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"Clarke's Complete Cellarman", 1830

Pages: 1 6 replies

I was perusing http://books.google.com/ when I found the following:

"Clarke's Complete Cellarman: The Publican and Innkeeper's Practical Guide", by William Clarke.

Published: 1830.

It contains recipes for Shrub, Punch, Milk Punch, Bitters, Cordials and how to remove the blackness from hollands gin should you happen to drop an iron nail into it!-)

And best of all it was a British publication!!!

Look for it on http://books.google.com/

or use this link.



George S.

[email protected]



Funny, I thought a Rusty Nail was made with scotch, not gin.


Clarke's Complete Cellarman is a great book on the historical practices of Publicans and Innkeepers, Another favorite in my collection are a Bon Vivants companion.

"The vintner's, brewer's, spirit merchant's, and licensed victualler's guide;
by a practical man", By Vintner, 1826.


The 1826 and 1830 books are available as FREE downloadable PDFs!


George S.



Also on Goggle Books is Workshop Receipts (1892) with recipes for 15 different bitters. Made the Boker's Bitters sometime ago-highly recommended.


Looking for hunting flasks and you found this book!?!

It's strange how search engines work!-)

Yes very strange, though I did find this great receipt for Whiskey Punch from "Cups and their Customs" (1863):


If you do a search for "brandy cloves" or "rum lemon" or other random ingredients you can usually find interesting punch and drink recipes from early 19th century cookbooks and formula encyclopedia. Cheers!

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail 2006-10-21 10:46 ]

Pages: 1 6 replies