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15% discount for Tiki Central members in Sept

Pages: 1 11 replies

Hi everyone....I'm about 30 days away from lauching my new Tiki line of masks and statues. In the mean time, check out my new website! I want to offer all TikiCentral members 15% off of anything in my new store during the month of September. Simply enter "tiki" in the promo code box at check out. Thanks to all the members at TikiCentral for their support! http://www.flatearthtrading.com


As a fellow Tucsonan, I'm looking forward to seeing your new tiki items when they arrive. While I think the Bali masks are pretty neat looking, and your prices are very reasonable, I still prefer more "classic" tikis.

BTW, I tried clicking on your link to your website, and it doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

Be sure to let us know when the new stuff gets in!


Thanks Chris! I will have much more traditional tiki merchandise coming next month. I've attached a preview for all to see of my 10" statues coming. I also am producing several Tiki statues hand carved in stone, along with masks and more.I changed servers this morning, so my site was down for a few minutes. I hope this link works now! http://www.flatearthtrading.com


[ Edited by: FlatEarthTrading 2006-09-13 14:54 ]

We've been adding lots of sterling silver jewelry on our site this week. Please be patient....I have some awsome tiki products coming in October!


Let me get this straight. The discount for Tiki Central members will be expired by the time you actually have your new line of tiki merchandise?

On 2006-09-20 18:36, Hakalugi wrote:
Let me get this straight. The discount for Tiki Central members will be expired by the time you actually have your new line of tiki merchandise?

LOl, good point! I'll continue it in october also!~



Hi Everyone. My container finally arrived and I'll be busy over the week photographing and listing all of my Tiki products on my web site http://www.flatearthtrading.com . I took some wood tiki carvings to some master stone carvers in Bali and am launching something I haven't seen before, a 10" tall handcarved stone Tiki. 4 designs will be available this weekend, and dozens of other masks and wood Tikis will launch my Mid October. My 15 % discount offer will continue thru to October 31. Simply enter "Tiki" in the promo box at checkout. I'm interested in hearing feedback about this line.

Direct link here.....




[ Edited by: FlatEarthTrading 2006-10-06 16:05 ]

Ok, i'm still waiting for comments so i guess i'll light a fire under you late night Tiki Central readers. The next person to post in this thread that is interested in one of my stone carvings, I'm going to ship you one for free! The only catch is you have to review it in this thread, be it positive or negative. So please post " I want one!" asap, and one reader will get hooked up. (please PM me your name and address)



I want one...I have a couple of yours in wood would be nice to see what they look like in stone.

[ Edited by: tikiexpy 2006-10-06 23:47 ]

Paipo posted on Fri, Oct 6, 2006 11:34 PM


[ Edited by: Paipo 2006-10-07 00:01 ]

Tikiexpy is the first to reply and scores a stone tiki carving! I'll look forward to hearing your comments. Paipo, thanks for the kind words but you missed it by 4 minutes.


[ Edited by: FlatEarthTrading 2006-10-07 00:00 ]


I just recieved the wonderful stone tiki. I chose the Moai design since I have a particular attraction towards that design.

Now onto the critic. Opening the box I found a light beige in color heavy statue. The stone design has excellent detail with the curves of the ears and sharp lines and creases for the rest of the face. The statue is of very good quality and a very sturdy base. I have encountered somethings that have a slightly rounded base which makes the product ustable. This is definitely not the case with this product. The stone has great appeal and would go with any decor. Being stone, the surface is smooth but a little bit chalky.

I will answer any questions anybody has.

Thank you for the statue and the extra business cards and pamphlets, I will surely pass them on.

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