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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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JohnnyP posted on 09/23/2006

It is always an adventure reading your thread. Keep up the work. You keep getting better and better. Wow

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/28/2006

The adventure continues...


Benzart posted on 09/28/2006

We NEED More Adventure in our lives, so Continue right on Missed seeing your reports for a few daze there, hope all's well. Just sharpen your tools and Dig right in!

Tiki Duddy posted on 09/29/2006

hey buzzy man. i see your keeping yourself busy. yes i havent put pictures up for a while because the camera phone that i always use will not send the pictures to my email and ive had some stress. at the moment im trying some new things like carving stone. its not too bad actually....(wood is still my favorite to work with). yes it will be snowing here shortly. the winters get....oh about -40 degrees celcius. im not sure what that is in fehrinhite. by the way i CANNOT spell that word.

amazing stuff always.
some day when i got money im gonna fly down there and meet all you great carvers.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/29/2006

I started today's adventures by taking out a 90 degree wedge from a six and a half foot mexican fan palm log.
the plan is to use this as the corner piece on my bamboo tiki front yard fence. Here are the 3/4 of the log that are left:

I think that I will install it before I carve the tiki on it. That way, I cannot change my mind and sell it and never finish this home project. Here is the back side of the log. I will connect the fence cross beams to the edges to make the corner of the fence. Like a tiki pilaster-kind of.

I also have this cool looking six foot plus sliver left over:

Did some more work on this guy this afternoon:

I kind of like this one, so far...

I cannot figure out which is more important in carving: what you take away, or what you leave? This is what I have left over or still to do, which ever way you want to look at it.

TD: Sorry to hear of your stress, glad you're back around here. Good luck finding a new camera.
Benzart: I was injured for a few days. Had to stay away from my tools and TC so I wouldn't become inspired and not rest adequately. Doing a little better now...

Getting Better Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on 09/29/2006

Hey dude

Last night the wagon got its "San Diego Tiki Factory" sticker and one of your tiki stickers next to it. The bug copped one the splitty stickers and a tiki sticker too :) looks tops, Ill get some pics eventually... At least theyll be on there when we fire her up - hopefully in a couple of weeks! :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/29/2006

I really wanted to see GSP and Matt Hughes fight for the second time after GSP beat BJ Penn. Too bad George hurt himself training. I like the little of what I've seen of BJ in the past, but I was disappointed that he gassed against GSP in his loss to him a couple months back. I didn't really have a favorite between Hughes and Penn this weekend;I just wanted to see a good fight. Even up until right before the fight started, I still had no favorite.
The arena went dark, the camera cut to BJ walking out of his dressing room, and I saw the team shirts that BJ's crew came down in:

After seeing his choice of walkdown attire, he was obviously my choice to win the fight. Every molecule of my body wanted him to win that night. I've watched that fight about ten times now, and each time it gets harder for me to watch. That sucks that the Hawaiian guy with the tiki shirt lost. I still think Matt Hughes is cool;but, BJ is just way cooler, and way more tiki, in my opinion too.

I think: We, as Tiki Central participants, should adopt BJ Penn as our favorite fighter, from now on, because he wore a tiki shirt into the octagon-Thus solidifing the Tiki-UFC connection that I've been encouraging on this thread. Who else, other than a Hawaiian in a tiki shirt, could possibly be a better fighter for we, the Tiki and fighting enthusists to rally behind?

BJ Penn Fan Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/29/2006

On 2006-09-28 20:17, hewey wrote:
Hey dude

Last night the wagon got its "San Diego Tiki Factory" sticker and one of your tiki stickers next to it. The bug copped one the splitty stickers and a tiki sticker too :) looks tops, Ill get some pics eventually... At least theyll be on there when we fire her up - hopefully in a couple of weeks! :)

Cannot wait to see the pics!!! Good luck getting that thing running. Let me know if you need some more stickers to help hold that thing together...

hewey posted on 09/29/2006

On 2006-09-29 01:52, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2006-09-28 20:17, hewey wrote:
Hey dude

Last night the wagon got its "San Diego Tiki Factory" sticker and one of your tiki stickers next to it. The bug copped one the splitty stickers and a tiki sticker too :) looks tops, Ill get some pics eventually... At least theyll be on there when we fire her up - hopefully in a couple of weeks! :)

Cannot wait to see the pics!!! Good luck getting that thing running. Let me know if you need some more stickers to help hold that thing together...

It was dark and the sticker reads:

"yrotcaF ikiT ogeiD naS" :)

Benzart posted on 09/29/2006

Hey BayPark, I'm glad the injury wasn't too serious and that you are back to work. Your latest is looking great

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/30/2006

HEWEY says:

It was dark and the sticker reads:

"yrotcaF ikiT ogeiD naS" :)

It's like I'm there now. When I close my eyes, I can actually SEE it-except for the letters, that is. Strange, I think I hear GROG though...

Grogian Slip Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 09/30/2006

Benzart: Someone asked me if you were the guy from Florida who first put a pineapple on a tiki. Are you this man? Someone else asked me if you used to come to California "back in the day" about once a year with a trailer full of tikis that you used to sell . I do not know the answers to these questions. Should I try the search function before I ask you directly?

I didn't have time to carve today. Another sign means I can buy the fixtures for GMAN's room in my tiki island mansion though:

It's always interesting to see what people want on these signs. I found that the easiest way to cut the letters is with my handy 1" flat chisel. It helps to have a backstop to deflect and gather the smaller pieces.

The Big Time:
I got some more logs delivered today. Nice, big logs.
Here is a nine foot and seven foot log, which will become tikis one day:

Hiltiki: Lots of dimension :)

I also got another 9,8, and 7 footer. Along with a couple 6 footers and a couple small 5 and a half footers

Strange view from the perspective that a 5.5 foot log is "small." I now have enough logs in my yard - for the next few months at least. I'm guess I'm in the beginning stages of a large scale carvings phase.
Hey GROG, Do you want a big log?

Big Log Buzzy Out! Heh, heh...

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-09-29 23:00 ]

Benzart posted on 09/30/2006

Nice logs, only thing missing are the tikis.
Answer to both questions is NO.
No first Pineapple carve and no trailer loads of tikis to Socal.

GROG posted on 09/30/2006

GROG HAVE a big log.

Oh, do you mean a wooden log?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/04/2006

I wanted to carve today, but I didn't feel like working on this guy:

I wanted to "warm up", so I decided to carve that sliver I made a couple of days ago. I had no plan, just kind of winged it. I wanted to carve it fast, and not get hung up on it:

About an hour or so worth of work

Taking a break, how it looks now:

Eyes, head, and a little leg work and he'll be a runner

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...
Another custom sign that makes no sense to me:

This one has the three inch bamboo upgrade:

I used some black bamboo for the letters on these

The black bamboo was coated with clear. Before, I used to stain natural bamboo with wood stain and cover it with a spray on shellac. I like the look of the black bamboo better.

Buzzy Out!

McTiki posted on 10/04/2006

Makes total sense if you are prior ordnance folk:)

Kaboom Room or Tiki Bar it's all good.

Nice work Buzzy


McTiki (Former EOD Tikiphile)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/04/2006

McTiki: I picture in my imagination a group of friends, all together partying, and they have a drinking ritual: They all do a shot and yell "Kaboom!" and slam their glasses down. They have been doing the same ritual for years, probably started in high school. So, when they wanted a sign in their bar that echoes their drinking spirit, "kaboom" it was. Actually, I think it's for a liquor or sports drink that they promoting at a golf tournament later this month.
Your old job sounds like a blast(You've never heard that one!)

Couldn't sleep last night, so i did some more on this guy

It's carved out of a 6 foot 90 degree wedge.Here's how it looks from the side

...and the back

It will sit flush in a corner of a room or it may be a fence post in my front yard, time will tell...

I think last night was finally the turning point in the Buzzy vs. The Rats in the Kitchen war. Two more notches on my death tally added...
Rat Trapper Buzzy Out!

kingstiedye posted on 10/04/2006

that looks great with the bark still on. i can see him lurking in a corner taking in everything going on!

Benzart posted on 10/04/2006

Yeah, Cool in the corner tiki. Well done use of an Odd-ball size piece of wood that most people would have just thrown away. You're also getting pretty top knotch with those signs..

Tamapoutini posted on 10/04/2006

Great stuff! I swear Im going to have to 'go big' one of these days... Ditto what others have said, good idea on the corner piece & love the Bar signs (might have to wander the neighbourhood to pilfer some bamboo for my own kaboom-room...) T3

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/04/2006

KTD: He looks like a "lurker", doesn't he? I'm still trying to find when it is acceptable to leave the bark on. When I've tried in the past, it really didn't work out. This one is ok, I just have trouble with the knee pads. He looks like one of those hip hop fly girl dancer chicks. After seeing how it came out, I was thinking of doing two matching ones to be placed in the same room, kind of like a pair of giant wall frames, from floor to ceiling.

On 2006-10-04 12:37, Benzart wrote:
You're also getting pretty top knotch with those signs..

If I could just learn to carve stuff amazingly fast on a small scale, then I could actually do the tikis too...But, they need to be affordable. I think I need to get another tool, though. A small japanese pruning saw to make cleaner cuts on the black bamboo. Or maybe a band saw...

T3: I hear you're kind of new here on TC, and have been "making the rounds." Glad you dropped by. Funny what you say about going big: when I check out your stuff; Paipo, Gman, and Ben's too, I find myself swearing that I'll have to go small one day. Then I look at those big logs in my front yard...

Now for the big log in my back yard:
I was sufficently warmed up, so I went back to the challenges of this one's lower body

I'm working on the right side, his left, our right, all right.

More daylight and a lot more to do.

Carving a Big Log Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on 10/05/2006

This last guy is kool. Love the overall shape with the bottom flaring out :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/05/2006

Hewey: I cannot take credit for this log's shape; it actually grew naturally into that shape. I was feeling lazy, so I figured I'd just go with it to save time. I have the other side of the log still, and I am going to turn it over the other way for my next one...

Fell asleep last night before I posted the sunset update:
Here's the sunset

Here's the tiki as he appeared at sunset

October and November sunsets are always the best around these parts...

Lost One Whole Night of Work Buzzy Out!

Benzart posted on 10/05/2006

Hey Buzz, It took me awhile to figure how he was sitting, but once I opened my eyes I realized how cool a guy he really is. The sunset is gorgeous too!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/05/2006

Afternoon update:

More to go...
Buzzy Out

GROG posted on 10/06/2006

Why does he have testicles, but no penis?

Stiki Tiki posted on 10/06/2006

maybe a she-tiki? quite a camel toe going on there buzzy....

[ Edited by: stiki tiki 2006-10-06 06:53 ]

McTiki posted on 10/06/2006

Jacko Tiki!

Paipo posted on 10/06/2006

Looks like a sumo tiki to me - I like it! I like seeing log tikis that aren't perfectly parallel. I'm interested to know what's happening down below with this guy too.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/06/2006

Grog: It's stage 4 of 5 of male pattern baldness: Male extremeties fall off. Stage 5 is death...
Stiki: Yes, I call that pose "Camel Toe." I learned it on a segment of HBO's Real Sex(it's not porn, if it's a documentary about porn) about the Puppetry of The Penis Guys.
McTiki: Based on recent info you provided I guess that makes me one quarter MacBuzzy? Can we still be friends?
Paipo: I'm glad you're interested in what's going on down "there," just try not to stare...

If I make the feet smaller, flatter, and add lines, do they still look like sexual reproduction appendages?

Balls to Feet Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 10/07/2006

Looks like testicles in bondage to me!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/07/2006

Todays Sunset Update:

Hiltiki: Good Idea! I'll run with it.
Bondage Tiki

Vanilla Tiki:

A Sparkletts truck backed into my driver's side door today.
Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on 10/07/2006

Bondage tiki, now Ive seen everything! :)

Tiki Isle Luau posted on 10/07/2006

what is that in the middle...extra baggage...LOL

hiltiki posted on 10/07/2006

Buzzy, I think you should cut off the bondaged testies and carve a butt on the back. :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/09/2006

Tiki beach parties are so last season.
This season is all about pirates:

I've shown you guys tropical and mexican thatch. Here's one of the rarest types-Pirate thatch:

A little disco party is always good to liven up the night:
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Oh yeah, I carve stuff too. Here is something I finished sanding in between party hopping this weekend
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I will stain it tomorrow...
Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on 10/09/2006

arhhh! Pirate thatch! :)

Benzart posted on 10/09/2006

Buzz, it looks to me like you are having entiorely too much fun. Cut It OUT!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/09/2006

On 2006-10-09 07:07, Benzart wrote:
Buzz, it looks to me like you are having entirely too much fun. Cut It OUT!

Sorry. Now that I'm a Tiki Monk, I cannot break my lifelong vow of fun...

Staining Fun!
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Black Walnut Stain Fun!
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More sanding fun today!!!

Sun Loving, Fun Loving Buzzy Out!

Tiki Duddy posted on 10/09/2006

nicely done! great work. good color too

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/10/2006

After sanding for what seemed like an eternity,
I got this one stained, mere moments ago...
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It has some neat grain pattern to it
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I used cherry stain for this one
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Another Late Night at Work Buzzy Out!

hewey posted on 10/10/2006

da double tiki is kool :)

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Zaya posted on 10/11/2006

Hey Buzzy a "Few" logs were dropped off at my house today for you! I'm sure you're on your way over right now to pick them up!

Got Logs?
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You have some work to do!!


McTiki posted on 10/11/2006

I just got wood!


hewey posted on 10/11/2006

On 2006-10-10 17:07, Zaya wrote:
Hey Buzzy a "Few" logs were dropped off at my house today for you! I'm sure you're on your way over right now to pick them up!

Now that is an impressive haul! Wonder what the neighbours think? Buzzy if you are reading this stop and go out start carving - you need to clear some room for these guys!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 10/11/2006

Today's sunset, please do not look directly at it:
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I put some clear on these guys today:
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I like this grain pattern
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I want to get some good sunlight pictures of them. I ran out of time today. I had to watch a repeat of Ortiz beating Shamrock. Oh! That was live? You've seen one Ortiz beatdown of Shamrock by Ortiz, you've seen them all...How many commercials did I watch in 2 hours?

As for those logs at Zaya's:
So that's what 23 trees looks like. Looks like 60-80 logs. They estimated 80-100.
This picture is the "before" one for my upcoming career retrospective:
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Hewey: I think it would be easier to move my tarp and four poles and relocate the "factory" to the logs. If you look through the gate in this next picture, you can see my 65 vw bus stored in there. I could make that the new headquarters. I could then live in my bus, and be the crazy dude who lives in his car and carves tikis(actually, that sounds like a cliche)
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Zaya: Thanks for the pictures. saved me a trip up there. Before you start bringing those down here, can you strip them first? It would save me time and you are always offering to help. Feel free to use any of those you want. Pull out the ones that I can make into chairs first...

McTiki: I know the feeling...

Those Logs Left Me Speechless Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2006-10-11 02:06 ]

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4WDtiki posted on 10/11/2006

You're going to need a roll-off sized dumpster for all that husk!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/53266d9d5155a627e03b4195c4f7a3d9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Heath posted on 10/14/2006

Buzzy, my mildly psychotic or is it psychic abilities(I always get them mixed up) see this in your near future...

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My condolences on what you're about to endure.

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