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New Munktiki #1 mug on eBay

Pages: 1 19 replies

Tiki-bot posted on 03/03/2003

I don't know if people were keeping quiet about this in hopes they might get it or simply that nobody knows about it, but there's a #1 of a new Munktiki mug called "Spooky D" up for us Munktiki lovers. I know I probably don't have a shot at a #1 myself (too many clams), so at least I'm not shooting myself in the foot by posting this.
Happy bidding!


[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2003-03-03 12:49 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2003-03-03 12:50 ]

Turbogod posted on 03/03/2003

Awww Dammit!! Yeah, we were all keeping quiet. Then Blammo! Somebody had to let the cat out of the bag. I agree Tikibot, I won't be trying for it either. The lower numbers always run so high in price. Still waiting to get a poison mug ( or should I say "My poison mug"!)

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-03-03 13:11 ]

Tiki-bot posted on 03/03/2003

Sorry :(
You just KNOW it's gonna go for (probably) well over $150 or so, and it's not like the Munktiki folks don't deserve every penny they'll get for it.
I figured I'd start driving the price up early, but it seems there always someone out there ready to drop $200 or more on a #1. It WOULD be cool if I got it, though...:)

Turbogod posted on 03/03/2003

To me #1 is just the same as #101 with Munktiki. I have never had a bad experience with anything from them. Never had a bad experience with Tiki Farm either. Or Bosko. Or Shagmart. Or Outre. It seems Tiki purchases are the only times my online purchases have been trouble free. Maybe because you deal directly with the artists. I feel all warm inside.

Cultjam posted on 03/04/2003

Oh, must have the preciousssss....

TikiManiac posted on 03/08/2003

Extremely coolmug...


Seems that the elusive mcf7777 still has a thing for tikis even though he appears to be selling off his entire collection...

SullTiki posted on 03/09/2003

Well I believe Munktiki has a new record!

According to this thread, the previous top price for a #1 was Roecello at 214.05.

Cultjam posted on 03/23/2003
TikiManiac posted on 03/23/2003

I think this new design was inspired by Munktiki's regular mug, the Big Shot...

jtiki posted on 03/24/2003

I'm curious about the mysterious Waiko, to whom the painting is attributed. Is this momma Nielson?


manic cat posted on 03/24/2003

In terms of silkscreened prints, I was taught that any serial number in an edition is worth the same price (i.e #1 of 150 is worth the same as #150 of 150). A lower serial number should not cost any more than a higher one. (But a first edition is worth more than a second edition.)
Is this the case with tiki mugs? Should we be more excited that this mug indeed was #1? Or can is it valued the same as # 78 or #111, for example.

PolynesianPop posted on 03/24/2003

On 2003-03-24 09:33, manic cat wrote:
In terms of silkscreened prints, I was taught that any serial number in an edition is worth the same price (i.e #1 of 150 is worth the same as #150 of 150). A lower serial number should not cost any more than a higher one. (But a first edition is worth more than a second edition.)
Is this the case with tiki mugs? Should we be more excited that this mug indeed was #1? Or can is it valued the same as # 78 or #111, for example.

Manic, yes there's a big difference when it comes to tiki mugs. A ceramic mold has a life span of about 150 castings. As such, the first mug produced from that mold will have the crispest, sharpest lines.

waikiki tiki posted on 03/24/2003

That is the same case for most prints, especially etchings and woodblock prints...the sharpness only holds up for so long so I would think a mold would wear down too. Screenprints are an exemption because they hold the sharpness through an edition. But personally, I wouldn't pay more for a #1 of an edition, it's all equal to me.


manic cat posted on 03/24/2003

Thanks for the info. It makes sense that the mold would wear down.
My dad was a plastics engineer who made molds for medical instruments. The molds were designed in metal, but would last almost forever. I wander if metal molding could be used to cast ceramic mugs? If so, maybe my dad has a future in tiki mugware.

[ Edited by: manic cat on 2003-03-24 12:25 ]

stuckieshaft posted on 03/25/2003

Waiko is my wife aka yoko, some of you may have met her at the crawl. She'll be coming out with a few more painted pieces soon. All of the money from these initial poptiki sales will be going towards her chihuahua fund. Shes been wanting one for a long time.


Traderpup posted on 03/25/2003

Metal molds wouldn't work in Tiki mug production. The molds need to be absorbent. Slip is used most commonly in Tiki mug making. Plaster molds are used because slip (basically clay that is watered down to be soupy) is poured into the mold and sloshed around a bit, and the excess is poured back out. The plaster absorbs the excess water, leaving a firm layer of clay in the mold.

So, using a metal mold with slip would leave you with a metal inside-out mug with a clay cocktail inside! Yum!

Cultjam posted on 03/25/2003

Stuckey, keep the money and let your wahine shop online til her fingers drop off.


For some reason picture preview doesn't work unless you type in the breed rather than select it.

There's one in Perris, CA named Buster Brown. HE'S SO CUTE!!!!

TikiKate posted on 03/25/2003

Hey-- check this out:

And this one...

I know rescue isn't for everyone, but everyone should be aware it's an option.

"Hi," btw.

--Kate Harback

manic cat posted on 03/25/2003

But maybe I can get 'ole dad to make some plastic mugs?

TikiManiac posted on 03/28/2003

Pages: 1 19 replies