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Tiki Central Tiki Charity Auction - How about it?

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hewey posted on Wed, Sep 20, 2006 8:41 PM

If anything positive came out of the Andy Landry affair its realising how great the TC ohana is, and how willing they are to get together and donate stuff for a good cause. How about we do something where we KNOW it is legit.

So, heres my idea:
The 1st ever Tiki Central Charity Auction! Ask TCers to donate tiki items, to be auctioned off on ebay. Items can be originals donated by the artists or mugs and stuff donated by the collectors. Have the actual auction in late Novemberish - this allows for time to organise it all work out what charity the proceeds will go to. Plus, it is strategically coordinated to be shortly before Christmas so folks can do tiki shopping for loved ones/mates, but also so the proceeds can be donated to said charity at christmas time.

How about it? Its just an idea, feel free to critique it or suggest alternatives. Obviously theres a lot of details like who posts the auctions, collects the money etc to work out.

Alternatively we could establich a hair harvesting collective to combat Grogs baldness... :)

Yeah. Great idea.

After following the last few major events here, including the "untiki thread", the "ohana hut sale", and the "andy landry scam", I can't imagine how this could possibly go wrong.

Someone will just pick a charity that everyone here on TC supports. No problem. No way that this could stir up any disagreement.

We'll send that person loads of valuable items so they will post them on ebay. It'll have to be someone with lots of time on their hands. I'm sure there are many people here with no jobs and no life.

That person will collect all the money, and send it to the nice charity. We can trust them.

On the other hand, those of us who wish to make contributions to the charity of our choice can continue to do it as we always have. It doesn't have to be done as a group.

Sorry to sound so pissy, but the last "charity" drive on TC left a nasty taste in my mouth.

I agree. Let keep the charity drives in our private lives and with support the orginizations who somebody has made make eye contact with.

Good intentions, Hewey, but your if you ask me your are askins' for trouble.
Do what your can for the folks you know and in your local community. Bring your own mana to the table, the rest will follow.

Think Global, Act Local Brother!!!

Your a good dude Hewey and your heart is in the right place!

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

I know those who've already posted on this subject have waaay more experience on how well similar projects have succeeded on this site, than I, but I did have a charity suggestion and a possible title for a drive.

Tikis for Tots

Funds raised by the auction/drive (whatever works) could be donated to the national Toys for Tots organization.

No worries if the idea doesn't fly, just thought I'd offer the idea for your consideration.



On 2006-09-20 22:15, Eleio the fleet wrote:
I know those who've already posted on this subject have waaay more experience on how well similar projects have succeeded on this site, than I, but I did have a charity suggestion and a possible title for a drive.

Tikis for Tots

Funds raised by the auction/drive (whatever works) could be donated to the national Toys for Tots organization.

No worries if the idea doesn't fly, just thought I'd offer the idea for your consideration.



Eleio, just curious.. . didn't you used to post as caerthe? The person asking for input on how to develop a money making tiki exploitation party? I like this plan of donating to the Toys for Tots but I already do this on my own time. I think people should be free to donate money to any charity that they want but attaching a third party name like TC or Denver Ohana just adds an unnecessary layer of meaningless bureaucracy.

That discussion has already occured and has no relevance to this topic. If you'd like to PM me, then please feel free.



Some members have posted on Tiki Central when they are raising funds so they can walk/run in some charity fundraiseing run. I think that is fine, as others here are often willing to contribute to help a fellow Tiki Central Member, especially when we have met him/her in person and want to help them to do good things.

I also think it is fine for people to recommend charities for others to donate to. In general though, I would prefer that these charities be related to tiki somehow, rather than a broad charity that applies to the whole population. As an example of worthwhile tiki charities - the following are some general categories, and not specific charities.

  • Architectural Preservation: Keep the remaining tiki restaurants, and other googie architecture and vintage neon signs, from being destroyed.

  • Native Island Cultural Preservation: Whether it is Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, or any other South Pacific Island, give to a group that helps to preserve and promote those native cultures.

  • Local Cultural Art Groups: especially if that group promotes or gives grants to local Hula Dance groups.

  • Are there any modern-day Thor Heyerdahl expeditions being planned? They may likely need additional funding.

The above list is not presented to suggest that these are more worthy causes than Toys for Tots or any other mainstream charity, but they do touch upon tiki or Poly-Pop culture in some way. It is really up to each person to decide where he/she wishes to donate any extra funds they may have.


hewey posted on Thu, Sep 21, 2006 4:14 AM

Fair cop. I was just throwing an idea out there. :)


Aww C'mon, don't you wanna wait til the next scam comes along?, Then we can have a charity auction for those who got fleeced? :wink:


For those wanting to do something,
you could always do what a group of mine does every year, we have a Toys for Tots car show with bands and stuff.
A Marine or two comes buy to pick up the toys donated,(so there is no ebaying involved, and it's not too easy for anyone to pocket the $$$-we use a clear jar for the money collected, so everyone can see the $$$) and the money raised from the door and from the raffle tickets we sell. (or whatever charity you want...)
How's about tiki folks all get together one night like a weeknight in your favorite bar, ask them if you can have a band or some kind of music, or hula dancers, or burlesque gals, or karaoke, (put $$$ in the jar to make someone STOP singing if they are bad!!!) advertise it to the public and you will then
A. raise toys and $ for a good charity
B. maybe get some new folks to join yer tiki group
C. Make your favorite bar a bit more $$$ than usual on say a weeknight...
D. Get that warm fuzzy feeling (either from doing good, or maybe from the mai tais!!!) hehehehe

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