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There is no Andy Landry. This reads like the Enquirer.

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Hi there,

Wow. We really didn't mean to cause such a big fuss but we have to be so incredibly careful with child protection issues and we tend to err on the side of caution. We have to jump through hoops (literally and figuratively) in order to get permission to take photos in hospitals and we just wanted this to be all over and done with. All the talk of the FBI and people sending us strange emails got us all worked up and you are right about angry Scottish clowns being quite formidable! As for no such thing as bad publicity- we'll just have to wait and see. We weren't offended by any of the pictures (having a sense of humour is a major part of what we do) and we really didn't mean to blame the folk on this site -as I said before you all seem like very friendly and generous people.
This is a great site and we have been spending quite a bit of time on it over the last two days. We are even going out for Mai Tais after work today and may name our next Clowndoctor Dr Tiki!

In peace, fun and laughter,


Unga Bunga posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 01:40, Scottish Clowndoctors wrote:
Hi there,

Wow. We really didn't mean to cause such a big fuss but we have to be so incredibly careful with child protection issues and we tend to err on the side of caution. We have to jump through hoops (literally and figuratively) in order to get permission to take photos in hospitals and we just wanted this to be all over and done with. All the talk of the FBI and people sending us strange emails got us all worked up and you are right about angry Scottish clowns being quite formidable! As for no such thing as bad publicity- we'll just have to wait and see. We weren't offended by any of the pictures (having a sense of humour is a major part of what we do) and we really didn't mean to blame the folk on this site -as I said before you all seem like very friendly and generous people.
This is a great site and we have been spending quite a bit of time on it over the last two days. We are even going out for Mai Tais after work today and may name our next Clowndoctor Dr Tiki!

In peace, fun and laughter,


Oh great, so the clowns are clowns too.
Hollywood couldn't even THINK of script like this.

Unga Bunga posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 01:40, Scottish Clowndoctors wrote:
Hi there,

Wow. We really didn't mean to cause such a big fuss but we have to be so incredibly careful with child protection issues and we tend to err on the side of caution. We have to jump through hoops (literally and figuratively) in order to get permission to take photos in hospitals and we just wanted this to be all over and done with. All the talk of the FBI and people sending us strange emails got us all worked up and you are right about angry Scottish clowns being quite formidable! As for no such thing as bad publicity- we'll just have to wait and see. We weren't offended by any of the pictures (having a sense of humour is a major part of what we do) and we really didn't mean to blame the folk on this site -as I said before you all seem like very friendly and generous people.
This is a great site and we have been spending quite a bit of time on it over the last two days. We are even going out for Mai Tais after work today and may name our next Clowndoctor Dr Tiki!

In peace, fun and laughter,


You are an asshole to use cancer kids for humor.

Coco Loco posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 01:59, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2006-09-22 01:40, Scottish Clowndoctors wrote:
Hi there,

Wow. We really didn't mean to cause such a big fuss but we have to be so incredibly careful with child protection issues and we tend to err on the side of caution. We have to jump through hoops (literally and figuratively) in order to get permission to take photos in hospitals and we just wanted this to be all over and done with. All the talk of the FBI and people sending us strange emails got us all worked up and you are right about angry Scottish clowns being quite formidable! As for no such thing as bad publicity- we'll just have to wait and see. We weren't offended by any of the pictures (having a sense of humour is a major part of what we do) and we really didn't mean to blame the folk on this site -as I said before you all seem like very friendly and generous people.
This is a great site and we have been spending quite a bit of time on it over the last two days. We are even going out for Mai Tais after work today and may name our next Clowndoctor Dr Tiki!

In peace, fun and laughter,


Oh great, so the clowns are clowns too.
Hollywood couldn't even THINK of script like this.

Hi Scottish Clowndoctors,

Despite the strange circumstances, it's great that this site has generated an interest in Tiki for you. You're right, we are a friendly and generous people for the most part. Usually with good intentions. What you're doing for kids is great.

I'm curious though: As far as I know, we don't have clowndoctors in US, do we? Here, the perception of clowns is the polar opposite of doctors. Putting the two together here could be disconcerting. Hence, giggles. Just wondering if we have a clowndoctor program here in the US?

P.S. You mentioned going out for Mai Tais. Do you have a local tiki bar in your area? If so, what's it called. We'd love to see pictures and learn more about it in the appropriate travel and drink threads. Cheers!



Clowndoctoring is an international movement that actually started at the Big Apple Circus in New York. You can check them out at http://www.bigapplecircus.org - They visit children in hospitals all over the US.
I'm still looking in to finding a tiki bar for us to go to but will let you know when we find one although I will probably sneak back in with a different name so as not to upset anyone any further.


Benehune posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 02:32, Unga Bunga wrote:

On 2006-09-22 01:40, Scottish Clowndoctors wrote:
Hi there,

Wow. We really didn't mean to cause such a big fuss but we have to be so incredibly careful with child protection issues and we tend to err on the side of caution. We have to jump through hoops (literally and figuratively) in order to get permission to take photos in hospitals and we just wanted this to be all over and done with. All the talk of the FBI and people sending us strange emails got us all worked up and you are right about angry Scottish clowns being quite formidable! As for no such thing as bad publicity- we'll just have to wait and see. We weren't offended by any of the pictures (having a sense of humour is a major part of what we do) and we really didn't mean to blame the folk on this site -as I said before you all seem like very friendly and generous people.
This is a great site and we have been spending quite a bit of time on it over the last two days. We are even going out for Mai Tais after work today and may name our next Clowndoctor Dr Tiki!

In peace, fun and laughter,


You are an asshole to use cancer kids for humor.

I don't think you understand, or, I don't understand this comment.

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/22/2006

unga bunga, don't drag the japanese kabuki proctologists into this...

Moki posted on 09/22/2006

Unga- Don't make me drive up there and pull the car over :wink:

TikiJosh posted on 09/22/2006

The Scottish Clowndoctors are here to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And they drink Mai-Tais! Excellent!

Coco Loco posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 04:36, Scottish Clowndoctors wrote:
Clowndoctoring is an international movement that actually started at the Big Apple Circus in New York. You can check them out at http://www.bigapplecircus.org - They visit children in hospitals all over the US.
I'm still looking in to finding a tiki bar for us to go to but will let you know when we find one although I will probably sneak back in with a different name so as not to upset anyone any further.


Excellent. Personally, I like the name Scottish Clowndoctors, and have no issue with your or your group. Recognizing the significance of the name it's cool. I also like that levity is provided by the the literal name. Feel free to adopt a new name relevant to Tiki and your personal interest, or stay with Scottish Clowndoctors. Your choice.

No need to sneak back in. It's an open forum. :) If you change your name, feel free to let us know via the new member introduction thread: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?

An absolute welcome to you and your interest in Tiki! Sharing a common interest and celebration in classic and modern Polynesian Pop http://www.tikicentral.com/about.php is what Tiki Central is about.

P.S. Knowing of Tiki Bars in the UK, Spain, and Netherlands (I think), it's always exciting to find new Tiki venues in new places! We'd love to discover Tiki in Scotland. That would be very interesting! :)

Unga Bunga posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 06:57, Benehune wrote:

On 2006-09-22 02:32, Unga Bunga wrote:

You are an asshole to use cancer kids for humor.

I don't think you understand, or, I don't understand this comment.

Well, put my name on the list for being duped in an opposite way.
I got an email from a "special someone" explaining that the Scottish Clowndoctors member was an alias/impostor as well, and I took the bate. Turns out this is false.
Now I'm the asshole.
My apologies to the Scottish Clowndoctors, and I will be sending a contribution to their website. (Once I confirm their website is legit, :) )
I'm gonna go crawl back in my cave now.

WenikiTiki posted on 09/22/2006

I need some help from Scottish Clowndoctors! I was trying to make a donation, but couldn't find the correct place on the linked site to do so. Can you give me a step-by-step on what to do?

That said I'm challenging all the folks who were going to send something to Andy to instead send something to the Scottish Clowndoctors!

I know humor is important to those children undergoing cancer treatment. I've had two friends with children going through painful treatments. Whatever can be done to help them through has to be a big help.

Also maybe some people on this site can help outfit the future Clowndoctor "Dr. Tiki"! We have a lot of creative generous folks here!

GROG posted on 09/22/2006

Stay with the name Scottish Clowndoctors, it's a funny name to have on a tiki site.

Maybe you guys can help GROG out. The only clowns that come to people who are terminally bald aren't very funny.

Mai Tai posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 10:36, Unga Bunga wrote:
You are an asshole to use cancer kids for humor.

I don't think you understand, or, I don't understand this comment.

Well, put my name on the list for being duped in an opposite way.
I got an email from a "special someone" explaining that the Scottish Clowndoctors member was an alias/impostor as well, and I took the bate. Turns out this is false.
Now I'm the asshole.
My apologies to the Scottish Clowndoctors, and I will be sending a contribution to their website. (Once I confirm their website is legit, :) )
I'm gonna go crawl back in my cave now.

Good thing you apologized, Unga, and haven't angered the Scottish clown doctors further. Otherwise, they were about to all pile into their mini ambulance and drive over to throw a steak and kidney pie in yer face!

JohnnyP posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-21 12:29, WenikiTiki wrote:

This will become an legend for TC.

At first I was really upset about being scammed and sending a carving, but I am proud to part of a TC legend. This thread has been so entertaining lately I feel my loss was just a well spent cover charge. From Grog's illness to the clowndoctors. Thanks all.

Grog- did you get my package yet? :wink:


[ Edited by: JohnnyP 2006-09-22 17:59 ]

Formikahini posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 12:47, Mai Tai wrote:

Good thing you apologized, Unga, and haven't angered the Scottish clown doctors further. Otherwise, they were about to all pile into their mini ambulance and drive over to throw a steak and kidney pie in yer face!
Hmmm, I'm getting some great ideas about how to confront a certain lying fellow Houstonian this weekend.

A red nose, big shoes and an orange afro wig go a long way towards accepting a cream pie in the face. I mean, Formikahini throwing a cream pie? Angry Landry's. A posse of Texan Clown Doctors (ok, Teachers) of Scottish descent throwing a cream pie? Utter confusion, which should give me enough time to grab the tikis and run!!

freddiefreelance posted on 09/22/2006

On 2006-09-22 12:04, GROG wrote:
Stay with the name Scottish Clowndoctors, it's a funny name to have on a tiki site.

Maybe you guys can help GROG out. The only clowns that come to people who are terminally bald aren't very funny.

GROG made my day with that, I am now planning on sending him a Care Package of all the hair currently in my shower drain.

When is "Talk Like GROG Day"?

hewey posted on 09/22/2006

Hmmmmm, this is an interesting thread... :)

GROG posted on 09/23/2006

Grog- did you get my package yet? :wink:


GROG still waiting for package JP. Did you send it UPS, Express mail, or Fedex?

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-09-22 18:27 ]

WenikiTiki posted on 09/23/2006

My very evil sister (she was a cheerleader in high school) has a great idea for dealing with Barbara. She thinks someone should call the newspaper and give a tip about this poor child bravely dying of cancer whose father was killed in Iraq. Then we will find out if it is true or not, because newspapers always find the truth.

Just a thought....

jpmartdog posted on 09/23/2006

First of all I have to say I am sorry I lost touch with TC for three weeks. I just moved from Los Angeles back to my hometown of Amesbury, Massachusetts - the whole struggling artist thing got the best of me in L.A. so I am forced to lighten my load, back in N.E. I hope to keep painting and creating. Secondly though - I have been extremely proud to be associated with this group. You tiki-philes have not only wooden heads but strong hearts, and thats not to say your wooden head allowed you to be duped. That is a result of your humanity. Thank you for being my friends, even though I don't really know any of you. This is a bizarre thread and I'm still trying to figure how Grog's baldness intertwined. I'm sorry for the pain of some, the insincerity of others, the kindness of the scottish clowndoctors and the glare of Grog's "tiki"-dome. I must say I am sure we all would need to retire to the Tiki bar for a Mai Tai after an afternoon in the "big shoes" of the clown doctors. Mahalo ScotClownDocs, your reputation and "your big red nose" precedes you in tiki-dom!

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/23/2006

I can confirm that the member named "scottish clowndoctors" is indeed from hearts&minds http://www.heartsminds.org.uk/


danlovestikis posted on 09/23/2006

Hi Wentiki, thank you for the kind words and for showing us that Barbara is a real person in need of a major overhaul. She still has never responded to any of my emails. I'm impressed with your investigation skills.

We had a power failure in Elk Grove, CA yesterday morning and it took until 20 minutes ago to get back on line. Looks like a lot went on last night that I missed.

It's amazing to now have the Scottish Clown Doctors involved. There are people who will want to talk to them about what Barbara Landry has done. There hopefully we be more to this story than has been written so far.

Grog, I'm waxing Dan's back this weekend you need any hair to weave a rug? Wendy

GROG posted on 09/23/2006

Hair pieces are only a temporary cover-up and GROG feel self-conscious wearing one. The only things that seem to help are expensive, rare tiki mugs, and original tik art/carvings.

JohnnyP posted on 09/23/2006

On 2006-09-22 18:27, GROG wrote:

GROG still waiting for package JP. Did you send it UPS, Express mail, or Fedex?

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-09-22 18:27 ]

Grog-- It went via Tortise and the Hair Shipping Co.


Capt'n Skully posted on 09/23/2006

Dear Scottish Clown Doctors-

Please have Dr. Tiki write a prescription for Grog's terminal illness.. STAT!

Also suggest ointment for severe pruning due to excessive hot-tub treatment.


Atomic Cocktail posted on 09/24/2006

Now That's F*cked-up, Y'all!

GROG posted on 09/24/2006

Yes it is, but GROG confident that they will find a cure for BALDNESS in the future, but maybe not in GROG's lifetime.

Oh, were you talking about the the Andy Landry scam? Oops!
Sorry.GROG's bad.Yes, it really sucks.

Ojaitimo posted on 09/24/2006

Don't lose hope Grog. Monoxidil may not be a cure but it can help.

ikitnrev posted on 09/24/2006

I somehow had been ignorant on this scam. A while back I noticed people were sending photos and packages to a kid named Andy, but was busy, so stepped away. I peeked into the thread today, and noticed all that had happened over the past week.

My sympathies go to those who placed their trust in this story, and got burned. There are some people who will admire your generosity, while others may laugh at your gullability. All that is needed is for some bald Allen Funt guy (Grog?) to step out from behind the curtain and say 'Smile, you're on Candid Camera.'

Has anyone read the 1987 Re/Search book 'Pranks' that was published in 1987? It is an amazing, funny, and fascinating book, about how people would pull off elaborate pranks - not to raise money, but just to play with people's minds, and the cultural assumptions that they carry. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that 'Barb' was acting in this vein - and just planted the seeds of a small prank, that somehow snowballed a bit out of control. The reason this theory is on my mind is because Volume 2 of 'Pranks!' is coming out in a couple of months.

If this is true, from a subversive performance artist point of view, a little bit of action of her part sure ended up riling up a lot of people -- which might have been her intention. Or she could have been highlighting on how easy it is for some of us to have the emotions pendulem swing from the 'do-good heart-felt generosity' to the possible violent fantasies of seeking revenge in the suburbs of Houston.

It is a definite possibility that this might solely be a financial scam, some local U.S. form of a Nigerian e-mail scam, and if that is the case, then I do hope that Barb is pursued and prosecuted.

I am curious to see what the real truth is, and what the intention behind all of this was.

By the way, there are clowns involved with hospitals and sick kids in the U.S. - the most famous one being Patch Adams, who Robin Williams portrayed in a recent movie. I have a couple of friends who have personally known Patch, and they say he is a great guy. There is also Wavy Gravy, who was also known for his work with sick kids.

Pesonally, I think I am often scammed by paying $8 for what I think is going to be a mai-tai, but ends up being some sickenly sweet kool-aid confection drink instead.


danlovestikis posted on 09/25/2006

Dan and I just returned from the sale and get together at Forbidden Island. It was a 2.5 hour drive one way for us which made for a long day but it was so worth it.

I wanted to go in case I could meet face to face any of the people who donated posted or sent me personal messages during the life and times of Andy Landry. I did and that made the day very special. In addition to them we saw a few old friends as well.

Otto of the old Tiki News
Kingstiedye a collector beyond belief
CoCoMotion and JenTiki both very sweet women
Dr. TikiMojo who is Gecko's representative in the Bay area
Chongolio who makes wonderful art and is a great guy
Crazy Al was there but I didn't talk to him, he was busy
Hanford too was there, I was surprised that's he's so young

Anyway it was great and the bar looks like it's right out of the first tiki movement after WWII. Perfect party, a big success, Wendy

So now I'll go see what photos I can post,

Photos can be seen here

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine - to link to event photos thread - 2006-09-26 10:38 ]

PoisonIvy posted on 09/25/2006

Train wreck.

Unga Bunga posted on 09/26/2006

Will you just let this thread die, so that all the people that got screwed from you, INDIRECTLY, can move forward?
Thank you ~

hewey posted on 09/26/2006

On 2006-09-26 00:43
Will you just let this thread die, so that all the people that got screwed from you, INDIRECTLY, can move forward?
Thank you ~

Hmmmm. You try and make it seem as if you are not blaming Wendy by using the term "INDIRECTLY". Apparently its okay because its in CAPITALS! That makes it okay all of a sudden...

Well how about Wendy feels bad enough, because she tried to do the right thing for someone she genuinely felt was in need? So back off and leave Wendy alone!

Folks on here are adults and can make their own decisions on whether they want to get involved with stuff like this or not. Some folks I contacted were suss and didnt get involved. As it turns out, in this case, they were right. Obviously though, a number of (respected) TCers were of the beleif that this was a genuine cause, and they got involved or their own free will, so dont go blaming Wendy for it!

Hang on, maybe I should put this in capitals so you dont take this personally...

Wendy had only the best intentions from the start. Her ongoing posts and follow up to this issue reflect her very remorse in getting people involved, but yet you are now attacking her for doing so. Give her a break!

I didn't know Wendy at the start of this. Now I feel honoured to claim her as one of my mates. Someone I know who would spend considerable amounts of her time and money assisting those less fortunate than her, becaue thats the kind of person she is. If everyone was as nice as her the world would be a better place, so cut her some slack and stop with the bullshit remarks

(this is aimed at multiple negative commentators in this thread, not just the the one I quoted above)


Kustom Kahoona* - Tiki and Hot Rod Art by Hewey*

[ Edited by: hewey 2006-09-26 06:43 ]

kingstiedye posted on 09/26/2006

Will you just let this thread die, so that all the people that got screwed from you, INDIRECTLY, can move forward?
Thank you ~

that ain't right. i sent a package before wendy ever posted about andy. to try to put any blame on wendy is dead wrong. if you don't like this thread, then don't read it.

Unga Bunga posted on 09/26/2006

I was with Wendy 100%, and then she lost me.
Posting in other threads to "read my thread", posting pictures of the victims, continually changing the title of the thread, and all this mind you ,after the damage was done, is just warped.
Her effort for you to notice this thread is as strong now, as it it was in the original effort. A lot of good friends of mine were involved in this, for yes, a very special cause, and milking this sour turnip is not right.
Sorry Wendy, that's just the way I feel.

On 2006-09-26 06:56, kingstiedye wrote:
if you don't like this thread, then don't read it.

You guys are right, I am not helping this matter at all.
I can assure you it will not happen again.

Chongolio posted on 09/26/2006

Wendy, I am glad to have met you this past weekend. Thanks for coming up an introducing yourselves to me. You are a very nice lady with a heart of gold. There is nothing warped about changing your post titles and linking to other relative posts. Yes there is a connection to the FI sale because the Andy Landry incident was a very hot topic and it was your chance to meet some fthe people who you have been coresponding with over the past few weeks. Don't let any of these salty barnacles and their bitter posts get under your skin and get you down.

Unga- Dude you need to get to Hukilau fast. I think you missing out on all the fun over the last few weeks has made you the sour turnip. :D You know I jest but simmer down and rest assured that your cocktails are waiting for you.

Hewey and Bullet- I agree with you %100. If the haters don't like what they are reading then bug out. Posting negative and sarcastic replies are doing nothing constructive.

I think this thread is far from dead! What were the motives behind Barbara's elaborate scam? Was this really all Coco Loco's fault :wink:, Will the word andylandried be asorbed into our volcabulary as the word to express being taken advantage of and the root of anti-zazz? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

GatorRob posted on 09/26/2006

If I'm not mistaken, Wendy changed the thread title because someone asked her to.

GROG posted on 09/26/2006

Chongolio right. Hopefully this thread not die before we get some sort of closure. Besides, if this thread die, then GROG have to start the GROG LOVES TIKIS, PLEASE READ THIS thread to get more tiki mugs to ease GROG's pain over GROG's terminal baldness.

Either way GROG not blame Wendy, GROG blame Kirby. Kirby not not have anything to do with this, but GROG figure Kirby the obvious scapegoat.Damn you Kirby!

Tangaroa posted on 09/26/2006

Unga is right - the thread has taken an "ooops! sorry about the confusion... oh well!" attitude... I'm amazed that most of the people continuing to respond to this thread don't seem to have a problem with that!

JenTiki posted on 09/26/2006

This is my first post on this thread. I was planning to "stay out of it." But after meeting Wendy on Sunday and reading some of the latest negative posts, I can't keep quiet any longer.

Wendy is a wonderful woman with a very generous heart who, unfortunately, was taken in by a con. Wendy had the best intentions, and as soon as she was aware that this might be a scam, she sent PMs to the people she'd been in contact with regarding this matter asking that they refrain from sending anything until it was cleared up. This world, and TC, need more people like Wendy.

I think this thread needs to remain open until there is resolution. Not just for Wendy, but for everyone who was invested in "the cause." I agree that Wendy's pictures of Sunday's event would have been more appropriately posted in the thread that is focused on the event, but so what. Let's give Wendy an opportunity to heal in whatever way she needs to and get off her back. The negative posts are keeping this thread alive every bit as much as the positive ones. So if you really want it to just die a quiet death, keep it to yourself and stop bumping the topic to the top of the list.

There's my two cents. I assume I'll get blasted for something or other in this post, but I don't much care about the opinions of someone who'll blast me for sticking up for someone who was doing what she thought was the right thing.


virani posted on 09/26/2006

Dear Andy,
I know you like tiki things, but I was thinking, what could I send you from France that you'd like, so I sent you a box of fine bordeaux wine, with some foie gras. And as you like clowns, I sent you a record of Mime Marceaux. It's a silent record, but I'm sure you'll like it !!!

TikiJosh posted on 09/26/2006

On 2006-09-26 08:43, Chongolio wrote:
Will the word andylandried be asorbed into our volcabulary as the word to express being taken advantage of and the root of anti-zazz? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

Wouldn't anti-zazz be razz? Just wondering. I think it's good that most people seem to be keeping their sense of humor, the quote above being a perfect example. Keep the aloha alive!

martiki posted on 09/26/2006

On 2006-09-26 10:46, TikiJosh wrote:

On 2006-09-26 08:43, Chongolio wrote:
Will the word andylandried be asorbed into our volcabulary as the word to express being taken advantage of and the root of anti-zazz? Inquiring minds want to know!!!!

Wouldn't anti-zazz be razz? Just wondering. I think it's good that most people seem to be keeping their sense of humor, the quote above being a perfect example. Keep the aloha alive!

I don't know about you, but I plan to add "milking the sour turnip" to my vocabulary. I just don't know what context yet.

And yes, the anti-zazz is most definitely razz.

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/26/2006

martiki, you have the perfect confluence of historical events to create a new drink: the 'sour turnip.' and one ingredient should be milk.

Chongolio posted on 09/26/2006

I stand corrected, I had forgot about the word "Razz." However, I have always associate that word for making farting sounds with your tongue a.k.a raspberry, razzberry or razz and the Bronx Cheer.

Regarding the term "milking the Sour Turnip." I like it, I like it a lot. In fact it could be used in cases of threads that have gone on for way to long as in "The Untiki Thread has totally milked the Sour Turnip" I will reiterate that I do not feel like this thread has gotten to the milking the sour turnip stage yet.

As for the Sour Turnip drink. I would suggest a nice Clown make up application on the rim of the glass. So that a touch of prankster is left on the drinkers face. Maybe a squirting flower garnish as well. It should probably be served in a stolen mug.

Ok back on Topic. Well maybe Wendy may have over done it a bit with the posting of pics of FI in this thread and cross linking. But come on folks who here is not guilty of going off topic or getting over zealous at times.


TikiJosh posted on 09/26/2006

I'll take a sour turnip! Does that come in a souvenir tiki mug that's shaped like a turnip?

GROG posted on 09/26/2006

Hyah mule!

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