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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

My first tiki bar

Pages: 1 1 replies

KimoTiki posted on 09/19/2006

Everybodys creations on this site inspired me and got the ball rolling on this project, and due to my recent unemployment I have been able to take on a few tasks I have been putting off for awhile, and this tiki bar is something I have wanted to do for years. Though not very large or complicated I could never find the time until now.I spent two and half years working at a hardware and finally had use for my employee discount. Good thing I got everything before I left. It did not occur to me to take progress pics, I just happened to snap one with the camera on my phone. Its still missing two features though, the tube lighting underneath the counter top and a tiki mask in front.

It begins with a single cut... I soon realized I had a jigsaw laying around somewhere.

framing and panels done

black padded vinyl on and bamboo set... and a pirate sword, you know, just in case

Tipsy McStagger posted on 09/19/2006

looks like you did a clean job so far...you're on the right road. lookin' forward to seeing it decorated.....just one question...."how are we all going to fit around that bar when we come over to drink"???

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