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eBay: Limited edition handcarved tiki pendants

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papa oo maumau posted on 09/20/2006

aloha tiki mangs and mangesses
Adorn thy self in Tiki Bling.
These handcarved tiki pendants are a great way to express your tiki fashion sense,which we all know is superb.
The pix dont really do them justice......
Make your way to the store.
Step on in!

Rattiki posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-09-20 09:20, papa oo maumau wrote:
The pix dont really do them justice.

I got mine today (pictured above) and I must say it is a SUPER fine piece! Thick, heavy and well finished, much beefier than the picture portrays. I will certainly collect all three and so should any other discerning Tikiphile......after I'm done of course :wink:

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