I STILL don't have time to check Tiki Central EVERYDAY let alone have a full understanding of where I am supposed to find the information I want!

I remember sitting in line for 3 hours at Tiki Oasis 6 waiting for that incredibly cool mug I had seen posted on the site months in advance, (yes, I got one). I was upset then and had expressed to Otto how they only made 100 mugs and the first 15 went to the people who put on TO-6, leaving ONLY 85 and then letting every person buy 2 mugs, that meant spouses and friends went home with up to 4 mugs in a household! They, (Otto and TO Crew), listened and there have already been posts stating that everyone who registers for NEXT YEAR'S Tiki Oasis will have the opportunity to pre-purchase one mug and there will be some over run for people who didn't know they could make it until the last minute.
For people concerned about how "collectible" that makes it there would still be a very limited number.

Hanford it is a difficult place to be sitting in! Props to you! But you know how many people are on TC.

And Stuckie - I read the nasty posts some people made about making more and your response as to the time required. I've never made ceramics so honestly, I don't know or understand. Hell, I didn't even know the asking price until I read ALL the posts.....$99.00 I've seen many a limited Munktiki mug sell for more and I, and I'm sure many others, would have paid more for such a beautiful piece of work, (and did I already mention that's even while I'm outa work!).
Don't take this the wrong way....but I thought you are in the business of making mugs?
So it takes an extra week, charge more for the mugs to fit the value of your time. Then the people who aren't getting one is based more on finances and the value of your experience in the art world not who signed up when or happened to be home reading computer blog.

Ultimately, I am sorry that you both, Hanford and Stuckie, have had to suffer through this and hope it doesn't mean there won't be another?

I actually went back and tried to count where I was on THE LIST but there were SO MANY angry posts, feedback about who got theirs, who "deserved" theirs, and other various POLITICAL TIKI TALK, that I could hardly figure it all out....and people wonder why it took me so long to sign up and start posting?

Hoping to see less hostililty in the future! :)
Hoping maybe the demand will motivate more Ohana Mugs? :)
Hoping everyone remembers the meaning of "Ohana"! :)

pablus posted on 09/19/2006

It looks as though he applied some new medical technology to insinuate martiki's potions directly into the frontal lobes from the Chalice of Familial Glee.

That Al-ii - always finding new ways to have a good time.

(Thanks for the pic, TK.)

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
teaKEY posted on 09/19/2006

The straws are so high up. So that is a mug at the Forbidden Island. Like a bar mug. Is that a prototype number. If their isn't one prototype that is at a bar, I think that would be a good idea. That way, careful TCs can all drink out of a hut. And with great drinks inside. Now, if there truly is only a 100 huts, (which should follow whatever the number of the bottom says) does Stuckie have one.

I always wondered that. From historian propose and other reasons, are there more than said number at the bottom.

Just to use an example, and I love this guys art a lot, but there were only to be 100 of a certain mug made. but then there were 20 some prototypes and another 12 in a different color. I guess artist do this with size of framed art but its a little strange to me. I know that if Munkitki made a run of 50 but it contained two colors there are 38 one and 12 other.

Just wondering. I like the tiki mugs and art and always thinking about the behind the sences stuff.

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stuckieshaft posted on 09/20/2006


Yah there will be 15 artist copies. Im keeping some, chongolio is getting one along with #1 from the main run. Im also donating just a few to some bars like Forbidden Island that have a high TC clientele.

I rarely finish off the artist copies. I just make them as I need them(rarely do I need them), which also means I usually dont make one for myself. I have plenty of prototype test color stuff that I dont need a number for myself.


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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/20/2006

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midnite posted on 09/20/2006

It's the feel good hut of the Summer.

No one will be seated after the first round.

"Is this movie in 3D? No, but your face is."

Don't look under the lid, lady. DON'T LOOK UNDER THE....told ya.

I thought "One Flew Over The Aku Aku Nest" was better.

My best stuff? On the cutting room floor.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/eb091b46e519d6c00ef39e658b23e2ea?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikipedia posted on 09/20/2006

On 2006-09-18 22:50, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/1350/450f8472.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c10b8137902670261fbab815cda8c7f0

Hey, how did you get the parasol picks to stay that way? Are there holes for that purpose?

If there is ever a version 2.0, I suggest the following features:

  1. Some kind of luau firepit where the user can pour 151 to get that volcano bowl-like firey effect.
  2. Make the mug insulated to keep the drink nice and cold.


The Tikipedia
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[ Edited by: tikipedia 2006-09-19 19:35 ]

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teaKEY posted on 09/20/2006

I would like mine gold plated. Mine is already green but I wait to have the only gold one.

Pages: 1 42 replies