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In Search Of Halloween Moai

Pages: 1 10 replies

sumu posted on 10/14/2006

I'm looking for a cheap styrofoam or plastic easter island heads that I can paint orange and put on my lawn for halloween - so they gotta be on the larger side.

Anyone got any ideas?

Mick a lick a hi micka hiney ho!

[ Edited by: sumu 2006-10-13 18:40 ]

teaKEY posted on 10/14/2006

its Moai, no ideas

Humuhumu posted on 10/14/2006

I've only got two ideas, and they're terrible:

  1. Get a big block of styrofoam and carve it yourself -- a terrible idea, because you'll end up with hateful white balls all over your house.

  2. Create a mold and create your own molded styrofoam moai -- I saw it on Mr. Wizard when I was a kid, so it can't be that hard, but I don't know where you get the supplies. I suspect you'd still wind up with hateful white balls all over your house, and you'd have to find or make a mold.

If I happen to see something, I'll let you know!

LavaCakes posted on 10/14/2006

Well, I was going to try this for our halloween fonduau, but I didn't get around to it...go to the hardware store, get some sono tubing (I think it is called; it is the big cardboard tubing you use for making cement pillars), then paper mache the face on, or,if you want to carve the styrofoam, sandwich a bunch of the pink insulation kind together (NOT the kind made with little white balls, the smoother stuff) just with glue (and lots of weight on top for a couple of days). It carves great with an electric carving knife, or saw or just about anyting. I did do this to make a giant gopher head once, and it works really well. Actually, it occurs to me that a combination of these two would work best, with styrofoam features glued on the tubing. Hope this helps.

sumu posted on 10/14/2006

thanks for the advice!

VanTiki posted on 10/15/2006

A great way to carve the white Styrofoam is with a hot wire - a company called "foam factory" makes an affordable set, and if you search for hot wire/hot knife foam cutters you will find a lot more tools (some rather pricey). I've made a bunch of Halloween goodies for my yard with my hot wire and the mess is really easy to clean (no foam snow). just be sure to use it outside or in a well ventilated area, as it can get a bit stinky


VonTiki posted on 10/15/2006

[ Edited by: VonTiki 2006-10-14 22:03 ]

VonTiki posted on 10/15/2006

I could carve you one out of palm, and you can use it every year!!

MauiTiki posted on 10/15/2006

Papier Mache is the way to go, it's easy and lightweight.

Take a look at my Tiki costumes!


LavaCakes posted on 10/16/2006

Holy Moly, MauiTiki! Those are crazy fabulous!!!

MauiTiki posted on 10/17/2006

Pages: 1 10 replies