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TikiWagon at Trader Vics and Tonga Room Oct 17 PM

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dangergirl299 posted on 10/05/2006

Let's give a warm Bay Area TC ohana welcome to TikiWagon from England on Tuesday night October 17: Trader Vics Emeryville then Tonga Room, SF (possibly some Alameda Forbidden island).

See this link:


JenTiki posted on 10/05/2006

Whaddya mean "possibly Alameda Forbidden Island"? I would do that over the Tonga Room anyday! Plus that's the third Tuesday of the month which means The Jab will be spinning the tunes at FI. I vote for happy hour at the Tonga Room, then a cocktail or two at Trader Vic's Emeryville, then finish off the evening at Forbidden Island Alameda.

For the time being, I'm free that evening starting around 6:30 in SF, or 7:00 in the East Bay. Just let me know where to be and when.

Molokai Mike posted on 10/06/2006

Yaeh, head on over to FI...and possibly stop by Conga Lounge on the way. always good to meet our British ohana and find out more about the UK Tiki Scene.

dangergirl299 posted on 10/12/2006

This is really up to TikiWagon's schedule, but let's tentatively say Trader Vic's Emeryville 4-6; Forbidden island, alameda 6-8; Tonga Room 8-whenever?

[ Edited by: dangergirl299 2006-10-12 16:12 ]

JenTiki posted on 10/17/2006

Do we know if this is still the schedule for this evening?

dangergirl299 posted on 10/17/2006

Yes. I don't know TikiWagon's exact schedule, but let's follow the tentative one above.

I will see you all at Tonga around 8!

Mai Tai posted on 10/17/2006

Just an FYI, I don't think The Jab is going to start DJ'ing until around 8pm or so (he has to set up and all), so if you wanted to partake in those festivities you might want to make Forbidden Island your last stop, because that's when most of the FI regulars (a.k.a. lushes) will be there. Yes, I realize that this is up to TikiWagon's schedule, but that's my 2 cents.

TIKIWAGON posted on 11/01/2006

We have just read all of your great replies, but unfortunately we could not get access to a computer after October 4th, so that is why we did not reply until now. We went to Trader Vics at Emeryville at about 5.00 p.m; and then we arrived at the Tonga Room at about 7.30 until 8.30 p.m; but unfortunatley we did not see anybody that looked like they might have been interested in the place, mosty people were business style people, so we had a few cocktails and then left, as this was the only night the band weren't playing, which we were gutted about, but we did see the rain storm, what 2 kool places, unfortunately we did not make the FI, but hey there is always next time, we did do as much tiki as possible this time, and hopefully there will be a feature on it in a coming issue of Pocketiki, so check it out.
Thanks again to everybody who made the effort, and hope to meet you all next time!
Take care.
Sue and Dave.

dangergirl299 posted on 11/02/2006

Hi Sue and Dave!

I got totally swamped and didn't make it to Tonga until 9 pm - so sorry I missed you!

hope you had a good time in CA~

martiki posted on 11/02/2006

On 2006-11-01 13:33, TIKIWAGON wrote:

...as this was the only night the band weren't playing, which we were gutted about...

I promise you that it was a blessing you missed the band.

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