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Red Rooster Antique Mall - LAST WEEKEND - 20% to 50% OFF! PLUS: New An-tiki Mall In Vegas!

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Tiki Lee's posted on 09/15/2006

I just wanted to remind everyone that this is the FINAL weekend of the Red Rooster Antique Mall moving sale. Everything in the store is 20% - 50% off, including my stuff! The exceptions, as always, is the stuff that's marked "firm" or all ready marked down. But hey, if you have the gals behind the cash stand give me a call and say that you're a T.C. Ohana, then we can work out a special deal for those "firm" items.

I'm not sure if I'll be moving my space to the other, smaller side, or leaving it where it is and dealing with the new antique mall that's going in there. But I will be in one of those two spots. I'll make the announcement when I know for sure.

Also, please stop by my "Second Location" at the New Main Street Antiques. The address is 500 S. Main St., and it's between downtown and the outlet mall. Super easy to get to, and plenty of parking. All the retro-dealers from the Rooster moved there, and there's some additional dealers from other Malls that just closed. It's an FANTASTIC mall PACKED with all the stuff we love! Please go visit when you come to town. P.M. me if you have any questions, or just wanna hang out and "talk story" when you're in town.


Tiki Lee's posted on 09/16/2006

El Bump-o

rodeotiki posted on 09/19/2006

Cool , Something else I can add to my to do list while in vegas.

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