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Tiki Room ? & Benson /Oceanic ?

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captgene posted on 09/24/2006

Hi All
I am new to this forum and would like to thanks everyone for posting some great info. I found this site 2 weeks ago and been reading and reading. Well, now I have few questions that I am sure with your input I will make right choice.

First I will try to explain my project. Well, after having nothing be headache with my pool company building my lagoon style pool. I am guessing everyone here in Fla has problem with there pool company. I haven't met anyone that hasn't.
My plan is to make my outside covered patio in Florida looks like Bamboo Bob room called Tiki hideaway. All I can say is awesooomee.

At the present time the ceiling in my covered patio is flat I am going to make it cathedru. I am going to have to add 2x 6 wood beams for extra support the roof. I will then cover this with 1/2 plywood. After the plywood is installed I plan of stapling thatch to the plywood. I will then place 1 inch bamboo poles installed left to right then install (tie) 3 inch bamboo poles over the 1 inch from back to from. This should give me the same look at Bamboo Bob room.
For the walls I plan of using 1 inch Bamboo fencing 4 ft high. From www. calibamboo.com I will then split 3 inch bamboo to make chair rail and add some on the bottom to make it like base molding. The top half of the wall is going to be some more Bamboo and Cabana matting. I will add for electric wires for walls light. I am going to install double ceiling fans that spin sideways. I am also planning of covering my suffice with bamboo poles and thatch.

At the present time I am in NJ working. So i drove by this place called http://www.bambooandrattan.com They where very helpful even let me walk though there warehouse and give me great info. I was thinking of buying there bamboo Tonkin and Taiwan and drive it down to Fla on my return trip. But after getting prices from Bensons and Oceanic it will be cheaper to have them ship it from CA. Is there any difference between the bamboo they both sell? Does anyone have any pictures of there bamboo? How long does it normally take for truck to deliver?
What company would you do business with? (see most like Oceanic)
Anyone from Fla no of any warehouse in Florida? The few places I have found online are expensive.
I await your reply or import or suggestions
thanks CaptGB

captgene posted on 09/24/2006

Buster & Lu Lu

covered patio below

WooHooWahine posted on 09/24/2006

WOOOOHOOO! Captain Gene ~ Do your dogs need a Nanny? I'll volunteer. :)

captgene posted on 09/24/2006

On 2006-09-23 21:49, WooHooWahine wrote:
WOOOOHOOO! Captain Gene ~ Do your dogs need a Nanny? I'll volunteer. :)

Thanks Yes they do . However you will not have to walk then the fla heat is too much for them Most day when come home from work and they are both laying in the kiddle pool .Yes they did work hard all day playing in the house & laying around . They have fill run of the yard and love playing on the rocks.

captgene posted on 09/25/2006


Almost 100 views and no imput. Some imput would be great. thanks in advance

TikiPhil posted on 09/25/2006

Oceanic Arts and Bensons' Import are both very good sources. I believe Oceanic Arts is better if you are looking for unique stuff but Bensons' is better for common stuff due to price.

I am not familiar with what there is in Florida but I found these places by doing a quick Google for "Tampa thatch bamboo"


[ Edited by: TikiPhil 2006-09-25 14:35 ]

GatorRob posted on 09/26/2006

ACE Thatch & Bamboo is what I was going to recommend you try. But I haven't ordered from them personally. They're about an hour west of Orlando. Call them and compare their prices against shipping from OA.

And nice pics! Love that pool. Where in Florida are you? Looks like Orlando, but then again, most new neighborhoods in Florida look like that, what with our diverse architecture and all. :)

GatorRob posted on 09/26/2006

Oh, and please post progress pictures here once you get started. As you can see if you read through the old posts, we love step-by-step progress pictures as home tiki projects come to life. Good luck!

TikiLaLe posted on 09/27/2006

Smells like 'deed restricted'
More plants don't want those neighboors checking out the misses in the pool !!!

captgene posted on 09/28/2006

On 2006-09-26 20:43, TikiLaLe wrote:
Smells like 'deed restricted'
More plants don't want those neighboors checking out the misses in the pool !!!

I am located in gateway area of Fort myers .
Checked out Ace. It still might be cheaper to get bamboo shipped from west coast. I am guess that they dont get container direct from overseas. ACE must have to get it shipped from west coast Then add there profit.

I am going to be removing the old ceiling in the covered patio shown above within next 2 weeks. This will be hardest part of the job installing 2 x 10 x 14ft roof beams then plywood ceiling . Placing thatch and bamboo on ceiling and walls is the fun part of this job.

Yes we are in DEED RESTRICTED However its not that bad since my block was first to be finished and pretty much do what I want, As long as its in your screen area of backyard they have no say. The plants outside my screen was approved and never had any problems. I am going to add more palms so neighboors cant see us. PS sister inlaw house is right behind us. They all dont mind my loud music. Or maybe they do ????? wait until tiki bar is open. We dont have alot of parties . This New Years will be wild with pig roast and 102 spa and 90 degree pool .

captgene posted on 09/28/2006

Anyone place order with Benson for bamboo ,thatch ,carbana matting? Any info on the stuff likes and dislikes. Capt Gene

TikiLaLe posted on 09/28/2006

There's a place caled bamboosupply.net out of Lakeland.
Haven't used them ...

Haole'akamai posted on 09/28/2006

I've bought (non-fire retardant) thatch and bamboo edging from Bensen Imports and had it shipped to No. Cal (Oakland). The freight seemed an in-line price, the packaging was a little weak (the edging was all in one heavy box that had torn out one end slightly) - it only had to cross the state, though. To get stuff shipped across the country, I'd confirm packing details with them first.

Prices were great for the product and they shipped in a very timely manner. Hope this helps.


TikiPhil posted on 09/29/2006

I have purchased thatch and bamboo fencing from Bensons'. I am very happy with the product and service and you can't beat their prices. I can't tell you about shipping cause I am just a short drive away from them.


IsleConch posted on 09/30/2006

Well that pool is to die for...perfect surroundings for a volcano and tiki theme... and the puppies look like they really have alot of fun there. I don't know..maybe if you built a small volcano looking chiminea out of cement by the pool where you can put the wood around the rear and smoke can come out the top and then a few tikis scattered around it.

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