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Headhunter Lounge in Knoxville?

Pages: 1 4 replies

SouthBamaTiki posted on 10/17/2006

I will be in Chattanooga in a couple of weeks. I've seen a webpage for the Headhunter Lounge in Knoxville and a couple of older posts on here about it. Can anyone give me info about it? Is it open, and where is it located?

TikiLaLe posted on 10/18/2006

This is just a wild guess,Tennesee. Maybe somebody else will chime in .

pablus posted on 10/18/2006

The Headhunter Lounge is a dream within a mystery.

It is the hope of Swanky, and the website was put together for the purpose of enticing investors and enthusiasts to bring it to pass.

There is a serious Tiki Lounge in Knoxville. It's the Hapa Haole Hideaway and if you beg enough on this thread you may get an invitation. It's swank and the drinks are spectacular, albeit a bit sweet, and the cost is merely a bottle of Martinique Rum.

Swanky posted on 10/18/2006


The plan is there before us. The riches are for the taking. I am ready to be the conduit to bring forth the tiki. The pieces are not there. I have a mighty tiki gang ready to make a fantastic tiki temple...

In the meantime, there is my little Hideaway.

SouthBamaTiki posted on 10/18/2006

Ahhh..that explains it all then :) Thank you so much for the info, guys! As for the Hapa Haole Hideaway...wow...I am way impressed!!!! I hope to buy a house in the next year or so and, with any luck, include a tiki bar. Now I have a legend to live up to!!

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