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rejected by the cool kids

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PolynesianPop posted on 10/06/2006

Damn -- my Costco membership JUST expired too!

PolynesianPop posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 11:05, PolynesianPop wrote:
Damn -- my Costco membership JUST expired too!

But I still have AAA! :)

rodeotiki posted on 10/06/2006

Isnt it interesting how almost everyone replying on this thread is a Bali Hijinks participant.

Wow the Fish graces us with her comments , Now I feel like one of the cool kids.

Oooops , feelings gone.

[ Edited by: rodeotiki 2006-10-06 11:30 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 10:27, tikigreg wrote:

On 2006-10-06 09:54, ookoo lady wrote:
Costco membership is cool and exclusive?

Yes it is, but not as cool and exclusive as "Sam's Club"

Yeah but what about Fedco??

ookoo lady posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 11:05, PolynesianPop wrote:
But I still have AAA! :)

I forget, is that Alcoholics Anonymous or Automobile Association? I keep getting them mixed up.

freddiefreelance posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 11:06, PolynesianPop wrote:

On 2006-10-06 11:05, PolynesianPop wrote:
Damn -- my Costco membership JUST expired too!

But I still have AAA! :)

I have AAA-Plus! Woot!

freddiefreelance posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 11:10, The Sperm Whale wrote:

On 2006-10-06 10:27, tikigreg wrote:

On 2006-10-06 09:54, ookoo lady wrote:
Costco membership is cool and exclusive?

Yes it is, but not as cool and exclusive as "Sam's Club"

Yeah but what about Fedco??

I still have my old FedCo card, but no CostCo or Sams. :(

paranoid123 posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 11:09, rodeotiki wrote:
Isnt it interesting how almost everyone replying on this thread is a Bali Hijinks participant.

Curse those handsome devils!

Turbogod posted on 10/06/2006

On 2006-10-06 11:09, rodeotiki wrote:
Isnt it interesting how almost everyone replying on this thread is a Bali Hijinks participant.

Ahhh I'm sure the Scottish Clown doctors are way too busy to reply. BH is in no way affiliated with TC (ad
nauseum), so why bitch about it here? If I tried to become friends with on of the TC members on My Space
do I have a reason to complain here if they rejected my offer? Sometimes people prefer quality over quantity.
You know, from what I remember when I signed up, I got a rejection email.
Later, I found out the rejection letter was just a test. If you got the email and kept it to yourself, you got
a secret link to a magical HTML page filled with your hearts desires sent to you in
near a fortnight. But if you complained out loud to the entire world..... Well I
don't really know, I didn't do that, plus I followed the
rules and was sponsored by someone was already a member that a I knew. As far as I can tell,
you've got to look at it as an Insane Asylum. Maybe the it's not about gettin in, but about not getting out.

[ Edited by: turbogod 2006-10-06 13:33 ]

We aren't cool enough to have Costco here in Maine.

We just have BJ's Club.

And while that may SOUND cool, it's really the Toughskins of warehouse clubs.

(but since I boycott Sam's, it's all I got).


Kitty posted on 10/06/2006

Who's BJ?

Tangaroa posted on 10/06/2006

PolynesianPop posted on 10/06/2006

The coolest kids --

MachTiki posted on 10/06/2006

These guys were cool, yet uncool all at the same time.

PolynesianPop posted on 10/06/2006

Oh Yeah!!! How about these guys. They're even COOLER! Recognize anyone???

Jungle Trader posted on 10/06/2006

Yeah, isn't that you second from left Pop?

Jungle Trader posted on 10/06/2006

uh huh, and Brittney Spears front row right. Hey Pop, I'm only 6 posts behind you. See what happens when you go underground.

hewey posted on 10/07/2006

On 2006-10-06 12:44, Turbogod wrote:

On 2006-10-06 11:09, rodeotiki wrote:
Isnt it interesting how almost everyone replying on this thread is a Bali Hijinks participant.

Ahhh I'm sure the Scottish Clown doctors are way too busy to reply. BH is in no way affiliated with TC (ad
nauseum), so why bitch about it here? If I tried to become friends with on of the TC members on My Space
do I have a reason to complain here if they rejected my offer? Sometimes people prefer quality over quantity.
You know, from what I remember when I signed up, I got a rejection email.
Later, I found out the rejection letter was just a test. If you got the email and kept it to yourself, you got
a secret link to a magical HTML page filled with your hearts desires sent to you in
near a fortnight. But if you complained out loud to the entire world..... Well I
don't really know, I didn't do that, plus I followed the
rules and was sponsored by someone was already a member that a I knew. As far as I can tell,
you've got to look at it as an Insane Asylum. Maybe the it's not about gettin in, but about not getting out.

[ Edited by: turbogod 2006-10-06 13:33 ]

oooh, you have to be "worthy" to be signed up. whatever... (wheres a damn smiley rolling their eyes when you need one?)

Even amongst us nerds theres elitists...

And why not discuss BH on here? TC is for EVERYONE interested in tiki to discuss tiki and the tiki community. That includes other tiki websites and groups, like tiki magazine and other tiki forums...

Turbogod posted on 10/07/2006

On 2006-10-06 17:12, hewey wrote:

oooh, you have to be "worthy" to be signed up. whatever... (wheres a damn smiley rolling their eyes when you need one?)

Nope, just sarcastic. BTW they're right here. :roll:

tekoteko posted on 10/07/2006

On 2006-10-06 09:48, woofmutt wrote:
The "cool kid" groups I always encountered were mainly "cool" because they proclaimed themselves thus. By limiting access and interaction they kept their little cliques exclusive. For some reason their artificial status was desirable by those on the outside. I never got that, the "cool kids" were in general the least creative, interesting, or intelligent kids around. Usually they just had the "right" clothes and gossiped a lot.

Of course "cool kids' groups are alive and well in the grownup world. From private clubs to gated communities to Costco membership. And for some reason folks still want in. But exclusive groups know they need to remain exclusive because they pretty much can't hack it in the real world. It's kind of similar to being quarantined, but instead of the general population not wanting the disease to spread an exclusive population is terrified they may catch something.

I like the arrangement: Exclusivity is a mindset I'd rather not see spread. I'd rather see it kept in a gilded cage.

Costco is amazing. The best thing about costco though are the free samples. Beyond that it's a bunch of garbage you really don't have room for in your freezer, and you can't get rid of it for like a year afterwards. Sounds like a lot of fun.


badmojo posted on 10/07/2006

On 2006-10-06 17:12, hewey wrote:
And why not discuss BH on here? TC is for EVERYONE interested in tiki to discuss tiki and the tiki community. That includes other tiki websites and groups, like tiki magazine and other tiki forums...

I'm not quite sure why it keeps needing to be repeated, but here goes one more time.
BH IS NOT A TIKI SITE. Yes, we may occasionally talk Tiki but it is only ONE aspect of the site. Is Amazon a Tiki site because the sell The Book of Tiki?

woofmutt posted on 10/07/2006

I'm not quite sure why it keeps needing to be repeated...

Because everyone knows you'll repeat it and they love the way say it! So warm and folksy! Like a time in America that is now lost to us forever...


Hakalugi posted on 10/07/2006

On 2006-10-06 21:18, Hakalugi wrote:

On 2006-10-06 20:53, woofmutt wrote:
I'm not quite sure why it keeps needing to be repeated...

Because everyone knows you'll repeat it and they love the way say it! So warm and folksy! Like a time in America that is now lost to us forever...


it's not lost. It's just a little different:

procinema29 posted on 10/07/2006

On 2006-10-05 17:24, Tangaroa wrote:
I used to go to Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm with a cassette recorder, so I could record the rides and listen to them at home. I did this with the film Ghostbusters as well.

I still do stuff like that. I know it's geeky. But I love it!

tikijaksin posted on 10/09/2006

yeah yup you guys are all dorks i wouldnt let you in my club either...and my club is mighty dorky but no, no way you guys are all losers .

Kon-Hemsby posted on 10/09/2006

On 2006-10-06 18:54, badmojo wrote:

On 2006-10-06 17:12, hewey wrote:
And why not discuss BH on here? TC is for EVERYONE interested in tiki to discuss tiki and the tiki community. That includes other tiki websites and groups, like tiki magazine and other tiki forums...

I'm not quite sure why it keeps needing to be repeated, but here goes one more time.
BH IS NOT A TIKI SITE. Yes, we may occasionally talk Tiki but it is only ONE aspect of the site. Is Amazon a Tiki site because the sell The Book of Tiki?

So now you're saying that Amazon ISN'T tiki? I beg to differ, do you forget that they also sell Beachbum Berry's book, or isn't that tiki enough for ya?

I personally have never had any problems with Amazon and they've accepted my book orders every time, without checking my tiki credentials, impressive as they are.

foamy posted on 10/09/2006

Whoa! Children, play nice or I'm going to have to separate you! Oh... nevermind.

hiltiki posted on 10/09/2006

You know I have never been to this BH site so I just clicked on to see what is going on here and it has a Tiki Bob mug on the front with the name Bali and hijinks on both sides of the tiki mug. So at least it looks like they know about the Tiki culture, and could possibly be a Tiki friendly site. Or are they????
Hey I just checked again it has a back ground with hula dancers and stuff like that.

[ Edited by: hiltiki 2006-10-09 07:45 ]

Rum Numb Davey posted on 10/12/2006

Look Fellas..we all have our awkward 7th Grade Fashion disaster stories! After I posted this initial thread I received a follow-up email telling me to quit whining to Hanford!? Whatever the hell that means?

Then I was told I did not meet the criteria? No one on Bali HiJinks knows me at all. Let's be genuine and frank here on this point. NOBODY knows anyone really on this site with the exception of the tiki cult in California comprised of artists, pop culture vendors, web designers, bartenders, tiki culture persona's, etc. Perhaps the same point can be made for Florida. Perhaps many people have jobs that allow them to trek to all the little Tiki Woodstock's each year, and they met TCers there. Unfortunately, I do not and when I do get vacation time I am sucking down Mai Tais in Maui or drinking shells of Kava in Vanuatu.
The majority of TC is comprised of fly-over yokels from points abroad. This site is our UN that allows us to congregate and keep tiki-fellowship alive.

The other point that Bali HiJinks is NOT a tiki site. How the hell do you know what it is? It is closed for investigation. It is dressed up like a Tiki site, and has many Tiki enthusiasts on its boards.

What really got my ire up was PJ's assertion that I am networking on TC for personal business contacts. That is ridiculous and absolutely absurd coming from someone who definitely profited from TC and it's members. My business as a wine and spirits broker is limited to the TRADE. I work for global suppliers and producers to American Importers and Distributors. There is nothing I gain from TC members, and in spite of dozens of emails from TC members for certain liquors; primarily exotic rums, I have never violated my Federal License to sell direct to consumers! Plus, I move product by pallets and containers, not bottles or cases which is a waste of time I do not have.

When I pitched my Johnson's Whisky Tot, it was a gift to serious brown spirits lovers on the site. I sold it to them at wholesale cost, which is a generous and friendly thing to do to people I don't even know! I know them from their TC name and our shared appreciation of all things Tiki. Those tots are hand blown Italian crystal that are $25.00 each wholesale. The MSRP is $50.00 each, and I think I sold 12 to TC members. I sold 860 at full retail at the Malt Advocate Whisky Expo in Chicago, so I dare say TC is commercial platform for me.

PJ also asserted that the two sites TC and BH are unrelated, I agree and now that I know more of the BH venture I am fine with their assertion that I don't belong. By the way, I wore some old OP Beach Jams to a staff barbecue for my restaurant this summer, and my 20-something Scottsdale staff thought I was cool. I felt like Vincent Chase from Entourage, but my wife told me I looked like a dork.

PaperWallet posted on 10/12/2006


DawnTiki posted on 10/13/2006

Let me preface this with how hard I tried to ignore this post! I loved that so many TC'ers and BH'ers tried to defuse a stupid post with humor. I'm apologizing to TC for not being able to just let it go.

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

After I posted this initial thread I received a follow-up email telling me to quit whining to Hanford!? Whatever the hell that means?
**So what was your point in bringing your beef with being denied on BH to Tiki Central? Taking up bandwidth here just to vent...seems more like sour grapes to me. I know plenty of people on TC who don't care what is going on on BH and if they aren't members why should they? **

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

Then I was told I did not meet the criteria?
** You didn't... so what...move on! There are plenty of other "tiki" related sites on the web.
I've been denied from one or two of them myself, did I "TITTY BABY" it over here? NO!!! Big deal. Go cry about it somewhere else!**

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

No one on Bali HiJinks knows me at all.
**But you do have a little bit of a track record over here, did ya ever consider that just maybe that spoke for itself? **

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

PJ's assertion that I am networking on TC for personal business contacts. That is ridiculous and absolutely absurd coming from someone who definitely profited from TC and it's members

**How small and petty does a person have to be?!? To be able to throw one of the truly unselfish, generous moments on TC in our faces and TRY to make it something other than what it was. A brilliant, honest to goodness collaboration to get help to someone who needed it. AND get a nice mug too! To have seen TC as a group get together and offer "REAL" help to someone who was in such a state that she COULDN'T say no, even if her pride wanted her to. To throw that in her face and call it profit? (edited out unnecessary, mean spirited insult)
Welp, I guess there goes my grand membership! But I will NOT let anyone paint the Hurricane Katrina Mug as something that was ugly. People stepped up too the plate and tried to do something good and decent, offering help to someone who had lost everything. How nice it must be to be you! I wish I had such courage to stand in sanctamonious judgement!

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

My business as a wine and spirits broker is limited to the TRADE. I work for global suppliers and producers to American Importers and Distributors. There is nothing I gain from TC members, and in spite of dozens of emails from TC members for certain liquors; primarily exotic rums, I have never violated my Federal License to sell direct to consumers! Plus, I move product by pallets and containers, not bottles or cases which is a waste of time I do not have.
When I pitched my Johnson's Whisky Tot, it was a gift to serious brown spirits lovers on the site. I sold it to them at wholesale cost, which is a generous and friendly thing to do to people I don't even know! I know them from their TC name and our shared appreciation of all things Tiki. Those tots are hand blown Italian crystal that are $25.00 each wholesale. The MSRP is $50.00 each, and I think I sold 12 to TC members. I sold 860 at full retail at the Malt Advocate Whisky Expo in Chicago, so I dare say TC is commercial platform for me.

[b]It's sort of funny, you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself had you not brought your petty little bruised feelings to discuss here, on TC in the first place.**

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

I wore some old OP Beach Jams to a staff barbecue for my restaurant this summer, and my 20-something Scottsdale staff thought I was cool. I felt like Vincent Chase from Entourage, but my wife told me I looked like a dork.

I bet I'd like your wife!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2006-10-14 20:21 ]

Humuhumu posted on 10/13/2006

I was under the impression that RDN was referring to PJ's selling of her Purple Jade Tiki products.

DawnTiki posted on 10/13/2006

On 2006-10-12 18:42, Humuhumu wrote:
I was under the impression that RDN was referring to PJ's selling of her Purple Jade Tiki products.

The point of my post was "WHY BRING IT HERE?" I don't care that he wasn't allowed on BH. It's PJ's site, she runs it how she sees fit, just like Hanford does here. Maybe it's just me. Maybe everyone else digs drama like "Landrygate" and the lame ass yammerings about all the big bad kids over on Bali HiJinks. It just seems sad and small. I mean WHO CARES! Where's the tiki anymore man? Where's the tiki?

Edited because I misspelled "Laundrygate" to "Landrygate"...

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2006-10-12 19:44 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 10/13/2006

On 2006-10-05 12:59, Rum Numb Davey wrote:

I am not upset, nor do I have any axe to grind with anyone of the mysterious moderators, who decided my online participation fate.

.... bullshit ....

I know my .02 don't matter (take a lead from that RDN) but I agree with Dawn.

powerofthetiki posted on 10/13/2006

On 2006-10-12 18:55, DawnTiki wrote:

On 2006-10-12 18:42, Humuhumu wrote:
I was under the impression that RDN was referring to PJ's selling of her Purple Jade Tiki products.

It just seems sad and small. I mean WHO CARES! Where's the tiki anymore man? Where's the tiki?

Edited because I misspelled "Laundrygate" to "Landrygate"...

[ Edited by: DawnTiki 2006-10-12 19:44 ]

It is hard to show that you care when you don't

Turbogod posted on 10/13/2006

On 2006-10-12 09:58, Rum Numb Davey wrote:
NOBODY knows anyone really on this site with the exception of the tiki cult in California comprised of artists, pop culture vendors, web designers, bartenders, tiki culture persona's, etc. Perhaps the same point can be made for Florida. Perhaps many people have jobs that allow them to trek to all the little Tiki Woodstock's each year, and they met TCers there.

Speak for yourself. I have met many people here on TC, face to face, and have gotten to know them quite well. It started through meeting fellow TC members in my area. When I went out of town on business. I met other members who showed me Tiki hospitality in their towns, ManicCat, TikiChris and Inky. I did the same when others came to my area, Ms. Formikahini. I've only been to 2 "events" in four years and I've met some real people that I regularly talk to. I could care less about your IQ, how much money you make or how you spend your vacation time. Why are so many BHers responding here with humor? Because that's our primary focus, hence HIJINKS. WE'VE GOT A SENSE OF HUMOR. Some of our Canadian membere even have a sense of Humour. WE ARE NOT "24 HOUR" Tiki. There are other sites that are "actually tiki" that are exclusive, maybe one of those would have you as a member. God help them if you don't get in there either. I just think with your 164 IQ you'd know what happens when you ASSUME.

"I am not upset, nor do I have any axe to grind with anyone of the mysterious moderators, who decided my online participation fate. Frankly, it won't make or enhance my fondness for Tiki culture either way."

Then why did you start this bashing thread in the first place?

Oh Yeah, and I agree with Dawn also.

[ Edited by: Turbogod 2006-10-12 20:46 ]

mrs. pineapple posted on 10/13/2006

On 2006-10-12 18:42, Humuhumu wrote:
I was under the impression that RDN was referring to PJ's selling of her Purple Jade Tiki products.

I was under the impression that RND was pissing and moaning on TC because PJ won't let him play in her sandbox. He perpetuates petty internet drama because someone said NO to him, and he wants everyone here to pile on PJ and BH.

Rum Numb - Maybe she should post all the nice things you said to her in your application to BH, about your ohana at TC, and we'll see how much sympathy you get from your bro's. Your reputation at TC preceded you, that's why you weren't allowed to join. You obviously have no sense of humor, that's another reason.

Of course now that TC is full of the right people, it got dragged into Shout and it went on and on and people who know absolutely NOTHING about PJ and BaliHijinks felt like it was ok to trash her, and speculate on what is essentially a bunch of former TC'ers having a laugh. Monkeyman and Rodeo came back and told you all how awful and mean we were, and that we sit around and make fun of you. Whatever. How old are you guys?

Jesus H Christ, you people are taking the interwebs and yourselves, and your self proclaimed importance so seriously. Instead of piling on PJ and BaliHijinks, and obsessing over who is talking about you over there, why don't you take a walk, breathe some fresh air, and get some perspective. It's the fucking internet.

Walk away from Tiki Central for a few months, and you'll find out who your real friends are, not your imagined interweb friends. Maybe instead on glomming onto some made up sick child who doesn't exist, or pouting over destroyed paper wallets, you can actually get a life.

I'm SO happy that all the RIGHT people on TC these days.

hanford and humu - you can put the little line through my user name, it would be an honor to be excluded from this club!

woofmutt posted on 10/13/2006

Where's the tiki anymore man? Where's the tiki? -Dawn Tiki-

This has long been a question on Tiki Central, generally asked by those who get too focused on one small aspect of a rather large site.*****

In answer to the question you will find Tiki here:

General Tiki


Creating Tiki


Collecting Tiki

And here:

Tiki Marketplace

Those are just the hard Tiki topics, there are many others that touch on all aspects of the wide wonderful world of Tiki. Come! Whine less, explore more!

*****(I seriously doubt this is the case with Dawn Tiki as I happen to know she has excellent focus partly due to her owning a small share in a large Beverly Hills Ford Focus dealership. Ford Focus: Feel the American Road.)

hewey posted on 10/13/2006

Hey, Woofmutt has a sense of humour. I reckon he can get into BH... :)

Of course now that TC is full of the right people, it got dragged into Shout and it went on and on and people who know absolutely NOTHING about PJ and BaliHijinks felt like it was ok to trash her, and speculate on what is essentially a bunch of former TC'ers having a laugh. Monkeyman and Rodeo came back and told you all how awful and mean we were, and that we sit around and make fun of you. Whatever. How old are you guys

so we arent allowed to talk about BH on here, either in this thread or in shout, but you guys sit around and make fun of us, and thats okay? oh, thats because you do it with a sense of humour... :)

Jesus H Christ, you people are taking the interwebs and yourselves, and your self proclaimed importance so seriously. Instead of piling on PJ and BaliHijinks, and obsessing over who is talking about you over there, why don't you take a walk, breathe some fresh air, and get some perspective. It's the fucking internet.

so why are BH folks getting so worked up about TC folks talking about TC?

I'm SO happy that all the RIGHT people on TC these days.

Well TC is open to EVERYBODY! I cant say so much for BH, where you are selected to join. Which is the site full of self-importance?

Al-ii posted on 10/13/2006

Al-ii:Dawn is the MAN
Tiki Kate: Love you Dawn. Get down with your righteous indignant self.

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/13/2006

breathe some fresh air, and get some perspective.
Gretchen, with all due respect, you may wanna take a bit of your own advice. You're seem pretty damned worked up. It's just a website. One that you don't even participate in anymore. Why do you even care?

pouting over destroyed paper wallets

Man, if I only knew who started that paper wallet topic. Perhaps you can ask your husband and see if he knows :wink:


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-10-12 23:10 ]

Kon-Hemsby posted on 10/13/2006

Hanford can you lock this now, it's getting kinda boring.


hanford_lemoore posted on 10/13/2006

I normally try very hard not to get the last word in before locking a topic becuase I don't think it's fair. But in this case, I have PMed with many who contributed to this and I think it's over, so it's locked now.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-10-13 18:46 ]

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