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eBay: Oceanic Art book

Pages: 1 2 replies

Chub posted on 09/25/2006
teaKEY posted on 09/25/2006

I just bought this book too and what a great book. The retail on it is $100.00 and weighs a good ten pounds are more.

Aaron's Akua posted on 09/26/2006

For $25 this book is a freakin' BARGAIN. If I could have only 2 tiki art books they would be: 1) BOT, and 2) Oceanic Art. I'm always amazed at how cheap you can buy this hard cover, high quality, detailed and well written book with amazing photographs. If Bob & Leroy had this back in the day they would have tossed their copies of "Arts of the South Seas" (another bargain, that book can be found used for as low as $2.89 on amazon).


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