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I weep for the recently departed...

Pages: 1 22 replies

Phillip Roberts posted on 09/28/2006

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-17 17:35 ]

pappythesailor posted on 09/28/2006

I think I speak for everyone here when I say: *&@^!)

stuff-o-rama posted on 09/28/2006

I'm not surprised that a construction crew would dismantle something that wasn't supposed to be demoed, but I am surprised that a company like Quicksilver wouldn't be more respectful towards an pop culture icon. I'm sure someone's going to catch hell over this oversight. My guess is one of the construction guys gave the moai a lift home... hopefully.

Mo-Eye posted on 09/28/2006

This just really pisses me off! Since these are right next to the Thor Stor, I have been checking on them almost every day. Just when I let my guard down, and take 2 days off, they're gone! I just talked to one of the guys in the crew this morning. He said they took them down Tuesday, and they went right into a rolloff dumpster, and taken to the dump. I'm going to try to do some research this afternoon to see if they actually did go to the dump, and if so, which one.

Waikiki is slowly dying and turning into a mall of high end retailers that most of us can't afford anyway. The Hawaiian feeling of it is long gone!

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teaKEY posted on 09/28/2006

As long as we have Ebay where anything can sell for money, I don't think anyone with a grain of a brain is going to throw these away.

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Haole'akamai posted on 09/28/2006

As sad as it is to say, people WILL just throw Tiki art and culture, even as historic as these pieces are, away. There are so many that just don't get it.

Good Luck, Mo-Eye, may your search end in joyous recovery.

[ Edited by: Haole'akamai 2006-09-28 14:48 ]

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naugatiki posted on 09/28/2006

Part of the fun of International Market Place is playing “Where’s Waldo” with tikis and finding a few obscure carvings in the trees and worked into the landscape. I’m sorry to see another one vanish but surprised that in this day and age it was tossed in a construction dumpster even a non tiki person would grab something like that.

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GatorRob posted on 09/29/2006

Even more sad to me than the thought of those carvings rotting in a dump somewhere is this statement:

On 2006-09-28 13:56, Mo-Eye wrote:
Waikiki is slowly dying and turning into a mall of high end retailers that most of us can't afford anyway. The Hawaiian feeling of it is long gone!

Where's Doc Brown and his time machine when you need him? I wanna go BACK!! :cry:

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MakeDaMug posted on 09/30/2006

I am happy to let you all know that I received a phone call with the whereabouts of these 2 special Moai and they are safe and will soon be revitalized in a place very befitting of their dignity not too far from their original location.

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2006-09-29 18:34 ]

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JenTiki posted on 09/30/2006

YAY!!! A Happy Ending!

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tikiyaki posted on 09/30/2006

On 2006-09-28 13:56, Mo-Eye wrote:

Waikiki is slowly dying and turning into a mall of high end retailers that most of us can't afford anyway. The Hawaiian feeling of it is long gone!

No, the word is "upscale"...just disGUSTING. I heard that the whole International Marketplace was supposed to be made into an "upscale" mall. That place IS old Hawaii. I was sad to see the entire upper level just dead and empty when i was there last year. You could almost see the ghosts of Heyday Waikiki walking around up there. Such a bummer.

Now, Friggin Trump is putting one of his phallic "I'm rich, you're not" monuments of grotesqueness in Waikiki. He needs to be put out of his misery. Him , and the a**hole who bought the Beverly Hilton and is dismantling Trader Vics, should both be put on a boat, and sent out to sea.

Sorry...sore spot for me.

Hey, just read the previous post. Glad to see that the Moai were saved.... :)

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2006-09-29 23:36 ]

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tedtiki posted on 09/30/2006
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