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Tiki Guitar wall hanging

Pages: 1 2 replies

FlatEarthTrading posted on 10/09/2006

Slowly but surely we're photgraphing and posting dozens on Tiki products this week. We just uncrated some cool Tiki electric guitars that are perfect for your tiki bar or room. They are about 2 feet long and retail for $30.00.

You can see them here...http://www.flatearthtrading.com/servlet/the-144/Tiki-Stratocaster-Guitar-wall/Detail


[ Edited by: FlatEarthTrading 2006-10-09 16:51 ]

TIKI-TONGA posted on 10/10/2006

Those are great! The merging of Rock & Roll and Tiki. Love em!

ChopSueySisters posted on 10/12/2006

Holy moly! Beautiful

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