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Kahaka's Tiki Lamps

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Jungle Trader posted on 09/01/2006


Hey braddah, I talked to Stuart at Minnie's, he says you can display a few lamps there as well. They have plenty room.


Blowfish posted on 09/01/2006

Wow, great lamps... email sent.

I especially like the volcano and drum lamps!

KAHAKA posted on 09/03/2006

Awesome, JT... you got his number?

Blowfish, you are awesome. Thanks.

KAHAKA posted on 10/05/2006

Lamps lamps la lamps lamps, lamps lamps.


Jungle Trader posted on 10/05/2006

Very nice!

Bring some out and put a price tag on 'em. That is, if you have any just hangin' around.

KAHAKA posted on 10/05/2006

Hangin' around! I'm throwin' that in my bag of lamp jokes. Gotcha JT!

Gotta catch up on some others then I'll make some to swing from the ceiling in Minnie's!

Custom Tapa Swag Lamps and Sconces Built By Kahaka

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2007-07-06 15:34 ]

Sneakytiki posted on 10/05/2006

At this point you've rivalled or surpassed any of the old catalogues of tiki lamps I've seen from OA or elsewhere, and you're just getting started! You light up our tiki lives. Pono work Kahaka.


KAHAKA posted on 10/05/2006

On 2006-10-04 22:54, Sneakytiki wrote:
At this point you've rivalled or surpassed any of the old catalogues of tiki lamps I've seen from OA or elsewhere, and you're just getting started! You light up our tiki lives. Pono work Kahaka.


Man, I don't know about all that, but thanks a lot!

KAHAKA posted on 12/24/2006

#10 for Robertiki's Thatch. Still screwing around with the bamboo bottoms.


Clarita posted on 12/24/2006

WOW Awesome lamps! I love them!! Keep rocking! Congrats!!

KAHAKA posted on 12/28/2006

Say thanks Clarita! Glad you like. Where are you from? Clarita makes me think of Santa Clara, the next town over from good old San Jose where I'm from...


Surf tiki posted on 12/28/2006

Brilliant stuff!! I have no artisitic ability to really speak of but I think I may have found something that I could be actually capable of building. One question: how do you rig the bulb assembly so that you can get to it to replace the bulb? Looks like maybe the shade part is sort of supended from a cross piece that holds the bulb and can be removed.

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/28/2006

Beautiful work! I really like the style of those bamboo bottoms. Would love to have one of your lamps swinging from my ceiling.

Formerly, theded1

[ Edited by: TIKI KAIMUKI 2007-05-19 09:35 ]

KAHAKA posted on 12/29/2006

On 2006-12-28 06:51, Surf tiki wrote:
Brilliant stuff!! I have no artisitic ability to really speak of but I think I may have found something that I could be actually capable of building. One question: how do you rig the bulb assembly so that you can get to it to replace the bulb? Looks like maybe the shade part is sort of supended from a cross piece that holds the bulb and can be removed.

Thank ya Surf tiki... You got it... sometimes I just use a piece of wood as a cross member to fix the socket to. Other times I'll leave a center cross member when I cut out the plywood top. A free cross member makes the angle of the dangle adjustable. With a fixed cross member you've gotta make sure the hole you drill for your socket assembly is dead on so that the lamp hangs right.

theded1 PM if you're interested in a light! Mahalo!!!!!!

KAHAKA posted on 05/03/2007

I wanted to post some pics of a lamp I did for theded1 to prove that I'm still alive. I haven't been doing a lot of these lately because I kinda got burned out on 'em, but theded1 inspired me with this one that he customized to his liking:

Mahalo for lookin'!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 05/03/2007

Just picked up the lamp at FI tonight. I am truly honored to have this work of art in our home. If you're not already on Kahaka's waiting list, make the commitment before it's too late! Woody, thanks again.

Formerly, theded1

[ Edited by: TIKI KAIMUKI 2007-05-19 09:34 ]

Mai Tai posted on 05/03/2007

Hey, great looking lamp! Good times hangin' out with you guys at Forbidden Island. Cheers!

Haole'akamai posted on 05/03/2007

Yeah, I second that emotion.

Now, if we can just get Mondo to not spill beer all over it...

...and the table...

...and you...

...we'll be o'kay!

KAHAKA posted on 05/04/2007

Mai Tai, good ta meet ya as well! Good times, good times.

Thayer- Yeah, Mondo+beer+lamponthetable= neardisaster. I think we'll make Mondo wear a beer helmet and a bib next time and leave the lamp in the car. Haha Mondo! Luckily the lamp didn't get any beer patina... You rule at waitressing by the way. Thanks for puttin' up with us!

Glad you like the lamp, theded1... see you at the Island!

NOTCH posted on 05/08/2007

I gotta say KAHAKA'S LAMPS are AWESOME!!!!Kahaka Rocka!!!!

NOTCH posted on 05/19/2007

Just like I told ya!!!
Kahaka's lamp's are
Just got mine!!!!!!!!!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 05/19/2007

Nice! I finally got mine all hung up last weekend and I am still looking at it lit up every night and saying, "Damn, that is a beautiful lamp. It really makes the room." My girlfriend agrees and has even suggested the possibility of getting back on the list in the future. Thanks again, Kahaka!

Formerly, theded1

[ Edited by: TIKI KAIMUKI 2007-05-19 09:35 ]

Clarita posted on 05/19/2007

Incredible work Kahaka, I really like it! I'm from Argentina, and I live here, Clarita is my nickname, my real name is Carla, but a friend start calling me clara because he said that Carla was to difficult to pronounce and because of an anime that he said I look like (clarita the friend of Heidi, girl of the alps, I think it wasn't a very popular show there, but here every body saw it some time as kids )...
Best wishes! Keep rocking!!

KAHAKA posted on 05/21/2007

Nacho! Glad you dig the lamp, but I want it back... JUST FRICKIN' KIDDING MAN!

Formerly theded1, you should order another one whenever you're ready. When is your girlfriend's birthday? A lamp would make a nice birthday gift (nudge nudge). Just kidding!

Clarita, you rock and roll. Thanks for words of kindness from Argentina!


tikicleen posted on 05/21/2007

kahaka is THE man. your lamps that hang in our humble homestead received numerous compliments from seasoned tiki heyday veterans today. they did not realize they were "new" and were truly in awe of the craftsmanship.

be proud chad! :)

KAHAKA posted on 05/23/2007

Cool 'cleen! You guys are almost single handedly responsible for any ohs or ahs I get over the mugs I have in our front room. Thanks again!!


kahaka your lamps are awesome i love them all

KAHAKA posted on 06/24/2007

Thanks Marcus, all your stuff is top of the line!

Here's a lamp I've been working on off and on for a few weeks. I tried out a "flower" shaped bottom for this one. Let me know what ya'll think.


Custom Tapa Swag Lamps and Sconces Built By Kahaka

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2007-07-06 15:26 ]

OceaOtica posted on 06/24/2007

unique shape, beautiful and inspiring as usual

tikiskip posted on 06/24/2007

Very nice.
Cool shape.

KAHAKA posted on 06/27/2007

Thanks guys, glad you like. It was a fun one to do... Planning on making a bunch this summer to sell at Forbidden Island's sale in September. Me and igNOTCHio are gonna share a booth or somethin'. Heck-to-the-yes!

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/28/2007

Nice work as always, man. I look forward to seeing what else you'll have at the sale.

KAHAKA posted on 07/06/2007

Lamp above now for sale in the Tiki Marketplace...


KAHAKA posted on 07/24/2007

Nuevos lampas para iluminar los bars del tiki...

Not new styles, just done differently for a customerrr.


Custom Tapa Swag Lamps and Sconces Built By Kahaka

[ Edited by: KAHAKA 2007-07-24 17:26 ]

frostiki posted on 07/26/2007

Your lamps are the greatest. I hope we have one or ten one day.

Clarita posted on 07/26/2007

your work is great! I love this last one!

KAHAKA posted on 08/16/2007

I'll have one whole lamp for sale at the Oasis, but I won't be there! Look for Notch and the Mama-sized Ku Bar with all his goodies for sale!


KAHAKA posted on 10/18/2007

Just got a batch of shells... can't wait to give 'em a whirl! Now to find the right frame shape for 'em...

Sam Gambino posted on 10/18/2007

Hey, you're the Duke of Lamps.... or is that the Earl of Lamps???? What the hell, they ROCK!

KAHAKA posted on 10/19/2007

Thanks Sam G. Your stuff is the coolest... thanks for the kind words. It adds fuel to the fire!

1961surf posted on 12/17/2008

I have been meaning to post this for awhile , but have been so damn
busy with work.....so here yah go.I had this lamp made custom by Kahaka
with slight variations on this drum lamp, and what a gem it is.
I look forward to ordering more in the future.
Mahalos for the great work as always Woody, you truly are a master.

jfrancis posted on 12/18/2008

[ Edited by: jfrancis 2008-12-18 20:34 ]

KAHAKA posted on 12/19/2008

'61surf, thanks for posting the pic. Glad you like it!

jpfrancis, thanks!

1961surf posted on 12/19/2008

I will post several more pics I took with green and red light bulbs I purchased for
the holidays.They look great.Here are some pics with read and green bulbs .

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[ Edited by: 1961surf 2009-12-07 00:59 ]

KAHAKA posted on 03/26/2009

Here are a few lamps I've done in the last few months. Haven't posted much up here in a long while.
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This one has a resin bottom (fish net sunk in the red resin)... first one I've tried. Fun stuff.

LOTS of cool lamps appearing here on TC these days... keep it going!!!!


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Lake Surfer posted on 03/26/2009

Top notch!!!

The red resin with fishnet is killer!

Your creativity is amazing with these, and they are jam packed with detail!

Damn my low ceilings!

tikiskip posted on 03/26/2009

Great new styles.
Love the resin fish net thing.

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Monkeyman posted on 03/26/2009

Inspiring as always.

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