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Kahiki Mosaic & other new works... (page 8)

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cheeky half posted on 02/28/2006

Hi Everybody,

Our mosaics have been spread out over a few different posts in a few different categories so Mr cheeky half and I wanted to condense it into one thread where we will post updates and new artwork.

Speaking of which, we have just completed this mosaic skateboard for the "Self Propelled" art show at A StuART Gallery. We wanted to share it with the tc gang first......

The rest of our mosaics can be viewed at http://www.velvetglass.com if you haven't already seen them.

cheeky half

[ Edited by: cheeky half 2008-05-02 11:12 ]

[ Edited by: cheeky half 2008-07-14 08:52 ]

[ Edited by: cheeky half 2008-08-11 15:49 ]

[ Edited by: cheeky half 2008-09-30 15:10 ]

[ Edited by: cheeky half 2009-06-21 12:08 ]

Sam Gambino posted on 03/01/2006

This is a cool, one of a kind piece. Great going cheeky half...

cheeky half posted on 03/01/2006

Thanks Sam! We are looking forward to the show and the opportunity to meet any other tc'ers who will be attending.

hewey posted on 03/07/2006

Thats an awesome piece of art - beautiful. The whole image just pops and flows and, and... its just cool.

cheeky half posted on 03/14/2006

Hey Hewey, thank you for the kind words. We are starting to put our artwork "out there" and it's nice to get feedback on it.

Mr cheeky half and I just got back from L.A. where we had a great time and met some very cool tc'ers. The Tiki Ti is unequalled in atmosphere and drink quality. I would like to warn other out of towners, such as myself, about a nice man at the bar that might suggest ordering a Jimmy's Special. Just smile politely and order a Mai Tai. The JS is a fine drink, it's just that you might not remember it in the morning.

cheeky half

Monkeyman posted on 03/14/2006

Nicely done. I really like the detail around the mouth of the tiki.

Looks like a meticulous artform.

Clysdalle posted on 03/14/2006

This deck is even better in person....I checked it out at the self-propelled show this past weekend and this picture just does it no justice. Great stuff....I love the mamba piece you had there too!!

cheeky half posted on 03/15/2006

Cheers Monkeyman and Clysdalle! It is a very meticulous artform that tends to look better in person.

suburbanpagan posted on 03/15/2006

Hey Cheeky! It was great meeting you at the gallery! I hope you guys had a great time visiting out here and will be back for many more shows!

cheeky half posted on 03/16/2006

It was great to meet you too, suburbanpagan. We did have a lot of fun in L.A. Christian and his family are lovely people. Hopefully, with luck and fingers crossed, we'll be back. Besides we still have to hit Sunday night at the Lucky Tiki.

cheeky half posted on 04/24/2006

Mr cheeky half and I created this mosaic for the Kon Tiki. We performed sacred rituals and sacrificed a vintage mug then added flickering tiki torches for ambiance.


the cheeky half's

Benzart posted on 04/24/2006

Cheeky Half, you have some Awesome artwork there, The first is really unbelievable and beautiful. The second is Just as spectacular. Yours looks like the type of art you can produce in about 2 days ,, Plus about 2 months. AWESOME.
Bring it ON.

Monkeyman posted on 04/24/2006


How did I miss that one..


Swamp Fire posted on 04/24/2006

Awsome Kon Tiki piece Cheeky! Love the 3-D addition with the mug and torches.
I've had the pleasure of seeing Cheekys mosaics in person and they are the coolest pieces I've seen. Great job!

Bete posted on 04/24/2006

Those mosaics look just awesome!

cheeky half posted on 04/24/2006

Many thanks to you all for the compliments.

Benzart, unfortunately you're pretty close on the time estimate. We are trying to train monkeys to help us out, but they just sit there drinking their Mai Tai's and laughing at us.

cheeky half

cheeky half posted on 07/05/2006

Here are a couple more mosaics that we recently finished. Hope you enjoy them. Larger pics can be viewed on our site http://www.velvetglass.com .

We are working on getting cards and prints made that will be available on the website.


Bali Hai

Monkeyman posted on 07/05/2006

Absolutely lovely.

I was thrilled to get an up close look at your body of work while visiting in Tucson.

The Bali Hai is super cool.

cheeky half posted on 07/05/2006

Thanks Monkeyman. We enjoyed having you. I'm still looking forward to having a monkeypod out of my very own monkeyman monkeymug. hint, hint. nudge, nudge.

Tikiwahine posted on 07/05/2006

Your creations are simply amazing!
I'd like to give mosaic work a try, thank you for giving us a glimpse of what true masters can create!

Monkeyman posted on 07/05/2006

nobody puts more blood (wink wink nudge nudge say no more know what I mean), sweat, and tears into their craft than the cheeky tiki's.

SF Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/75ccd1c465e92f923a3d65048b9b20c0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Like Monkeyman I to have see these in person ... STUNNING!!!

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Those are gorgeous! I'm especially partial to the Bali Hai. Very, very nice. I'd love to give it a home!

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Tikiwahine, thank you for the very kind words. You should give the mosaic thing a go. If you have any questions about the process we can try to help you out.

GatorRob, cheers for the comps. Bali Hai isn't for sale right now, but if you like, I could put you on our mailing list so that you'll know when it does go up for sale.

Swamp Fire and Monkeyman, you guys are great. Thank you for the continued interest in our (bloodletting) endeavors, it means a great deal to us.

cheeky half

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On 2006-07-06 08:09, cheeky half wrote:
GatorRob, cheers for the comps. Bali Hai isn't for sale right now, but if you like, I could put you on our mailing list so that you'll know when it does go up for sale.

Please do. Email address is on my profile page.

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Good to go GatorRob. I'll keep you posted.

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Well we've finally done it! Our original mosaics are at last for sale. You can also purchase prints, notecards and coasters at our website http://www.velvetglass.com

Thanks to the many of you who have made inquiries and requests concerning our artwork. It gives us the warm fuzzies to know that you appreciate our efforts.


Maggie n' Mark

Mmmmmm......... warm fuzzies

QK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/34828dec0472b917996ea2af4420097a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

absolutely amazing, I bet with some light behind it, it is stunning!


W Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/102362fa02eae8bc530f9b9bfb1654f3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! Congratulations!! Everything you have for sale looks Awesome. Good Luck to you with your new adventure :)

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harro posted on Mon, Sep 18, 2006 8:29 PM

absolutely unreal website!!! i just looked thru every pic of every piece on every page and each one was better than the last!! amazing stuff. I can't decide which i like the best!! it's a pity us folk on the wrong side of the world can't get to appreciate them in person... maybe i will have to order the cards or the coasters as consolation..

well done!

SF Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/75ccd1c465e92f923a3d65048b9b20c0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Fantastic site guys!! Got my cards and coasters and they are top notch quality. I will start saving for an original mosaic, I just hope the one I want does not sell before then.

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Well it be Pirate Day so here goes.....

Avast to all ye kindly folk. Cap'n Cheeky and his wench are chuffed that ye all like our glassys so much. We be special happy that lubbers like our old friend Swampy Fire is happy with his stash of Velvety booty in the gleaming form o' some shiny cards and coasters. And to folks on the "wrong" side of the world.....we have a big pirate vessel just itching for a voyage (Well actually we don't, but I wanted to cheer ye up).

WooHoo to ye missy woohoo. And to ye Madame Queen Kamehameha. It shivers me timbers to know ye all enjoy our glassys.

And in a non-piratical voice.....

We just realised there was a bad link on our Gallery page so if anyone had trouble trying to check out our "For Sale' stuff, it should all work properly now.

The young feller who built that websitethingy should be flogged and keelhauled!

Ahoy and Mahalo

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/22a71d691c8821c2e5176808e5acc100?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Your prints, cards, coasters and original artwork is incredible!!! Too bad not everyone can see it in person!!! You would have more orders than you'd know what to do with! I gave a coaster set as a birthday gift and was told it was the best gift they'd recieved! The cards are sooooo cool I don't want to give them away!!!! So, I guess I'll have to buy some more!

If anyone hasn't checked out Mark and Maggie's work....Do it now!

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks for the kindly words Soccer. Glad you and your Birthday pal liked the coasters.
In a week or so we'll have some new original work to show. Stay tuned.....


CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

We've been trying our hand at making smaller more portable mosaics and this is what we've come up with.... belt buckles.

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We've got a lot more buckles (not all tiki) on our website here http://www.velvetglass.com/tikipages/Mosaics2/beltbuckles.html

and here's a peek at a new, not so wearable mosaic.

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Mr and Mrs cheeky half

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hewey posted on Thu, Nov 2, 2006 6:15 PM

I hadnt checked this thread since the 'board. Freaking awesome! Especially love the dancing flame woman with the natives dancing around, being overwatched by 2 moai! Just checking out the website now :)

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill


It seems Fire, Women and Tikis feature a fair bit in our work. Just when I vow to make one with none of those ingredients they keep pulling me back in.
Kinda like Pacino in The Godfather 3.

Cheeky Half

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On 2006-11-02 19:48, cheeky half wrote:

It seems Fire, Women and Tikis feature a fair bit in our work. Just when I vow to make one with none of those ingredients they keep pulling me back in.
Kinda like Pacino in The Godfather 3.

Cheeky Half

if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cb732f34095f89ddbae6f64ba91d13ba?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

'Flaming Tiki Women' !!!

I want first dibs on that creation! :D GREAT stuff from da Cheeky Half ! SsweeetT!



? Do two halfs' make a whole cheeky ?

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Aloha! Great site! You have very cool works in it!! I specially like The Kon Tiki & The Mambo pieces,congrats!!

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill


" ? Do two halfs' make a whole cheeky ? "

Two Cheeky Half's make up a whole cheek, but that doesn't necessarily make us half-assed.....

Clarita, Your candles are fantastic! Sorry we hadn't seen them before.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0a2d5db941264875e849bc96d49a0a8f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks a lot cheeky half!! I really appreciate the opinion coming from such a creative person!!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Half-assed or not, Y'all have some Hot stuff on your site. The new Belt Buckles are downrite Awesome. Well done!

CH Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c313e9f8a4b98a9e1b1843c92be3f26a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

We are very proud to announce that we will be vending, for the first time ever, at the Mondo Lounge Atomic Frolic event in Las Vegas. Please come by and see us, we'll have some new pieces and the Lapu's will be flowing.

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Love the tassles, can they swing in opposition? :o


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:o M&M YOU ROCK!!! :o Now where's my wad of singles?

:music: :music: Pink Champagne :music: Bumps & Grinds :music: :music:

Flip-flOp-fLipPp... :drink:

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Here's our newest mosaic, Miss Exotica.

For those interested, we've added a few items available for sale on our web site including new belt buckles and prints. We are also working on light boxes which will be available soon. http://www.velvetglass.com/tikipages/forsale.html

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Hope you like it.

Mr. & Mrs. Cheeky Half

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