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Tiki Central / General Tiki

My Tiki Paradise

Pages: 1 5 replies

IsleConch posted on 10/04/2006

I've been posting for sometime but haven't had the chance to show my priced possesions. The first one is my Tiki mailbox..then comes the happy gardener. The rest are pics of my tikified deck patio and of course ..The Tiki bouncer.

All these tikis were made by a local carver. Thanx for lookin'

McTiki posted on 10/04/2006

Sweetness Isle! Lookin good but, not hurricane resistant (lol) Wayne Coombs Tiki's ? (Mai Tiki) They look right at home.



IsleConch posted on 10/04/2006

Well thanks..I would love to own tikis from all the wonderful artists here and across the world.. but...it's very expensive!! that's why I'm into carvin' my own. But I still want some from the artists..anyone interested in donations???? hee..hee.hee.

hewey posted on 10/04/2006

Great looking outside tiki lounge :)

IsleConch posted on 10/04/2006

Thanx Hewey.. I just started collecting Tiki, and now I want to start carvin'..little by little I'll make it my tiki heaven.

moondog426 posted on 10/04/2006

looks like a great personal oasis...after the daily grind....TIKI!!!!

Pages: 1 5 replies