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Got a cool Tiki Hand Me Down!

Pages: 1 4 replies

Tiki Ham posted on 10/04/2006

The other day, my mom gave me a copy of Trader Vics autobiography..
She told me that when my grandpa was going to college in Santa Clara, he earned extra $$ delivering booze to
local places.. One was Hinky Dinks. My Grandpa was on the football team, and Vic was a huge fan, and used to
tell him to bring the team in for free drinks, etc...

The book was signed by Vic on the inside cover!!

i thought this was a cool book.. Not just because of the book, but the story I got to hear with it!!!
Thought I would share :)

[ Edited by: tiki ham 2006-10-06 11:03 ]

McTiki posted on 10/04/2006

Sounds awesome. I beleive the name is Hinky Dinks vs Kinky :)

Treasure it!



Sneakytiki posted on 10/05/2006

kinky dinks was a great 70's porno, looks lik u scored in another way entirely! Nice story!

hewey posted on 10/05/2006

Old tiki stuff is kool. Old tiki stuff with a personal/family connection is beyond compare :)

Tiki Ham posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-04 11:32, McTiki wrote:
Sounds awesome. I beleive the name is Hinky Dinks vs Kinky :)

Treasure it!





Fixed :)

Pages: 1 4 replies