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Fire in house...Bar RE-OPENING is Scheduled!! New pics 9/28

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Bargoyle posted on 09/28/2006

Ok, here's some more progress pics.

With the big re-opening party just 3 weeks away, there's still ALOT of work to be done!!

First, here's the care package Kingstiedye sent me to help redecorate...

Thanks bullet!! Super cool of you to help out. That package totally made my day! They'll get places of honor when the rebuild is complete.

On to the build out.... to install the lower wall (a 3' bamboo fence) I had to first attach some 2x4s to the wall...

Then paint them so you cant see em thru the gaps in the fence...

Repeat a zillion times, and you're ready to attach the fence to the wall....

Used 3" caps to top the fence, and some 3" half-rounds to hide the seams on the matting.

And although its waaaay to early to hang shelving, I had to see what the tiki room drummers looked like on the wall....

More to come soon!!

and here's the link to the party invite if anyone wants to come...


kingstiedye posted on 09/29/2006

looking good, bargoyle! i'm glad to help in a small way. i sure wish i could be there for the grand re-opening party. have fun!

tikiriffic posted on 09/29/2006

That is looking awesome! I'm just curious, why did you need the 2 by 4's under the bamboo fencing? I would like to try something like that with my lauhala matting and you've definitely got it figured.

Karbora posted on 10/01/2006


Your perseverance and determination is inspiring, after a rough sequence of events. Looks like the lounge is coming back strong. Congratulations on your progress. I salute your aloha spirit.....

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